Cheers Cast 3.19: Behind Every Great Man

CHEERS Season 3, episode 19: “Behind Every Great Man”

Hosted by Ryan Daly with special guest Al Sedano from Resurrections: An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast.

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2 responses to “Cheers Cast 3.19: Behind Every Great Man

  1. This is such a good episode. Sam turning things around with Paula when his cheap come-ons don’t work. He knows what women want, and has no problems switching tactics, in pickup lines and in wining and dining. He’s fine with pizza, but he’s just as comfortable with bouillabaisse, whatever the lady in question wants. It can be a creepy trait, but as always, Ted makes it downright charming.

    And about Paula, I’ve always liked Alison La Placa. She has looks, talent, and presence that draws me in every time. I probably would be smooth like Cliff if I ever met her. She was a good fit for this episode, to come in and nail the Dianne-esque qualities so the audience gets it immediately, and does really well with the small role. Love it.

    Frazier’s “and what the hell was that?” line is fantastic! It really was delivered like the Frazier we’ll see for the rest of the series.

    Dianne’s part was the beef (or maybe the beff) of this story. I don’t think there’s anything I could add that you guys didn’t cover. Just hilarious.

  2. They intriguingly back-doored Diane in this. She doesn’t appear for the longest time, then you notice her in the deep background, you think, well I guess this isn’t a Diane episode and it’s better not to involve her and let Sam do his thing, but there’s a really sharp turn there,

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