oHOTmu or NOT Ep.14: Black Widow to Blob

The Marvel Universe’s #1 femme fatale. A lion man from the Negative Zone. A former spirit of vengeance. A big tub of lard. Which are Hot, and which are Not? The girls know the answers.

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse (Havana Nights), Isabel (Lip-Bomb), Nathalie (DJ Nath), Josée (Art-Girl), Amélie (AmyUltraViolet) and Shotgun.

Listen to Episode 14 below (the usual mature language warnings apply), or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!

Relevant images and further credits at: oHOTmu or NOT ep.14 Supplemental

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18 responses to “oHOTmu or NOT Ep.14: Black Widow to Blob

        1. In case this private joke between me and the girls isn’t clear, it’s the opposite of #RealTalk. When it gets too heavy and personal, we scream out FAKETALK and return the conversation to some levity.

  1. Thank goodness the girls already knew Black Widow from her use in the movies, because that drawing of her is AWFUL, and I say that as somebody who’s never had a problem with the grey suit before this. The swinging from the rope shot is ok but the main image is just… no.

    I noticed Gargoyles got name dropped twice during the Blastaar. Sounds like at least one of the girls has a long gestating Goliath crush.

    Blaze, Johnny looks about as douche-like as I can recall in this drawing so I can’t fault the ladies their assessment of the guy. And after Angelgate I’ve learned not to make any assumptions about this group.

    Oh, poor Blob. For me the kicker is the total lack of a neck. His head just looks like it’s melting into his shoulders. And he’s hairless on top of everything else. I’d like to think if he had the hairy bear thing going for him he’d be a hit in certain clubs. No idea if he swings that way, but I’m not sure how open his options are these days.

    And… I can’t help but be suspicious of how much emphasis was put on how human the girls are. The ladies doth protest too much methinks.

    1. That’s a Frank Miller drawing–oh no you di’int!!!

      Actually, the generic inking on ALL the entries saps a lot of the artists’ individuality. And yeah, I’m not a fan of the bank teller Black Widow of the 80s either.

      I will confirm the girls are not:
      Me doing voices
      Fairy folk

      No wait, they’re at least one of those.

  2. It looks like Natasha is practicing a bit of her ballerina skills there, with her dainty toe pointing downward.

    I never cared for this look much. She looked too much like Disco Nightwing in silhouette. But she does look very fit, but not in a man-scary muscular way.

    Blastaar seems to be radiating surprint energy in your scan! I like how the girls were more interested in the softness of his mane. See, that’s why this show rocks. No bunch of male comic nerds would ever think of such things.

    I’m glad the girls didn’t hold Nicholas Cage against Blaze, Johnny. How much did Marvel hate Ghost Rider in the mid to late 80s to omit an image of him here? The lop-sidedness continues, and I’m not talking about Black Cat’s boob again.

    The Blob: Is it wrong that I smell Con Funk just by looking at this picture?

    As for Drunk vs. Sober…I honestly can’t tell much difference, which means you’re not trying hard enough. Drink more!


    1. Don’t. Encourage. Them.

      Nick Cage or not, looking for Ghost Rider clips just made me want to watch the two GH movies again.

  3. I can’ believe it. Usually I brush off your odd choices of who’s hot or not. Most of the time it is innocent fun, I get that. I’m more perplexed than anything else. However, it is frustrating seeing that Siskoid is obviously pushing his own agenda by not moderating the panel properly. That’s how the “Angel fiasco” happened.

    But this episode took it too far. Not one of YOU, acknowledged the perfection that is Nicolas Cage. Goodbye, this is my last episode. I’m done.

        1. I swear that’s all him, not me.


          Also Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes edition) is in Agents of SHIELD this season, and the girls would find him MUY CALIENTE if they have a thing for brooding latin bad boys with a heart of gold, and a soul sold to Mephisto.

  4. I first met Black Widow in the gray jumpsuit with short hair, so while it’s not my preferred version of her I’ve never had a problem with it either. But that image? Holy $#@% that’s awful!!! Did Frank Miller ink that? I’m assuming he didn’t because it barely looks like him. Actually, it looks like Trevor Von Eeden in the ’90s trying too hard to look like Frank Miller.

    I wish I’d heard this episode before recording an episode of 90s Comics Retrial with Nathaniel Wayne on an issue of MORBIUS from the “Rise of the Midnight Suns” crossover. I would’ve gotten so much enjoyment out of Blaze-Comma-Johnny!

  5. I am sure it is giving all the awkward guys listening out there some solace that Armadillo and Blastarr rank higher than Angel and Blaze, Johnny.

    I know that if I was listening to this in my salad days I would be thinking ‘see Anj, there is someone for everyone! Someone will see past the Armadillo-ness of you and think ‘Big Spoon’.’

    Love this show!

  6. Well, it’s four big fat – but not as fat as The Blob – Nots from me. What a sorry bunch. Johnny Blaze should be sexy with his good looks and black leather, but he’s so very homely looking. Black Widow was never as bonkable as in her original outfit, with fishnets and mask (though I like the Letratone originally applied to this then-new look). Blastaar is too stupid looking to even consider. And Blob? Well, there’s a guy with no self-respect. Yuk.

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