FW Team-Up: The Thing and Ghost Rider

Siskoid and Ryan Daly’s coverage of Marvel Two-in-One brings them to issue #8 (March 1974) just in time for the Holidays! That’s right, it’s the infamous issue where the blue-eyed Thing and the demonic Ghost Rider visit the Baby Jesus in his manger. Or something kind of like that. Marvel in the 70s… what were … Continued

FW Presents: Find Your Joy: Mickey’s Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas, Fire and Water Listeners! ‘Tis the season for finding your joy, which means Ryan Daly and Kyle Benning reunite to discuss a favorite holiday special: Walt Disney’s MICKEY’S CHRISTMAS CAROL. It’s got Disney, Carl Barks, ghost stories, and Christmas; what’s not to love about this animated classic from 1983, directed by Burny Mattinson, and featuring the voice … Continued

Batman Knightcast 33: Christmas with the Batman

Batman Knightcast kicks off the holiday season with two seasonal adventures of the Caped Crusader. Warm up you singing voice as Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin follow Batman’s unusual night of Christmas caroling with the cops in “The Silent Night of the Batman” originally from BATMAN #219. Then, when the year is at its darkest, the … Continued

Fire and Water Records: Counting Crows

On this episode of Fire and Water Records, Ryan Daly returns to the alt-rock scene of the ’90s. This time, Sean Ross from the Pulp 2 Pixels Podcast Network joins Ryan to discuss his favorite band, COUNTING CROWS. From ear-worm rock jams about heartache, drug use, and mental instability to haunting melodic ballads about heartache, … Continued


FIND YOUR JOY TO THE WORLD! On this special holiday episode, Ryan Daly and Kyle Benning (from King-Size Comics, Giant-Size Fun) share a Christmas adventure so small you can fit it in your stocking! In ANT-MAN’S BIG CHRISTMAS, the two tiny Avengers, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne have to save a young boy’s Christmas, not from Kang … Continued

FW Presents: Find Your Joy: ACTION COMICS #554

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! On this special episode, Ryan Daly and special guest Bob Fisher (from Superman Forever Radio) find a reason to be thankful in the pages of ACTION COMICS #554, the story “If Superman Didn’t Exist” by Marv Wolfman and Gil Kane. Listen to the show and then head on over to the Fire and Water Patreon page … Continued

Midnight 24: DEADMAN #1-2

Happy Halloween, dreadful listeners! On this spooky holiday treat, PJ Frightful presents “Specter in the Snow” originally published in Ghosts #20. Then Ryan Daly and Doug Zawisza discuss the first two issues of the Deadman miniseries from 1986 Midnight The Podcasting Hour Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thepodcastinghour/ Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an … Continued

FW Presents: Nick Fury, Agent of S.A.N.T.A.

T’was the night before Christmas, and the Hate-Monger was dreaming of a White’s Only Christmas (or was he?). Join Ryan Daly and special guest Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist as they discuss this festive holiday spy adventure from NICK FURY, AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. #10. Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email … Continued

FW Presents: Those Wonderful Christmas Toys

Happy Holidays! Chris Franklin and fellow Fire and Water Network All-Stars Rob Kelly, Siskoid, Bass, Ryan Daly and Nathaniel Wayne share their favorite Christmas toy memories! Merry Christmas! This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK Visit our WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/ Follow us on TWITTER – https://twitter.com/FWPodcasts & https://twitter.com/supermatespod Like our … Continued

Super Mates 79: Starman Chronicles and Stocking Stuffers!

Chris and Cindy celebrate the season with a Christmas edition of The Starman Chronicles! In Starman #27, Jack Knight’s holiday plans are interrupted by a person in need…a homeless Santa Claus! Then some special audio presents under the tree from DCU Holiday Bash starring Etrigan the Demon and Darkseid, and featuring some of our F&W … Continued