oHOTmu or NOT Ep.69: Magus to Man-Ape

A techno-king. An Eternal super-speedster. A sadistic doctor. A Wakandan warrior. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls of the Hot Squad will tell you as they break open Marvel Universe Deluxe #8!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, Shotgun, and Amélie.

Listen to Episode 69 below (the usual mature language warnings apply), or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!

Relevant images and further credits at: oHOTmu or NOT ep.69 Supplemental

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18 responses to “oHOTmu or NOT Ep.69: Magus to Man-Ape

  1. Makkari was used as a great supporting character in Quasar. Since Wendell had a tendency to get over serious, Mak was there to lighten things up. Conversely, Quasar was able to make Makkari take things more seriously, so it was a nice friendship.

    He did lose the helmet before showing up there, which was a very good thing.

  2. Magus: I would have pronounced it “MaG-us” as well, so don’t feel bad, ladies. I have a weird relationship with Bill Sienkiewicz. I appreciate his artistic genius…but I can’t say I often LIKE IT. It’s just too…esoteric for me. So, again, don’t feel bad, ladies.

    Isn’t Makkari now that ebay alternative? Does he take care of the shipping?

    Dr. Karl Malus hasn’t shown up on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, in name anyway, but there is a character that may as well be him. Maybe “Malus” was too close to “Malice” and too on the nose?

    Man-Ape…yeah, that’s not a great image. I guess they got Carmine Infantino because he co-created comics’ most famous gorilla, Grodd? And I would be down for MCU M’Baku taking the Black Panther title in the films…but not this guy!

    Oh, and as for me identifying the comic with Mag-NET-O and the frog guy…I recognized the artist as Neal Adams, and remembered he drew the X-Men briefly during the late 60s/early 70s, including a story that took place in the Savage Land. So I just went to Mike’s Amazing World, looked for a cover drawn by Neal Adams, and dug a bit deeper from there. Then I checked it in the Marvel Unlimited app, and found the panel in the issue I suspected it may be in. So my nerd mutant power is artist identifier.


  3. Acceptable pronunciations for Magus after this episode:
    – “MAY-gus”
    – “MAA-gus”
    – “MAH-gus”
    – “MAGAs”
    – “Ma-GOOSE”

    “Is Hermes strong?”
    “He’s a god.”
    *audible eyeroll* “I guess.”

  4. Penguin Olympics and were-guinea pigs!? I love it!

    OHOTMU OR NOT. Come for the insightful evaluation of Marvel characters. Stay for the stream of consciousness digressions.

  5. Aha, I see through you. You deliberately didn’t end-tag Man-Ape with “See My Vest” just so someone like me would comment on it. Well, it won’t….


  6. Magus: I was surprised when I first looked up the pronunciation of “Magus” and learned that it was pronounced with a long “a” and a hard “g.” That never made sense to me, since “Magus” is the singular of “Magi” (as in “The Gift of the Magi”), which I had always heard pronounced with a short “a” and a “j”-sounding “g.”

    The discussion of words/names with confusing pronunciations, and the experience of seeing a word in print and only being able to guess at the pronunciation, gave me a childhood flashback. I remember, when I was a very young kid, my family had a Sesame Street book called “The Perils of Penelope”…and naturally, I assumed that “Penelope” was pronounced the way it looked, and would rhyme with “antelope.” This caused me much confusion at one point in the book, a Jack-and-the-Beanstalk take-off where the giant was chasing Penelope, saying “Fum fi fo fee, I’m gonna catch a Penelope.” I remember thinking “Wait a minute, that doesn’t rhyme!” Of course, one I learned how the name was actually pronounced, this book came back to me: “Oh, it DID rhyme!”

    I imagine that it would have been too much of a side-journey to mention that Warlock and Magus were named after Marvel’s 70s characters Adam Warlock and his evil counterpart Magus…at this point in Marvel’s history, the original Warlock and Magus were both dead. There’s so little similarity between the original Warlock/Magus and the later versions, I don’t know whether Chris Claremont used the names as an homage to Jim Starlin’s stories, or whether Marvel just wanted to keep the name/trademark active, or some combination of the two factors.

    Man-Ape/M’Baku: It really is amazing how the Black Panther filmmakers were able to retain the basic foundation of the character, a traditionalist with a gorilla motif, while simultaneously re-inventing him to jettison the most problematic elements.

  7. Oh, and one observation on Makkari: In the panel where he’s creating a tidal wive, it looks like there’s fire in the background…so I guess he’s fighting one natural disaster with another!

  8. Impressive pod cast most impressive. Magnus is a weird creature. Are they Non Binary? Posable. Warlock does become rather entangled with Cypher latter. They kind of merge into one being. And after Cypher dies he caries him a sec. Hmm , I though Dough Lock was Pcypher reborn with War lock’s powers. But, could Douglock be their child? No idea. I know the Venom Cybot can mate with humans. Since Carnage is Edie and the Venom Cybotes child. Not sure about the creatures that are Techno beings from Ware Locks race. What Robo Joy stick? I’m not seeing what your talking about. And of all people I think I would see that. He’s creepy but ok.

