Images for WHO’S WHO PRESENTS – WHO’S THAT? #7: STARFIRE! Click each image to enlarge! Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #22 (1986) – Starfire by Mike Vosburg
STARFIRE #1 (Aug/Sept 1976) cover by Ernie Chan and Vince Colletta
Interiors by David Michelinie, Mike Vosburg, and Bob Smith
Starfire’s adventures begin!
Starfire is trained in combat by Dagan
Starfire learns the history of her world and how the Mygorg and Yorg came to power…
Starfire and Dagan fall in love…
Starfire fulfills her revenge and realizes her destiny as a freedom fighter!
STARFIRE #6 (Jun/July 1977) cover by Mike Vosburg and Vince Colletta
Starfire’s new costume… that lasts exactly one issue.
STARFIRE #8 (Oct/Nov 1977) cover by Mike Vosburg and Vince Colletta
Interiors by Tom DeFalco, Mike Vosburg, and Vince Colletta
Dynamic splash page by Vosburg!
Interesting alien subplot which never has the chance to develop…
We meet Maybor! Check out those sunglasses and ‘stache!
Starfire realizes the Eye of Armageddon could defeat the Mygorg!
And now the obligatory predatory advances towards Starfire…
The final page of Starfire’s last issue, though the following issue is advertised…
From Time Masters: Vanishing Point (2010) by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
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Thanks for listening! Great Jot!