Cheers Cast 8.07: Death Takes a Holiday On Ice

CHEERS Season 8, episode 7: “Death Takes a Holiday On Ice”

Hosted by Ryan Daly with special guest Chris Franklin from the Fire and Water Network.

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8 responses to “Cheers Cast 8.07: Death Takes a Holiday On Ice

  1. All this talk about the show doing Eddie dirty, I thought it was just because they killed him off-screen, but you weren’t kidding!

    My home run: “That hit the spot.”

  2. Great to hear Chris as a guest on Cheers Cast! This is one of the first episodes I ever saw. The funeral scene always stands out in my memory. Lots of strong guest actors here. The priest always does a nice job. There’s definitely some dark humor with Eddie dying and the Woody stories about Hanover.

    1. A lot of times, comedies with darker themes, death in particular, can work really well because the levity and the release of tension from the joke feels more impactful compared to the heaviness of the scene’s mood.

  3. I know this is obvious, but it was hilarious how similar Carla and Gloria looked. Eddie definitely had a type. You could even read into the story that Eddie only hooked with Gloria as a surrogate for Carla, which isn’t smart and doesn’t redeem Eddie in the slightest, but elevates his affection for Carla.

    Thanks for another great episode! Chris was great as always!

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