For All Mankind #3 – Gallery

Images for SUPER FRIENDS #3! Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!

Remember, please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!

Thanks for listening!

5 responses to “For All Mankind #3 – Gallery

  1. Great show, gents! I’ll elaborate:

    Great guests — Thanks for introducing Michael Bailey to the SuperFriends comic, and Chris’s insights are always welcome (if only he could find some enthusiasm about these characters and their merchandise…oh, well).

    Great story — I didn’t have the issue, but I had the digest. I always appreciated the use of actual strategy, or at least a clever tactic. No polarity-reversal deux ex machina for Marvin and Wendy!

    Great sheets! — I had the first set and loved them. Some of my friends had the Star Wars sheets, Rob. The set with the villains might’ve kept me up at night, wondering if those scoundrels were getting royalties somehow. My one complaint: In retrospect, I wish they’d printed some peach coloring for the characters’ skin. I know that as a group, comic book superheroes were far too pasty white back in the seventies, but the albino look is carrying it a bit far. An unintentional commentary?

    Great bicentennial public service announcement! — I plan to use “Practice what we pray” in real life.

    Great sign-off — and great decision, Rob. I would’ve closed the auditions after Xum’s submission, too. And I agree with your other Nuclear Subs; it’s great to know we’ll keep hearing Xum’s voice, despite the way it can trigger those darn eye-watering allergies.

    1. Sorry. Forgot I was on the gallery page. Feel free to delete these comments, Super Friends of the Fire & Water Network.

  2. Love this show and your podcast it’s a great trip down memory lane. I was 10 years old when the show first aired and still to this day get a thrill hearing that theme song as it transports me back to childhood. I collected the comic book as best I could but missed issues here and there so it’s great to read a comic issue that while being over 40 years old is new to me. Keep up the great work looking forward to future episodes of this fine podcast.

  3. Nice to see the pics of the sheets.

    I have a collection of Super Friends memorabilia, and that includes the SF sheets and pillow case, a sleeping bag, and a bed cover.

  4. Really enjoying these podcasts. Thanks for the wrap ups and comments about this great, under appreciated series. Still hate how abruptly it ended to this day. Looking forward to the rest of the podcasts in this series! Thanks guys!

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