FW Team-Up: Superman and Adam Strange

Siskoid and Bass’ coverage of DC Comics Presents brings them to issue #3 (November 1978) as Superman and Adam Strange join forces under the creative juices of David Michelinie and José Luis Garcia-Lopez (praise be his name). It’s “The Riddle of Little Earth Lost”. Check it out!

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Relevant images and further credits at: FW Team-Up Supplemental

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20 responses to “FW Team-Up: Superman and Adam Strange

  1. Oh, yeah. Like I said before, I just love these early issues of DCCP. Unlike my usual practice, I actually reacquired the single issue – quite suitably, it is a copy that has the Whitman logo, just like my original copy way back when. As in issues 1-2, the story here is again rather bonkers in a Silver Age way, but it’s still fun as hell. Of course, the lovely art by Garcia Lopez (PBHN) certainly does much to smooth over any shortcomings in the script.
    Since you guys noted the odd look of this issue’s villain, ever since I was a kid, I thought he should have squared off with the Golden Age/Jay Garrick Flash, just because they have such similar headwear.
    By the way, there may not (yet) be a Tom and Harry who have been Robin, but so far we have had a Todd, Dick and Carrie… 😛

  2. Siskoid and Bass are a great podcasting team, and of course I loved DC Comics Presents, so I am obviously enjoying this new podcast.

    Regarding Adam Strange, he seemed to take over whatever book he was featured in and make it about h. This was solely on account of his considerable (and you know — strange) drama. I guess we could also call it “baggage,” since it all seemed to make the Zeta beam connection with him every time.

    All that said, I really like the guy. He comes with all the stuff Bass said, which is a lot, and he’s super resourceful to boot. If we’re measuring “head, heart, and hands,” where “hands” is raw power and capability, then he’s limited on hands, compared to Superman. However, he and his family use their heads and hearts to make the most of what they’ve got.

    I like the mini-episode of “Who’s That?” combined with “Who’s Editing” to tell us about the people on the street. Now you two should go on TreasuryCast and do a segment on the neighborhood residents Neal Adams showed at the beginning of the Superman vs. Muhammad Ali book.

  3. Great episode.
    These issues and stories are always elevated by JLGL. His art always makes things better.
    A couple of things.
    Whether on purpose or by blissful ignorance, I noticed Bass did not mention Tom King’s Strange Adventures in which Tom King writes a Tom King story, turning Adam Strange into a self-centered, genocidal, traumatized character. If you like Adam Strange, don’t read this.
    The depowered Superman from ‘Kryptonite Nevermore’ didn’t last that long. Not even a year after that 2/3 depowering he was back to bathing in the sun.
    As for the ultimate team-up, how about the Zeta beam does some time wonkiness and Adam Strange is sent back to the 40’s to team up with Cliff Secord, The Rocketeer! Now that would be awesome!

  4. A great show . And I remember reading this story in a reprint. And it is still the only Adam strange story I’ve read . Also I listened to this as I was jogging . And my brother also jogging was listing to the latest episode of for all man kind
    Also could give the YouTube channel Bucky749 a shout out as we have a theme month coming in April are second western month .

    1. Bucky, I recommend the Adam Strange story in the Grant Morrison JLA. I don’t remember the issue number, but that’s plenty of details for Google.

      1. Thanks captain!(stands at attention dressed in a Union Jack t-shirt and ripped jeans , cameo crocs and my island of a
        Thousand thrills bucket hat )
        My bro Jeremy (same out fit also salutes you as well )

        1. You’re very welcome, Bucky. You and Jeremy are what we call “irregular forces.” That isn’t a knock, though. We’re all necessary parts of a rich and varied tapestry, you know?

  5. Quick question: does any one remember witch episodes of Brave and bold where Adam strange shows I remember one with aqua man and
    One where Adam gives his wife an adorable dog he saved as gift to her .
    Just have to say any time some one gives some a pet and that pet is loved . That is really when an angel gets there wings .

  6. Fun discussion gents. Man, this is one gorgeous looking comic, isn’t it? I have to admit I think I like the concept of Adam Strange better than most of his stories, post-Silver Age. That Morrison JLA issue was one of the exceptions. Everyone seems to want to drag shiny Silver Age Adam through the mud. These writers really need therapy…or if you want to express yourself through comics in a dark way that doesn’t reflect the intention of the original creators, invent your own John Carter-like archetype and muck him up all you want!

    I did catch that the last image of Clark winking at the camera (ala George Reeves and 100s of other comic panels before it) was lifted by our beloved pal Xum Yukinori for his Xum’s Who entry on THIS version of Superman, who hailed from Earth-One, and who was controversely left out of the original Who’s Who. You know, the one with the stretchy cape!

    1. Not coincidentally perhaps those JLA issues were written by Mark Waid (in a rare fill-in) and I think his greatest strength is “getting” the characters and how they’ve been historically presented.

      1. Ah, of course! They were written by Waid. Yes, hands down, Waid is the best writer at capturing the original essence of the characters and moving them forward, without destorying the foundation they were built on. See his excellent World’s Finest series I’m loving right now.

  7. This was a great issue, a special treat after the disappointment of Superman’s new team-up title beginning with yet another Superman/Flash race, and a two-part one at that. I love classic Adam Strange, and seeing him recognised as a hero on Earth was terrific, the villain is a classic moustache twirler and the plot was convoluted Bronze Age brilliance. Win!

    David Michelinie and JLG-L have to be going for the Margot Kidder vibe with Lois Lane, I mean, look at how she’s dressed, in Annie Hall-style shirt and tie.

    That new space warp business Bass mentioned came in Action Comics #1050.

    Is that Street Mom you were speculating about Purdy from the new Avengers? I mean, that hair is totally mid-Seventies Joanna Lumley, and the eyes remind me of her too.

  8. Wait, did you guys talk about Adam Strange’s role in Invasion on this episode? You must have, right? I’m very forgetful so I could have heard you but not remembered. I only care because it lets me relive your delightful Invasion podcast briefly.

    Well, this issue was everything you said. Silver Age kind of wacky, but fantastic JLGL (PBHN) artwork. I don’t have anything to add, just a fun comic and a fun podcast to boot.

  9. I’ll be honest, for me, this was not a very engaging issue to read. But I did enjoy this episode, and the criticisms on the science of comic books, especially this one. And I appreciated the Adam Strange walk through because to me, he’s always just been that guy with the weirdly named rays and the helmet and he looked like he was from the 50s.

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