Unite the Seven! JLUCast returns with coverage of “Patriot Act”, featuring special guest, Gord Tolton from Praire Justice: The Greg Sanders Vigilante Podcast! When General Eiling becomes a hulking man-beast, can a group of the League’s less powerful members defend Metropolis from this Superman-level threat? Starring the Seven Soldiers of Victory!
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Clip credits:
Clips from Justice League Unlimited “Patriot Act”, music and theme by Kristopher Carter.
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blunderbore? That was the name of the orginal giant in Jack in the beanstalk!
Really? Hmmm. I didn’t realize he even had a name.
he usually does’nt
Excellent work, Franklins, covering one of my favorite episodes of the series. Ranger Gord is hilarious.
I think this is a nearly perfect episode of JLU. It does a great job exemplifying what makes this series so great: (1) sensational superhero fight scenes, (2) real moral stakes handled intelligently, (3) actually funny humor, and (4) a spotlight on deep-cut DC characters.
I’m surprised you didn’t call out what is far and away my favorite line of dialogue in the episode: Midway into kicking his butt, the General says to the Shining Knight, “Why don’t you give up?” Sir Justin, barely able to stand, declares, “Why don’t you?” Gives me chills, every time.
BTW, it’s interesting to imagine the what-if of Johnny Quick and Aquaman being part of the Seven Soldiers of Victory (the Nine Soldiers of Niceness?), but I always figured part of the Soldiers’ gimmick was that none of them have super powers (definitely relevant to this episode’s story). I feel like having a speedster and/or an underwater guy on the team would take away what made the team special. (To the extent that they were special. YMMV.)
Noah, that line is great, and that’s why I included most of that exchange in the last sound clip at the end. I personally lumped that into Justin being the Rotating Chairperson, so I went elsewhere for my favorite line. I’m not very consistent in my thinking in that regard!
Good point on the Seven Soldiers being non-powered. Johnny Quick would have definitely made the team lopsided, and of course Aquaman’s inclusion would have steered more adventures toward the sea, since each hero had his own chapter back then.
JLUCast is back? YAY! Only half a season of episodes left? SOB! Maybe I’ll play them at 0.5 times speed to make them last longer. (…) Um, maybe not.
This episode is a good ‘un. I think my personal favorite moment is Vigilante deputizing the Newsboys. So fun. But of course, “You’ll watch how you speak about Mr Clint Eastwood” is a classic.
Did you watch Amazon’s “The Tick” series? They had an homage to the Seven Soldiers of Victory called the Flag Five. I think it was solely via dialog, but two members of the Flaggers appeared in the episode: the talking dog Midnight, and now-adult sidekick Straight Shooter. But the other 4 members of the FF had been killed long ago, and these two would argue which of them was the “real” fifth member. Midnight would say “5 heroes plus a sidekick!” Shooter: “5 heroes plus a mascot!” Then the shouting begins. “Sidekick!” “Mascot!” It was hilarious!
But now I can’t help but see Wing, Speedy, and Stripesy having the same argument over which of them were part of the 7, and which was the “plus one”. I know it’s canon to say Wing was the extra sauce, but really, doesn’t it sound like something Speedy and Stripesy would do?
Thanks for the great show as always, Franklins!
I have never seen that version of The Tick, but yeah, I totally can see the three “sidekicks” arguing about this. After all Speedy got offended when Robin told him Green Arrow was just Batman with a bow in All-Star Squadron #31!
Thanks for listening Tim!
So happy that this show is back – but also dreading the end of the series by summer!
I always consider the Seven Soldiers of Victory to be the ultimate forgotten hero team (Well except for the Forgotten Heroes) in the DCU. They are almost as old as the JSA and sure enough they did pop up in later years but I always associate their members with other teams or ears. GA and Speedy – JLA and the Titans. Shining Knight in my mind was always in the All Star Squadron, Vigilante well there’s loads of different folks with that name which can confuse. Crimson Avenger predates Batman and always reminded me of the Shadow. Star Spangled Kid and Stripesy – again JSA. Yet it’s clear that the JLU team loved this team and diving into DC history and it was wonderful to see each of them have a moment (mostly). The newsboy legion even if not name was another fantastic easter egg.
I loved having a history lesson about this team – and not the Grant Morrison group which never felt right to me, almost as if it was a copyright maintaining experiment get out of hand. Having Gord on the show was a perfect guest to talk about Vigilante and the SSoV.
Well done to the Chris and Cindy for another great listen and as I said before I dread that that end is so close now
Thanks Doug. The SSOV defnitely have a legacy beyond that team, but I think the fact that creators can’t seem to leave the concept alone speaks volumes about this unique pairing.
We’ll have some special episodes beyond the actual JLU episode coverage. We tenatively plan to do a wrap-up for season 3, and then one on the entirity of both series, pre and post Unlimited. So plenty more material to come through the bulk of this year!
If I didn’t already love this show, I swear the enthusiism of you and your guests would tempt me to watch it. Ranger Gord was a great guest. But I’m not sure, did I miss it? Vigilante’s sometime partner Billy “Pop” Gunn appeated in early issues of Leading Comics, actually making nine seven soldiers. I don’t remember him mentioning him. But then he did mention him in the promo.
I’m not sure I would have connected the kids with the Newsboy Legion. Good call. They were part of the “Lost Children” in Johns Stargirl mini. Including Flippa Dippa and Kirby’s other Newsboy creation; Roberta “Famous Bobbi” Harper, the great niece of Jim Harper. Now apparently retconned to the 40s along with a teenaged Wing.
You mentioned it appeared from the monitor screen that Hawkgirl was out in space without a spacesuit. That reminded me of a 1960s animated series called Space Angel. Yeah, I’m that old. Anyway, in that series Earth had developed a Space Pill that allowed people to survive in space without a suit. Huh, kids 60s tv.
Looking forward to your next episode.
Hi, Hal
Billy Gunn appeared among the first few Leading Comics’ adventures, but none past Issue #4. Stuff, for some reason, never appeared in any of the Leading Comics run, though he was with Vig in Action Comics right up to the end in 1954. Geoff Johns’ retconned both of them, and even Stuff’s brother, into the Solders’ line-up during the oriniganl Stars’n’ Stripe series. So that mission to replace Green-Arrow and Speedy meant swelling the team way beyond the count of seven, including not only Wing, but Gunn, the two Stuffs, the Quality hero/villain The Spider, and head-scratchingly, TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite, as recounted in DC Legacies, even though Young All-Stars makes even that impossible. Now, we have the present-day Green Arrow and Speedy through time travel replacing the original Green Arrow and Speedy, because, post-crisis, that would have been confusing? Excuse me, I have to go sniff the fuel tank of that gas-eatin’ bronc……
While Gord is recovering from the vapors, I will add that I should have mentioned Billy Gunn was in those early Leading Comics SSoV stories. I do try to truncate things a bit when writing the Watchtower File histories so the shows don’t run four hours, but Billy deserved his due.
I have never seen Space Angel, but I am aware of it, due to the involvement of Alex Toth, who also drew quite a bit of JSA material back in the day. Full circle!
Such a great podcast talking about such a great episode.
As you say Chris, this was a Easter Egg hunt for comic fans. I think the General is such a deep cut from Morrison’s JLA, it’s my favorite one from this episode. But I remember watching this with my kids when they were kids and stopping to say ‘this is the Seven Soldiers of Victory’. Then I had to show.
Love Shining Knight in this too. Such a fantastic showing.
I think I remember filling Andrew in on who the Seven Soldiers when this one first aired too. He was five. 😉 But he totally got Earth-1/Earth-2 even then, just like I had at that age.
Sir Justin probably has one of the best showings of non-founding Leaguers. Up there with Booster Gold’s from last season, really!
This is probably a stretch. For one thing, there’s no hyphen in the name. You were speculating if the announcers name was a reference to anything. I’m probably reaching, but I just learned that Denny O’Neal had written one Thunderbolt story for Charlton under the name of Sergius O’Shaughnessy. But, sometimes when you look for connections, you find them even though they’re not there. For what its worth.
Denny actually used the O’Shaughnessy pen name a few times during the 60s and 70s. He also named a writer character that in his Batman story in Detective #487, which was covered over on the Batman Family Reunion recently. I doubt it was a reference to that, but who knows? It’s a good a guess as any!