Fade Out – Carole Lombard


Episode 10 – Carole Lombard’s TO BE OR NOT TO BE with Special Guest Olympia Kiriakou

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One response to “Fade Out – Carole Lombard

  1. Being a big Jack Benny fan, I have seen this movie multiple times and will watch it many more. I have long known that it was Carole Lombard’s final film and Jack was devastated. I loved Carole in this film and enjoyed My Man Godfrey and Made for Each Other as well. Before this episode, I didn’t know much about the rest of her career or her personal life.
    Hearing you talk about the timing of the movie’s release reminded me of a story I read about Jack Benny’s father. Jack brought his father to the premier of the film. As soon as ‘Hitler’ appeared on screen, Mr. Kubelsky walked out. Jack had to chase after his father and convince him to come back for the rest of the movie. To have a movie about Hitler and the Nazis come out at that time was astonishing and, if you didn’t know you were watching a comedy, that first scene was a gut punch to Jewish immigrants. (As I recall, Mr. Kubelsky did come back to watch the movie and loved it.)
    For a dramatic movie about Hitler’s rise to power, I highly recommend 1940’s The Mortal Storm.

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