What is the best superhero movie from Marvel or DC? We’ve all wondered at one point or another, and we aim to find the answer!
Coming in June, it’s the MARVEL/DC SUPERHERO FILM BRACKET (LIVE ACTION)! 64 films from the big two comic publishers go head-to-head in this bracket fight decided by four panelist and moderated by The Irredeemable Shag! And YOU can win FIRE & WATER merch if you guess the most match-up results correctly! Here are the opening bouts!

Grab a copy of this sheet, fill it out completely and send to The Irredeemable Shag before June 7, 2018 to enter. One point per match-up correctly entered. Ties broken by coin flip/dice throw. Identity of panelists secret until broadcast. Panelists film criteria entirely their own. Winner announced during the actual bracket podcast released in mid- to late-June.
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