Batman Family Reunion – Move to Detective Promo!

We’ve been saying for almost 2 years that Batman Family saved Detective Comics from the DC Implosion – now it’s time to see how! Check out our new promo to see what’s in store for the Batman Family Reunion the first Wednesday of every month!

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6 responses to “Batman Family Reunion – Move to Detective Promo!

  1. So your back from outer space (DJ scratch )opps
    Sorry I’ve that song stuck in my head . Can’t wait glad your back . Now don’t just stand there garb a lease ace and his friends aren’t gonna walk them self . Sir Martian has a pig named Winston Churchill don’t worry he’s a British pig he’s wearing a bowler and a Union Jack vest , Rob’s got jimmy a pug dressed like spike from the loony tunes , and you guys take Steve a laber weenie and Robin Wing. A grey hound lets get walking .

  2. I feel the need to say Batman Family Reunion is possibly the most FUN podcast on the Fire & Water network. It’s so positive. How can anyone listen and not smile a lot?

      1. Forgot to mention: On the way to the next family reunion, I’ll stop somewhere and pick up a cheesecake topped with cherries. But I can’t guarantee it will be intact by the time I reach the reunion.


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