Images for FW PRESENTS: FIND YOUR JOY – DC COMICS’ STAR TREK! Click each image to enlarge! Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
STAR TREK #1 written by Mike W. Barr, interior art by Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran, with a cover by George Perez
Great splash page! So perfect it was a house ad too!
Love this warp speed effect! Reminiscent of the STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE movie poster!
Cadet uniforms, and Ensign Bearclaw as the Flash Thompson of the Enterprise!
Great comic book space action!
Perfect dialogue between Kirk and Bones…
STAR TREK #2 written by Mike W. Barr, interior art by Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran, with a cover by George Perez
Bloodthirsty Kirk, and Klingon designs based upon STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE
Saavik is awesome!
Nice transporter effect!
STAR TREK #3 written by Mike W. Barr, interior art by Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran, with a cover by George Perez
The Excalbian’s revealed!
STAR TREK #4 written by Mike W. Barr, with art by Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran
Kirk’s big speech that saves the day!
Cosmic entities battling over Good and Evil, and Kirk gives a speech about freedom of choice. Sounds like Star Trek to us!
Remember, please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
Thanks for listening! Live Long and Prosper!