JLI Podcast – Meanwhile… in Justice League Quarterly #4 Gallery

Images for JLI PODCAST discussing JLQ #4! Click each image to enlarge! Listen to the episode and leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!

Justice League Quarterly #4 cover by Kevin Maguire & Joe Rubinstein

Justice League Quarterly #4 cover by Kevin Maguire & Joe Rubinstein

“The Sunnie Caper” by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "The Sunnie Caper" by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

The Injustice League decide to rob from the rich, and give to the poor (themselves)!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "The Sunnie Caper" by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

The Injustice League find Reverend Sunnie’s gold!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "The Sunnie Caper" by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

Reverend Sunnie catches up with the Injustice League!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "The Sunnie Caper" by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

The Injustice League can’t even keep their ill-gotten gains!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "The Sunnie Caper" by Will Jacobs, Jason Pearson and Randy Elliott

“Cracked Ice” by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

So much happening on this page! Phantom Stranger! Guy’s t-shirt! Facial expressions! Oberon and Fire’s discussion! Love it!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Ice gives Guy, “The Look”.  Every man understands THAT look…

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Excellent artwork on Fire and she flames on…

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

It’s Jack Small and Petey from Dr Fate!!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Love the line work on the astral leak from the crystal!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

General Glory confronts Maxwell Lord about his supposed drinking problem…

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Fantastic full page splash revealing the possessed Ice!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Guy finally professes his love for Ice! And Petey saves the day!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

Petey and Jack are hired by the JLI! And General Glory continues to worry about Max’s drinking…

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

It’s official! Guy and Ice are in love!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cracked Ice" by J.M. DeMatteis, Darick Robertson and John Beatty

“Cat Tales” by J.M. DeMatteis, Marshall Rogers and P. Craig Russell

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cat Tales" by J.M. DeMatteis, Marshall Rogers and P. Craig Russell

These comic strips don’t mind stooping to bathroom humor… and we’re here for it! Bwah-ha-ha!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cat Tales" by J.M. DeMatteis, Marshall Rogers and P. Craig Russell

Poor Ralph!

Justice League Quarterly #4 - "Cat Tales" by J.M. DeMatteis, Marshall Rogers and P. Craig Russell

Remember, please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!

This has been the JLI Podcast! Wanna make somethin’ of it?