Super Mates 112: House of Franklin-Stein Part 4

Chris and Cindy wrap up House of Franklin-Stein 2024 with a trip to Collinsport, Maine, and the House of Dark Shadows! Barnabas Collins, vampire is freed from his coffin prison, and plans to marry his long-lost love, no matter the bloody carnage he leaves in his wake! Starring Jonathan Frid and the cast from the classic TV series!

Then “Captain Marvel Battles the Vampire” from Captain Marvel Adventures #1! The World’s Mightiest Mortal must stop the evil Bram Thirla, risen from the grave as a bloodthirsty vampire! By Joe Simon, Jack Kirby and Dick Briefer!

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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK

Clip credits:

House of Dark Shadows (1970) directed by Dan Curtis

Music by Robert Cobert

Theme from Shazam! by Jeff Michael and Yvette H. Blais

Theme from Dark Shadows by Robert Cobert

“The House of Franklinstein” by Terry O’Malley, of Stop Calling Me Frank

31 responses to “Super Mates 112: House of Franklin-Stein Part 4

  1. Auuug.a Sorry, Cindy hit one of my pet peeves when she described Barnabas’ arrival. I’m not sure if she was quoting the movie. It was the part where Barnabas remarked how Barnabas ancestor would love to live there. I have seen and heard that term used increasingly when people mean descendants.

    Good show otherwise. I was one of the original run home from school kids when it first started. I saw it from the beginning but then missed most of it from just before Lauras’ arrival. Since I lived in the midwest, I couldn’t see anything during the school year for its first year. When they moved it a half hour later, I could sometimes catch the last five minutes of it. I could see bits and pieces during summers and holidays. I was finally able to catch up when it was rerun: first on the USA network, and tben later on SciFi.
    It is available for free on the Tubi streaming service.

    Like you, I was confused over where the wedding scene was taking place. It was only a few months ago while watching a YouTube review of the movie that I learned this was supposed to be an abbanded chapel on the island where Jeff was suppossed to meet Roger and Stokes.

    Apparently, there was a scene cut out of the film where Barnabas goes to Boston and “persuades” a museum director to offer to host Jeff’s art show. That was what Barnabas did for him.

    Mark B. Perry, the creator of The Wonder Years, is the person who is trying to get Dark Shadows revived. An interview he did with Bloody Disgusting is still up. He explains the premise of the show. Victoria’s daughter shows up in Collinsport to investigate the dissappearance of her mother. That is certainly one way to go. For some of us fans who never got real closure; I might set it in 1971.

    Also, from the Terror at Collinwood podcast: there was a meeting between Dan Curtis and an ABC executive over the future of the show. The ratings had stabalised and ABC was apparently going to cancel One Life to Live. After the meeting, Dark Shadows got cancelled. There may have been plans to recast Barnabas. A actor was called in to audition for the role of Barnabas’ brother, but that may have been a smokescreen to hide the fact that Frid was leaving.

    The 2012 movie came out during the height of the Twilight series. I always thought Depp and Burton went the direction they did so that tbey would not be compared to that film series. That’s about all I want to say about that.

    1. If Cindy mispoke ancestor for descendant, she was probably reading my notes, and therefore its my fault. I try to catch things like that, but life happens.

      I’ll have to go back and rewatch the end of the film. It sure looks like Maggie and Willie are in the old house, particularly Joesette’s room. Not sure why a chapel would have old armaments like a crossbow laying around!

      Thanks for mentioning Mark B. Perry by name, I should have refreshed my memory before we recorded. As for the other info, I wanted to point people toward Terror at Collinwood, so I was vague on the other details. I do wonder if Curtis didn’t just “mercy kill” DS in his own mind, because he was tired, wanted to move on, etc.

      Yeah, the Burton/Depp film did come out during Twilight-Mania, but all the more reason to go classic, not silly, in my mind. Oh well!

  2. I have a long drive ahead of me tomorrow and this podcast is exactly what I needed to help pass the time. Looking forward to it!

    And Happy Halloween, everybody!

  3. Thanks for another great season of House of Franklin-Stein.

    I’ve been Dark Shadows curious for quite sometime now. I would catch episodes here and there when I was younger, and found the stories interesting, but never became a regular viewer. In particular, I recall seeing several of the episodes based on The Picture of Dorian Gray.