    Makkari is ok. simple enough Kirby creating. Though why shoulder pads? Wouldn’t that cut down on wind resistance? Doesn’t work for a speedster. Don’t think I’d kick him out of bed.

    Doc Karl does not look like a U-tuber. Maybe a person whom coments on U tube vids. Ya know the Transphob that bugs Trans u tubers telling them tro Get Pro Help. And feels empowered cause JK Rowling agreas with his warped mind set. And he keeps his Harry Potter books next to his copy of Mein Kampf book. And his Film Roll of Rise of a nation Directed by Edison. Ok that was over kill. To much coffee today. Any Way he doesn’t look like a U tuber.

    Moving on. M’Baku… yeah he’s way cooler in the movies. Maybe he should be the new Black Panther for the movies. The comic version … oy. Not one of Roy Thomas’s best ideas. Then Again Killgor isn’t as cool in the comics as he is in the movies so theirs that. Though when I read this in 89 even I was like wait you named an African Male what now? And I was a teen. At most 14. And I was like…no…just no. It’s Roy so I just don’t think he thought this threw. Even in the 70s this was… oy. Any Way I think the pelt is just the fur. So that’s M’Baku’s muscles. Only thing of the Ape is the Silver Back’s Skull. Kind of like a bear skin rug, but this is a shirt. That’ why it fits like that.

    Yep thoughs are “Ninja” Tabi boots. Ah Sko the Ninja. Wait weren’t you a Civil Servant? So that would be Mike Siskod The Ninja Civil Servant. Can see ya walking around in a suit with Tabi’s and a Balaclavas. (We’ll leave out that most Ninja’s were just Samurai doing assassins’ work. And the costumes came from Kabuki. And go with it. ) I can see Mike throwing in his his reports by Sherkins. Or wait this could be a 70s P.I. Drama. Mike ” The Q- Tip” Siskod is the Ninja Civil Servant. (Cause shinobi Civil Servent isn’t as fun.) Ware he reports directly to Lee VanCliff. And Ji, Baluchi as the Samurai Congress man.

    With Flash backs of Sho Kosugi training Mike. And a voice over By Chuck Norris. Ware he gives Mike’s thoughts, but we hear Chuck’s voice in reverbs.) And Some Times Mike will go on P.I. Cases with a Man called Hawk and his Partner Shot gun. (Had to put one of the gals in this bit and her name fits a 70s P.I. drama.) But, Mike’s worst foe will be Michael Dudikoff as the Ninja tax ajuster. As they fight to balance the bujet. Some times with their reports on Ninja Stars. Other’s they Break out the Katanas. And if they tear their uniforms Jim Baluchi fxes them… because before he was a Samurai Council Man He was a Samurai tailor like his brother before him.

    Oh did I mention I have a U-Tube channel? Adding to talking abut what ever I started playing Guitar. Been Playing 3 weeks. How bad could it be? That’s Liz Anne Oswalt on U tube.

  9. Way to go on another fantastic episode, gang! The ladies never cease to amaze me with their great observations. On to the entries…..

    My Goose – A great insight that he would move like a Rubik’s Cube. That makes total sense, being all angular, and that’s all I can picture now. I was also wondering what the heck is that little hat sticking out at the top of his head. It looks like a weird top hat to me with writing on it.

    Makkari – Oh lord, those should pads and helmet. That is the worst looking football team. Those marks on his helmet look like antlers to me more than eyebrows.

    Malus, Dr. Karl – That left hand placement and shape is…. unfortunate. And his weird smile isn’t helping! He is enjoying himself too much.

    I loved the mispronunciation and Heritage Minute talk at the end! That made me laugh so hard to hear the HM catchphrases. The Superman one is burned into my mind as well as the spoof made by…. I want to say, 22 Minutes?

    And thank you for the head’s up on the poison party. I will Dread Pirate Roberts that arsenic!

    Keep up the great work!

  10. Great episode as always. I’m pleased the girls like my alternate name for the network. You are all correct (including Liz Anne) about M’Baku; Coogler and Duke did it much, much better. Where’s the Magus from Adam Warlock? Book of the Dead? He was awesome!

  11. Boy, this was a rough group of characters to rate. Who’s hotter? The circuit board? Or the guy wearing the pelt of an ape like a scuba suit? Yeesh.

    That said, Dr. Malus is a cool name. And the Elton John glasses with the lab gear is a solid look, oozes confidence. I don’t think I could pull it off. But really, I think Siskoid needs to do a ‘who wore it better Marvel’s Dr. Malus or DC’s Professor Milo?’ Because those guys definitely shop at the same store.

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