DigestCast #12 – Transformers Comics Magazine #2 – Gallery

Images for DIGESTCAST Episode 12! Click each image to enlarge! Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!



“Prisoner of War” from TRANSFORMERS #3 – written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

Scans included here are from the original issues (not the digest). Just imagine the print to be MUCH worse, word balloons to be practically illegible, and all of it ridiculously small.  That’s will help you image the digest quality.

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

There is a lot on every page! Very dense!

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

Spider-Man appears in his black symbiotic costume!

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

Spider-Man meets Optimus Prime and the other Transformers!

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

The battle between Gears and Soundwave is epic!  Or…. maybe not.

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

Spider-Man learns about life and death, the Transformers way.

"Prisoner of War" from TRANSFORMERS #3 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Kim DeMulder, and Mike Esposito

Transformers Universe entries for Mirage, Hound, and Starscream!

Transformers Universe entry for Mirage

Transformers Universe entry for Hound

Transformers Universe entry for Starscream

“The Last Stand” from TRANSFORMERS #4 – written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

We’re thinking Buster’s girlfriend Jesse might be the rationale for Megan Fox’s character in the Transformers movie

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

The 4067th M.A.S.H. unit in Korea?

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

Nice transformation for Starscream…

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

The Tubes of Transference… or the tubes of suicide?  You decide…

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

#4 in a Four-Issue Limited Series… but NOT the end!

"The Last Stand" from TRANSFORMERS #4 - written by Jim Salicrup with art by Frank Springer, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey

Transformers Universe entries for Swoop, Shockwave, Soundwave

Transformers Universe entry for Swoop

Transformers Universe entry for Shockwave

Transformers Universe entry for Soundwave

Remember, please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!

Thanks for listening! Remember, big things come in small packages!