    Now, when I think about watching the series, I’m intimidated by the sheer number of episodes. Though, I did do a complete re-watch of the classic Doctor Who series not too long ago, so that argument doesn’t hold much water. Maybe, I just need to stop making excuses and pull the trigger on Dark Shadows.

    Regardless it was interesting to hear your take on the movie and the series, in general.

    Congrats on soon to becoming grandparents, BTW.

    1. If it helps, maybe binge DS in storyline chunks? I recommend starting with the Barnabas storyline, following that through, and then taking a break if you need it. I know there are some subplots that overlap, but there are several sites that break down the major storylines, and it makes it seem a little more digestible.

      Thanks for listening, and for the congratulations. Yes, our granddaughter is here, and her, mom and dad are doing great! Nana and Pop-Pop are tickled pink!

  4. Good Lord, you weren’t kidding when you said HoDS was full of incident, the plot details were neverending – but also they were very entertaining, as filtered through the Cindy and Chris lens. I’ve never seen DS, I don’t think the soap was ever shown in the UK, but I’ve found an episode of YouTube… I need to see this woman emerging from the mirror.

    I definitely went to the pictures to see the Johnny Depp film but haven’t a single memory about it… perhaps I was mesmerised.

    That Captain Marvel strip is something else, what an odd one to kick off a new comic, you think they’d have something to set the tone, but it seems they put in whatever was on top of the pile. Simon and Kirby, though, that makes it a proper historical curiosity and no mistake.

    Thanks for this season, I apologise for failing to comment on the last couple of episodes, I had a few remarks on my iPhone but never got them on this page. The only sadness is that we didn’t get a single Bride of Frankenstein hiss this year!

    It’s been a great two months, House of Franklinstein is always a massive treat in the year. All the best to everyone for the upcoming happy event, enjoy your break.

    1. Martin, here is the first appearance of Josette’s ghost, emerging from her portrait.

      I think maybe your mind took care of itself and forgot the Depp film. 😉

      Thank you for the kind words on our familly’s new bundle of joy! She’s here! And we’ll be back before you know it.

      1. Wow, that is great, so eerie… and with a little flourish at the end when she spins. The painting coming to life was so well done… Josette should team up with the Tracy Brothers and Marvel’s Scarecrow.

        I’m guessing DC’s Baron Winters was a nod to Victoria Winters.

        1. I think Baron Winters definitely owed a lot to Barnabas Collins, at least in design. And we know Gene Colan based his Dracula on Jack Palance, even before Palance played Dracula in a production by… Dark Shadows’ creator Dan Curtis! Full circle!

  5. Did you plan this with Rob Kelly to give us double the bonkers Golden Age Captain Marvel content this week? My one comment is that it appears that the vampire book Billy gets from the library is written by “Hip Lovecraft”, which is funny to me.

    Dark Shadows-curious, as mentioned by Brian Linton above, is a good description. I have known of the original for a while, but never pulled the trigger to watch it. In my early teens, I kind of thought people were pulling my leg about a daytime soap opera featuring vampires and such. Truly, the 1960s were a different time.

    Congratulations on the new addition to the family! And thanks again for sparking an interest in watching the Universal films. It’s become something of an October Halloween tradition for me and my wife.

    1. Ha, no, I had no idea Rob and Chuck Dill were going to discuss a Shazam! treasury! Happy coincidence.

      I thought my Dad was out of his head telling me about DS as well! If only it had continued on into the 70s/80s.

      Thanks for the well-wishes! And glad we could help spark that tradition to help keep the Universal Monster movies alive…even if we didn’t cover one this year! We’ll get back on track next time.

  6. Another fun episode, as always! Another comic that could have accompanied this episode is Daredevil #65 and #66, which featured Karen Page getting a role on a TV series (“Strange Secrets”) which is clearly based on “Dark Shadows,” while her co-star who plays the sinister “Brother Brimstone” gets too obsessed with his role. I know you feature DC more frequently than Marvel, but it might be a story to keep in mind for next year’s House of Franklin-Stein…

    1. Gah, that would have been great to feature with House of Dark Shadows! I vaguely recall Karen being cast on a DS-like soap opera, but didn’t now about “Brother Brimstone”. Where were you four months ago, Erich? 😉

      But seriously, thanks for listening, and for the info for future seasons!

