Once Upon A Geek – Hero Squared


Bill Bere and The Irredeemable Shag find their joy discussing HERO SQUARED, the comic book sitcom from BOOM! Studios written by Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis! Can Captain Valor and Milo, two alternate universe versions of the same guy, learn to live together while also coping with Milo’s girlfriend and Valor’s archenemy? We cover the first storyline from the 2004 HERO SQUARED X-TRA SIZED SPECIAL one-shot, and 2005 HERO SQUARED #1-3 limited series! 

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4 responses to “Once Upon A Geek – Hero Squared

  1. Wonder full show sounds like interesting comic I’ll keep an eye out for the omnibus. But I’m currently working on so some other things . I’m working on collecting right now . So unless heroes squared omnibus shows up at a comic I’m at it’s not high priority for me but another wonderful show. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep listening over and out. This is Bucky749 signing off.

  2. Thanks, Shag and Bill, for a good listen. I’ve had of this comic but never come across it, but it must have done OK to have more than the original mini-series. I’ve just checked out a few pages online, and enjoyed them. I shall keep an eye out for en el cheapo collection.

    My maths is not the best, why ‘hero squared’? Twins aren’t one person squared. Mind, the two Milos aren’t twins, not exactly. My head hurts.

  3. I happened across a TPB at Ollie’s which I believe is the wrap up of the story, and it’s plenty of Giffen-DeMatteis goodness. I haven’t worked at finding the rest, but now I *have* to! It sounds so fun! Great show, gents!

  4. Another pleasant podcast from Shag and friend. I had never heard of this series before you called it out in the JLI show during one of your chats with J.M. On the strength of your recommendation, I bought the Omnibus from InStock Trades (I would’ve told them Shag sent me, but they didn’t ask) and I’m glad I did! It’s a fun read, and mostly stands up 20-ish years later. The only thing that’s aged poorly, in my mind, is the bit where the villain kidnaps Milo to play hide-the-sausage. While I get that it was part of the character’s evil plan to psychologically torment the rest of the players, it still reeks of male sex fantasy (schlubby guy scores with the sexually voracious hot chick who’s inexplicably attracted to him? Nah, I never had that dream, nor did 90% of the guys writing sitcoms in the aughts), and I can’t help but wonder if that storyline would fly in comics today. That said, there’s a lot here worth contemplating, including the meta-commentary on the inherent violence of super-heroics. And as a JLI fan, I enjoyed the bit about Captain Valor and Caliginous entering Milo’s world from the ruins of an alternative in a parallel dimension-verse, echoing the Extremists storyline from Justice League Europe. So thanks, Shag, for recommending this one!

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