Images for JLI PODCAST discussing JLA #52 and JLE #28! Click each image to enlarge! Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
Justice League America #52 cover by Adam Hughes & Joe Rubinstein
Interiors by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Trevor Von Eeden, and Randy Elliott
Blue Beetle’s eating habits have caught up with him…
General Glory (though it’s hard to tell by the face) tells Guy & Ted to settle their differences in the ring!
Just coming close to the JLI Embassy puts knots in Batman’s stomach…
Kilowog knows what humans taste like?!?!
Let’s get ready to rumble!!
Guy is being a sore loser and loses control of his temper, savagely beating on Ted!
Guy went too far, and Martian Manhunter is revoking Guy’s League membership!
Guy begins to realize the weight and consequences of his actions…
Max has been shot!
Justice League Europe #28 cover by Bart Sears
Interiors by Keith Giffen, Scripter, Bart Sears and Randy Elliott
Captain Atom struggles as he decides how the heroes should handle their mind-controlled teammates…
The teleporter kills the Starro starfish! Though Guy isn’t excited to see Kilowog…
Kilowog makes with the research…
Mind-controlled Leaguers attack! But Rocket Red has had enough and blasts Elongated Man!
“Freez ‘n’ Fry Fish” with truckloads of Starro’s? Ummmm… yuck.
A cartoon-worthy brawl!
Metamorpho escapes with help from Blue Beetle!
Martian Manhunter is HUGE and hulking! Love Bart Sears’ rendition!
Ice teleports over and… it’s over. One ice blast and the entire invasion is through…
Love how domestic this scene is with Manga Khan…
Remember, please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
This has been the JLI Podcast! Wanna make somethin’ of it?