  7. So now I not only need to finish my watch through of Dark Shadows (I’m somewhere around where Maggie had just gotten out of the asylum), but I have a new podcast to listen to. Thanks, Franklins. 😉

        1. Yeah, I think the show loses a little of it’s atmosphere and becomes a bit…cheesier. The low budget is harder to hide in color. But after a while, the garish color became a component I liked. Like a later low-budget Hammer film that happened to be filmed on video tape instead of film. Plus, most of the episodes I caught as a teen on Sci-Fi were in color, so I was nostalgic for that look.

  8. I have never seen a single episode of DARK SHADOWS nor any of the movies. This is not intended as a criticism; more that it’s such a huge project to take on that I’m too intimidated to even start. That said, I appreciated all the back stage drama stuff, it was all new to me.

    What I do remember was back during my video store days, we had the entire run of Barnabas episodes on VHS; they took up an entire shelving unit in our TV section. Different people would rent them to binge watch and felt like they couldn’t skip a few if the tape(s) was with another customer. That led to a few exasperated exchanges with Dark Shadows fans who were wondering when the hell the schmuck who rented Volume 14 or whatever was bringing it back!

    As we just discussed on TREASURYCAST, the classic Shazam! stories were so unmoored from any known reality they are almost Dada, and this vampire one is no exception.

    Great job as always, these shows come and go too quick! Looking forward to next year when you’ll assuredly cover DR PHIBES RISES AGAIN!

    1. Oh man, I had never considered trying to binge a show like DS via a video store! None of our video stores carried episodic TV series, except I think for Star Trek, which I of course rented. I hope those exasperated patrons have the big coffin box set with all the episodes now!

      Yeah, Shazams be crazy for sure. But I for one kind of like the whimsical approach. If I read it all the time, I may grow tired of it, though. But I will take it to maudlin navel gazing any day!

      If we ever cover Dr. Phibes Rises Again, you can probably be assurred the doors to HoF are closed for good! I won’t be alive to continue producing it!

  9. This was my favorite episode of this year’s HoF. I’m actually watching through the entirety of Dark Shadows right now. Prior to this I’ve only seen a few episodes on Kate night cable. I watched House of Dark Shadows for the first time in preparation of this podcast. I did enjoy it, but it was a bit shocking to see the cast of the series cut down so brutally.
    As for your comment about Jonathan Frid being perfectly cast as a vampire, I agree. There are only two other things I can picture him as. I think he’d have made a great incarnation of Doctor Who, and I can also see him as an Imperial Officer Darth Vader would have to Force choke for being smug.

    1. Yeah, House of DS is pretty shocking in the way it just mows through the cast! If they had done a straight sequel, who was left to be in it?

      Glad to hear you are binging DS as well. Where are you at right now?

      Good call on the Frid casting. Oddly enough, that’s pretty close to some of Peter Cushing’s resume!

  10. Great discussion! I haven’t seen this movie yet but I watched most of the Dark Shadows series a few years ago and I really got into it. I was watching multiple episodes a day. The first few stories with Barnabas were my favorite. He was very evil in the beginning but as you noted they softened him up somewhat once they decided to keep him as an anti-hero. It was a great cast. Jonathan Frid was perfect in the role. I loved the background magic and the sets as well. I’ve actually never finished the final year but I may get back into it.

    1. Barnabas may be the first true antihero on US TV in a lot of ways. If you don’t count bounty hunters like Paladin from Have Gun Will Travel. But those western characters never really did any thing unsavory, honestly.

      Overall, I enjoyed the earlier stories with Barnabas too, but I hope you get a chance to finish the series. There’s something of a badge of honor associated with “I watched every episode” of a series that big!

  11. Great show, Cindy and Chris. I always look forward to House of Franklin-Stein every fall. I’ve never seen Dark Shadows or even knew it existed, so this was quite the history lesson. And the international posters are so cool. The green/blue colored poster looks like a graphic novel cover. Love the line work. I’ve never been a big Captain Marvel fan, but if he became a vampire hunter, he’d be way more interesting. Solid staking, Cap! Thanks again for a great season of HOF.

    1. Thanks for listening Brett! Glad we could shed some…ahem…light on Dark Shadows for you. I dig those international posters too, especially the one you mentioned.

      Captain Marvel: Vampire Hunter sounds like a never-ending mini-series DC would milk dry…other than the Captain Marvel part!

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