Siskoid welcomes two guest editors for the price of one as Gareth Madeley and Paul Cornish bring a certain Welsh flavor (and humor!) to their line of books based on Who’s Who #20, while Siskoid himself goes back to superhero comics’ pulp roots for his inspiration. But there are a lot of concepts that were already so well re-imagined by DC over the years… Can our trio find something new to say?
Listen to Episode 20 below or subscribe to Who’s Editing? on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!
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Panel by Panel is back, and this time the randomizer has selected a panel from Peter Milligan’s run on Shade the Changing-Man (issue 13 to be exact), with art by Chris Bachalo and Mark Pennington. Siskoid and his guest Gareth Madeley sit down across the Atlantic from one another and discuss it, proto-Vertigo and the British invasion in all their fishy details!