Here are the relevant images from the first episode of First Strike: The Invasion! Podcast!
In our first episode, we talk about the event as a whole, and cover the comics that led into the first issue of Invasion! We call it Preludes and Rumblings, and we hope it prepares you for what’s to come. Here are the comics we’re covering in this episode:
And there’s also a fair bit of talk about this awesome ad DC ran in its comics in preparation for the war to come.
- Relevant teaser clip from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” by Don Siegel, starring Kevin McCarthy
- End theme music from “The Day the Earth Stood Still” score by Bernard Herrmann
- “It’s an Invasion” (Theme for First Strike in the bloopers) lyrics and noise by Siskoid
- Bonus clips from: “X-Files Theme” by Mark Snow; “Justice League Animated Series”, the Flash voiced by Michael Rosenbaum; “Shakespeare in Love” by John Madden, starring Tom Wilkinson, Geoffrey Rush and Steven O’Donnell; “Wonder Woman Theme” by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel.