M*A*S*HCast – Mail Call 6

Season 6 Mail Call

Special Guest Star: Gabrielle Fortier

Have a question or comment?

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That is all!

9 responses to “M*A*S*HCast – Mail Call 6

  1. I have learned so much today! Here I was, running around like a loser with my gasoline around open flames, and even using it to start fires! But thanks to Major Burns (through Major Houlihan) I now know better. I did know not to use real gasoline when you are faking setting yourself on fire, though, I guess they will cover that in the next lecture. 😉 😀

    This episode was so much fun, I really like the Mail Call-episodes. Everyone commenting on this podcast are so smart, I always enjoy reading the comments after every episode. And – since I’m a commenter myself and therefore totally unbiased – I can also for sure say that every commenter is a super nice person, incredibly good looking, and also smells like flowers. 😉
    Thank you, Iron Guts, for reading so many of my comments, and for forwarding my friend-request :). You are so sweet and officially cooler that Klinger running around in his shorts, trying to catch a pneumonia. 😉 🙂

    I’m gonna miss this podcast so much for the rest of the year, looking forward to next season!

  2. I enjoyed the CBS promo you threw in that mentioned In the Beginning. That was the second failed post-MASH sitcom starring McClean Stevenson. Only lasted five episodes.

    Thanks for reading my comments. I will explain the one from Temporary Duty you didn’t understand. I mentioned seeing George Lindsey at a wedding reception and I said it looked like he had been with Otis Campbell.

    Lindsey had starred on The Andy Griffith Show. Otis Campbell was a character on the show who was the town drunk. In other words, he looked a lot like he did when he rode Sophie. (Except he was quieter).

    Thanks for a great season. Hate there are no more until 2024. But you deserve a break.

  3. This season has been absolutely brilliant. Great guests, great insights, and Rob you have been excellent as ever. I hope you enjoy your well-earned break.

  4. I’ve been loving all the podcasts and have been listening and re-listening to some of my favourites for the last few months. It’s too bad there won’t be any more until we flip the calendar to 2024 but everyone deserves a break.

    Great stuff!

  5. Can’t believe I have binged 6 seasons of your podcast in a year. So happy to finally catch up to what you have been doing for the past 6 years. Haven’t commented before, because I figured I was so far behind, the comments wouldn’t matter. But now I am here and plan to be an active particpant. Looking forward to 2024 and Season 7 of MASH cast.

  6. Looking so forward to the return of M*A+S*HCast for season 7. I know you take some time off between seasons, but it’s going on 8 months. Hope all is well and anxiously waiting your return.


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