Cheers Cast 7.22: The Visiting Lecher

CHEERS Season 7, episode 22: “The Visiting Lecher”

Hosted by Ryan Daly with special guest Rick Heinichen from Jeff and Rick Present: Unpacking the Power of Power Pack.

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2 responses to “Cheers Cast 7.22: The Visiting Lecher

  1. To my tastes, this is the worst episode of Cheers you’ve covered. I have an even more adverse reaction to it than you did. The teaser is an amusing situation in search of a punchline. The villain never gets his comeuppance. It’s not so much that it’s dated – because you could have these jokes today – but that it doesn’t realize it’s not funny or else would have punished him. Even worse that they had to fob this one off as a season finale.

    It’s not the acting or direction, but a deep failure of the writing.

  2. This episode feels less like a season finale than any other of Cheers. All of the other finales involve a cliffhanger or a major life event or decision. The Diane years always had a big cliffhanger or development in the Sam/Diane relationship. The season six finale showed a big step forward in cementing the Sam/Rebecca friendship. Future finales involve Sam and Rebecca’s relationship, ownership of the bar, the Woody/Kelly wedding, and of course the events of the series finale. But the season seven finale could have been any episode in the season; it was funny but did not really move anything forward.

    Congrats on finishing season seven. It was a great season. I’m looking forward to season eight. That was the season when I started watching in real time. The show arguably reaches its comedic peak in season eight. The introduction of Robin Colcord will shake everything up.

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