Done-in-One Wonders Episode #2: Call Him the Space Cowboy Gallery

Terra-Man speakin’. Here now are images related tuh this month’s episode, including pitcher-pages from SUPERMAN v1 issue 250. Give each o’ them thar images a clickee tuh enlarge. An’ be sure tuh leave yer comments over on the podcast post by givin’ a clickee here — or ELSE!


Thet thar brandin’ iron gimmick NEVER gets old…


Ah don needa ask y’all tah sing along wit’ me, thuh Terra-Man…


Meet story-hog John  P. Alstrom — oh-fish-al money sniffer at the Federal Burro of Printin’ an’ Engravin’. And pruhpare tuh be amazed at “thuh most dang’rous criminal the world had ever seen.”


When Ah furst tol’ thuh Perfesser about whut my Nova can do, he thought it wuz alla loada horse feathers…


Ah ‘ranged alla them thar mirrors lahk thet fer emphasis!


Ah lahk how these three panels here are strung together in one feel swoop! Thuh Perfesser lahkes how Clark Kent’s sniffin’ makes ‘im look all snooty…


Did y’all know thet Clark Kent wuz Superman? Ain’t thet a surprize!


Anudder page devoted tuh thet bothahrayshun, John P. Alstrom! An’ check out thet full-color x-ray muh-sheen!


Me and Nova causin’ a ruckus lahk this world ‘ad never seen… and lookit thet dandy thar on panel two…


Ah love how I took down Superman wit a single shot! Figgers thet thuh Perfesser’s fav-right panel is thuh last one…


Lookit me land thet sockdologer in Supey’s gut thar in panel two! I got tuh clean ‘is plow reeeel good!

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