Midnight 24: DEADMAN #1-2

Happy Halloween, dreadful listeners! On this spooky holiday treat, PJ Frightful presents “Specter in the Snow” originally published in Ghosts #20. Then Ryan Daly and Doug Zawisza discuss the first two issues of the Deadman miniseries from 1986

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Music produced by Neil Daly. Additional music: “People Like Us” by Matt Bomer featuring Alan Mingo, Jr.

Thanks for listening!

9 responses to “Midnight 24: DEADMAN #1-2

  1. Great to have Midnight back, and a great show to do it with! Man, that GHOSTS story was GRIM. Geez DC! Are you trying to scar a generation of kids? How bleak! But great!

    Always a pleasure to hear Doug, and I have always liked Deadman, often from afar. I remember wanting to get this mini, and the Adams reprint mini, but they were comic shop only. I really fill like I missed out! The art (not surprisingly) is gorgeous, and the colors are really something, despite the heavy leaning into magenta. DC was indeed pretty magenta obsessed back then. Didn’t Jericho’s powers usually show up as magenta after images when he took over bodies (ala Deadman)?

    Again, great show!


  2. Great discussion lads, you can’t get much better than this as far as Deadman minis go. One thing this story raised again is the lack of logic in the name of the Brothers Brand. Boston and… Cleveland?

    Boston and Philadelphia, maybe. Cleveland and Massachusetts, maybe. But Boston and Cleveland? They just don’t match.

    Surely it’s not just me.

    Thanks for the shout-out, Ryan, glad to be of service. I know I’m an old nag!

    Deadman. Like Jericho, but interesting.

    1. Or Boston and Salem. Or, just a little farther afield in New England, Concord.
      But yeah, seems like Mr. and Mrs. Brand really sent a message to poor Cleveland – even Cincinnati would have been better…

      1. Oops, sorry for the confusing mistake – was probably thinking of two things at once when I wrote “Boston and” before Salem…

    2. Boston and Cleveland do make sense, Martin. The brothers were born in those respective cities. Also, Boston and Cleveland are homes to a pair of original American League Baseball teams! Cleveland should be glad he wasn’t named Muncie. Or Salt Lake.

  3. This is the half of the mini series I owned- I remember it as one of the titles I chose to stop buying when we got an LCS- Because it was “only a miniseries”- I haven’t read the story in years and haven’t read the last half yet- (I will before listening to next podcast as this is on the DC app)

  4. Great to have this show back, especially with Doug. I appreciated all the Doom Patrol talk and the promo inclusion. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the show Ryan!

  5. Great to have you back Ryan, and excellent choice on the PJ Frightful segment. Really brings the horror to the ski slopes. Will comment more on the Deadman story in the next section.

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