Select images from the DC Adventures RPG and our campaigns. Leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
Check out the demonic flavor in Etrigan’s stats:
One of the most flavorful characters in the books (Heroes and Villains vol.1), Ambush Bug!
A look at the Summon power, chosen because we’re a very friendly Aquaman space here.
From our first, aborted campaign: Rip Hunter’s blackboard and the hero Tritan.
From our 28th-Century Justice Legion campaign, the Green Lantern Br’k, in the flesh so to speak.
And here are Br’k’s stats (modified from DC Adventures, using my DCAdv/DrWho hybrid). He was Furn’s character for the length of the run.
Our bad boy player used, among others, the Question, a good example of a character banking on Advantages and Skills rather than powers.
Ever played DC Adventures RPG? Drop us a line and tell us about it! In the meantime…
Please leave your comments over on the podcast post by clicking here!
Thanks for listening! Let’s Roll!