oHOTmu or NOT Ep.19: Chief Examiner to Clea

A video game character. A primeval demon and author. Deadly fun under the Big Top. And a queen with a crown of fire. Which are Hot, and which are Not? Find out from our panel of Lovely Ladies as we wrap up issue 2 of the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), Amélie (AmyUltraViolet) and Shotgun.

Listen to Episode 19 below (the usual mature language warnings apply), or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!

Relevant images and further credits at: oHOTmu or NOT ep.19 Supplemental

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19 responses to “oHOTmu or NOT Ep.19: Chief Examiner to Clea

  1. The girls seemed extra giggly this episode, which wasn’t a bad thing, of course. You had some real morts in this one, outside of Clea.

    Did you guys notice the Chief Examiner (did he give up gaming and become a gynecologist?) has only 3 stubby fingers and a thumb in his stardust-afro pic, yet in his main fish-bowled image he has the 4 long fingers and a thumb? Weird. Sorry you bought into that series of comics AND games Siskoid. I only had the Spidey issue.

    I always thought Cthon looked like DC’s Darkseid moonlighting at Marvel. Oh wait, that’s Thanos! I was expecting to you guys to go into “Shaka Khan, Shaka Khan”, but the girls are probably way too young for that joke.

    I think Lady Python from The Circus of Crime gets her own entry. Can’t wait to hear what the girls think of her and the Ringmaster.

    As expected Clea was a hit with the girls, and why not? She’s a great character, and looks great here. Not even her 80s shoulder pads came under fire…but I guess those are back after Lady Gaga’s appearance as Marvel’s Dazzler at the Super Bowl. Speaking of which, that discussion should prove interesting…and it’s pretty not far away!

    Perfect way to brighten up a hum-drum Tuesday. Thanks girls and Siskoid!


  2. I get why the ladies felt the need to see Chief Examiner’s afro of light, but having now seen it I prefer the helmet on. Sure, he looks like Mysterio going through a goth phase, but I kind of dig the mystery of it. I mean really, thanks to the long nails and the not speaking, you can’t even be certain of gender until you got up close and personal. That weirds some folks out, I get it. I find it fun. Because I’m odd like that. Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve usually gravitated towards faceless characters… oh my god I just realized I’d totally be one of those “leave the costume on” people if I ever got cozy with these characters.

    Chthon… Lovecraftian name, Kirbyesque look, boringish character. Pass.

    The Circus of Crime… so much “not.” A tidal wave of “not.” Maybe I could at least grab a drink with Fire-Eater. I think I spotted him at the Folsom Street Fair one year (Google at your own risk.)

    Thank GOD Clea comes in at the end to cleanse the pallet of that Circus of Not. Loved her at first sight. Love the colors, love the hair and I’d SO steal those leggings in the morning before she woke up. And after being sold on the look you tell me she’s got dark family history (“Hey baby, I’m from the Dark Dimension”) and to top it off she’s rebelling against her asshole dad??? Fucking SOLD!

    Also super flattered that it was suggested I come on the show. Maybe if I ever manage to get up there for the Montreal Burlesque festival (like I keep meaning to, every damn year) I can stop by.

  3. I knew Clea would be an across-the-board winner. Not only is she a great character, but her listing was drawn by the great Paul Smith, who tended to draw women in much more realistic proportions than typically seen in superhero comics. Add in Clea’s fashion sense and it’s a surefire home run.

    I was very disappointed that Rachel MacAdams played a fairly useless character in the movie instead of Clea, maybe there’s plans for her in the next movie.

    This show is always a delight!

    P.S. I think I tried play Questprobe in the 80s, gave it up after a one attempt.

  4. I was happy to hear the girls talk about Clea’s pants. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen leggings/yoga pants with that exact same design pattern.

  5. I knew Clea was going to be a winner. Paul Smith’s art is superb. But Clea has it all going on. Heck, even Ben Franklin fell hard for her in that flashback story!

    Plus those pants are mesmerizing!

  6. Entertaining and informative as usual. I was not aware of the connection between Chthon and the Darkhold. I believe the Darkhold has been serving as the McGuffin in the current season of Marvel’s Agents of Shield. I now wonder if that portends a live television appearance by Chthon? If he’s suddenly catapulted to TV stardom, might that help his rating? At the very least, such an appearance would reveal how to pronounce his name.

      1. When in doubt, go to the dictionary. Assuming Chthon’s name was derived from the Greek word chthonic, meaning “of or relating to the underworld” and pronounced “thonik” (rhymes with sonic), then I believe his name would be pronounced “thon”.

        Unfortunately, the dictionary was no help when it came to Ra’s Al Ghul. I cannot express my disappointment in Merrian-Webster at this moment.

  7. As regards my opinions of these characters, just assume I slagged them all off, if you’re going to be like that. >SOB<

    Then again… Clea has always been a favourite. I had a fanzine, years ago, that ran as one-page feature of about 24 panels just following the changes over the years to her basic 'flat Pietro' hairdo. Great stuff!

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