FW Presents: The Mirror Factory #1 — Fahrenheit 451

It’s the premiere of a brand-new show on The Fire and Water Podcast Network — literally! Join us for The Mirror Factory, a literary podcast hosted by Max Romero and featuring a different special guest on each episode. Guests will tell us about a favorite passage from a novel, novella, or short story — and why it means so much to them — and then give a special reading of that passage for listeners.

In this first episode, Max explains why books are so important to him, why he could never destroy a book (except when he does), and how that makes him think of Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451.” Then, Max reads a passage from this sci-fi classic that is both terrifying and, somehow, hopeful.

Subscribe to FW PRESENTS on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/fw-presents/id1207382042

This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK:

Music credits:

  • Intro theme: “My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors,” by Moxy Fruvous
  • Selection from Symphony #9, “From the New World,” by Antonin Dvorak; performed by the New York Philharmonic
  • Closing music: “I’m on Fire,” by Bruce Springsteen

Want to be a guest on a future episode? E-MAIL – mirrorfactorypodcast.gmail.com

Leave us a comment, and remember — read a book!

9 responses to “FW Presents: The Mirror Factory #1 — Fahrenheit 451

  1. Oh great, a third book podcast I have to listen to!

    I just listened to this first episode and really enjoyed it. The premise sounds fun and slightly different than the other shows I’m listening to so I can’t wait to what the future holds for the show.

  2. I am so excited about this show! Love the premise and of course I want to hear more from Max Romero in general!

    Shag’s selection from “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is going to be great!

  3. As an old English & American Lit major, it’s nice to know folk are still reading books besides comics! I taught a Contemporary Pop Lit class last year & it’s difficult getting many students to read anything.
    I just read Our Town again & find that last speech from Emily to be one of my favorites.

  4. Great first episode Max. Haunting stuff. I recall reading it in Middle School, and it kind of blew my mind.

    Your story about ripping up covers would no doubt horrify my librarian wife. It of course is also the origin of a lot of coverless newstand comics from the 40s on!


  5. Thank you very much for bringing this sort of show to the network, Mr. Romero. I kick myself for not reading prose more often, so maybe this show will spur me to read more than comics.

  6. This is a great idea for a show on this network! For me, reading comics as a kid got me interested in reading books and I still read both to this day. They both offer something unique.
    An excellent reading of Fahrenheit 451. Having worked in a library as well, I found this wasn’t a cautionary tale about censorship so much as a horror novel! Those poor books! Bradbury is a great writer and Something Wicked This Way Comes is the only book I can remember that gave me goose bumps (Goosebumps books not included).
    A fantastic first episode! Keep up the great work!

  7. Interesting that you go with this book to name the podcast after on a mostly comic book network.

    “But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic books survive.”
    -Fahrenheit 451

  8. Hooray! A way for me to get on a Fire and Water Podcast! (Besides calling Prof. Xum’s hotline, that is.) This sounds like a terrific idea, Max. I did not recognize the reference in the title. Even though I read “Fahrenheit 451” back in middle school, nothing much stuck with me. Hardly any at all, apparently. The passage you chose was masterful. As much as one can enjoy listening to horrific nuclear destruction, I enjoyed listening to you read Bradbury’s prose.
    Does anyone else think that all of Foreman Max’s mirrors have red backs with yellow and black stripes?

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