JSApril coming soon – Celebrating 85 years of the JSA

JSApril – Celebrating 85 years of the world’s first and greatest superhero team!

Back in 1940, eight sensational heroes united to create the world’s very first superhero team – the Justice Society of America! Now, 85 years later, we’re gathering podcasters and bloggers from around the globe for a month-long celebration in an event we’re calling… JSApril!

Throughout April 2025, join dozens of podcasters and bloggers as they each share their own unique tributes to the original and greatest superhero team! Every participant in JSApril is doing their own thing, so whether you choose to enjoy just one entry or experience them all, there’s something special for everyone! Get ready for an all-star month of beloved characters, fascinating insights, and incredible stories!

Follow the action on social media with the hashtag #JSApril

Below is a complete list of participating podcasters, bloggers, and what they’re each covering:

JSApril – Celebrating 85 years of the world’s first and greatest superhero team!

19 responses to “JSApril coming soon – Celebrating 85 years of the JSA

    1. Short answer: Yes

      Long answer: Well…I’d have to think about it. I don’t want to step on Shag’s toes. But I am willing to contribute dev skills, web space, an RSS feed, automation development, my time…whatever it takes. Because I’d love to see a dedicated RSS feed out there for this. It would make consuming the content easier. Something to consider is automated vs manual (by me), and impact on the participants. Zero extra effort on everyone participating would be great. It might depend on how people are going to post their episodes (e.g., how will they be tagged).

      But, ultimately, this is Shag’s baby, so I defer to him.

      1. Hi Keith & DC Dave – While I appreciate Keith’s question and Dave’s willingness to do far too much work… I think it’s best if we drive the audience to the individual sites. Each JSApril participant is putting in a ton of effort for this crossover event. I’d rather each content creator got their moment in the sun with people going directly to them, rather than consolidating it.

        1. And anyway, it’s not like some of the JLMay events that track a SINGLE storyline. This is just JSA material, not connected in any kind of linear or coordinated way.

          1. I understand where you are coming from, but keep in mind every participant in JSApril is doing their own thing, so whether you choose to enjoy just one entry or experience them all, there’s something special for everyone. It’s not a situation where you must follow all of it.

            Additionally, some are blogs, some are podcasts, so it’s not like you could get all of them from a podcatcher anyway.

            Finally, I want to respect the rights of everyone involved, help promote their creativity, and drive people to their works. Who knows, maybe folks will find other items by those creators they want to check out beyond the JSApril entries.

          2. Having said that, I’ve not tried them all but the links seem to go not to the specific episode or post, but to the showpage or blog landing page… can they be tweaked to specifics?

  1. Wait the JSA are having their birthday a day before my birthday? Ha Mike Bailey may be born on the same day as Superman, but I am born one day after the first and greatest superhero team of all time. Bwwwhhaaaa! JSA Jan 17 th Liz Anne Oswalt January 18 , 1974. Look at the excellence brought together at the same time. Well, I’m not brought together but around the same day almost close enough.

  2. Oh wait this a prom they were celebrating in April er well blond moment on my part. Any way still a cool team can’t wait to see how y’all celebrate it. Oops my bad. In my defense I am drink on sake we got from a Japanese restaurant today. Sooo yeaaah any way y’all always have a great podcast so should be cool to hear it.

  3. Hey, Shagg

    If you hear of any of these sterling podcasters need any assistance as a guest, please let them know I’m rarin’ ta help out on their spreads.
    My JSA and Golden Age knowledge is fairly good.
    And thanks so much for taking this on this year.
    I take back what everyone says about you when you’re not listening. (Okay, it was me).

    Ranger Gord.

    1. Hi Ranger Gord – I’ll be sure to keep my ears out for guest appearance opportunities. Also, the participant list is still open to anyone. So if you want to join in with your podcast (insert Shag’s ridiculous pronunciation here), you are welcome to join us. Just message me what you’ll be covering in April that somehow is tied to the JSA, and I’ll add you to the line up above!

  4. I’m honour bound to point out that it’s also Power Girl’s fiftieth as well!

    Whilst I’m not quite up to the heights of the podcasts and blogs mentioned above I’m going to try and do my little part to celebrate both of these milestones!

  5. Shawn from WORST COLLECTION EVER here. Glad to be taking part of JSApril and one of these FW events for the first time.

    We’re covering the Eclipso 2004 content in the JSA series. If you’ve never heard our podcast before, fair warning – we get grimy and weird with just about everything we cover. Not sure how it will go over but if you’re willing to come out to where the buses don’t run, you’ll have a good time.

    Looking forward to this!


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