Fire & Water #154 – Aquaman/Fury of Firestorm (Classic) #26

This week Shag and Rob take a look at where Aquaman is, now that the current run has concluded. That’s followed by “Give Me Liberty…Give Me Death” from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #26 (Aug. 1984) by Gerry and Carla Conway, Rafael Kayanan, Rodin Rodriguez, Nansi Hoolahan, Adam Kubert, and Prof. Martin Stein. Plus YOUR Listener Feedback!

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Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Closing music by Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge of The Bad Mamma Jammas!

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Thanks for listening! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

2 responses to “Fire & Water #154 – Aquaman/Fury of Firestorm (Classic) #26

  1. Weird to be posting on a new site! Congrats on putting this site together.

    A couple of brief comments.

    The Statue of Liberty gets restored at the end of next issue. If I recall, Firestorm is jeered for changing Lady Liberty as he flies back to return her to her original form.

    I also think Silver Deer had sex on that table. As Shag point out, landing on the 7-11. It just screams that someone ‘got lucky’.

    Lastly, I hope that Rob is covering the Creeper issue of 1st Issue Special! Actually, it is a pretty lousy issue. But more Creeper is always a good thing!

  2. Hi, Shag. Scott here. You know one of the guys on your network. I host the Super Mates podcast with my wife Cindy.

    Oh, wait. No I don’t. I’m CHRIS and I host the Super Mates podcast with my wife Cindy. On YOUR network. 😉

    Glad to hear this Aquaman run is done. As painful as it was, look at it this way: in a few months, it’s liable to be out of any kind of continuity completely. And even if it isn’t, it will probably just be ignored.

    I can’t believe Shag didn’t mention the Doctor Who episode where the Weeping Angels change the Statue of LIberty to one of them. Shag is having senior moments in this episode. I think you guys are right, these are the last days of Silver/Bronze Age goofiness like this. And we’re all worse for it.

    I hereby nominate Lady Cop to be the mascot of the Fire and Water Network.

    Great show as always, Rob and Shawn!


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