Here are the relevant images from this episode of FW Team-Up!
Highlights from Eminem | The Punisher, by Fred Van Lente and Salvador Larroca:
The Punisher shows up and Slim Shady rag dolls out of the way:
The Punisher gets chumped!
Barracuda throws Eminem overboard.
Eminem walks away from the whole affair and finds a fan (who’s already listening to the new album).
The Unfriendly Farewell (well, it could be worse):
The Eminem cover of Mighty Avengers #3:
The XXL Magazine cover:
Theme: “Batman: The Brave and the Bold” by Andy Sturmer.
Bonus clips from: “Killshot”, “My Name Is”, “Brain Damage”, “Without Me”, “Lose Yourself”, “Rap God” by Eminem; “River” by Eminem, feat. Ed Sheeran; and “Dr West Skit” by Eminem, feat. Dominic West.