Images from “Injustice for All” Part 1
Don’t get cocky Lex. You’re about to go down…hard.
Lex gets the bad news. At least his arch enemy is there for support.
I could make a reverse “monkey-on-my-back” joke, but I won’t. Wait…
Solomon Grundy stronger than Superman!
Copperhead about to put the bite on the Bat!
The Martian who could lobotomize this guy without blinking stands down before a spoiled rich boy in fancy pajamas.
Why am I thinking of that classic Looney Tunes short, “Rabbit of Seville”?
Images from “Injustice for All”, Part 2
Nice move Bats. Oh wait, you MEANT to be caught. Yeah…right.
Lex makes this face A LOT in these episodes. Ain’t it great?
Copperhead ISN’T afraid of the guy who could sneeze and blow his head off?
To quote Dr. Leonard H. McCoy: “What is it with you, anyway?”
Flying Huntress takes Albino Hulk and goth Howard Stern into space.
Joker is keeping that “Rabbit of Seville” vibe going. This is on a KIDS CARTOON!!!
Cheetah was supposed to be put down after this scene, but an animation goof saved her!
Wonder Twin powers, ACTIVATE! Form of fan service! Shape of a sight gag!
Again…this is on a KIDS CARTOON!!!
Teamwork…pass it on! A message from the Justice League.
Betrayed by the big monkey!!!
If you can’t beat ’em…bribe ’em!!!