Superman II Movie Minute #21 – Coke and Cigarettes

SUPERMAN II MOVIE MINUTE #21 – Coke and Cigarettes

Fire and Water Network All-Stars Chris Franklin and Rob Kelly bring you SUPERMAN II MOVIE MINUTE, where they analyze, scrutinize, and you’ll-believe-a-man-can-fly-ize the classic 1980 film starring Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, and Terence Stamp, five minutes at a time!

In minutes 10000 – 10500, the battle with the Phantom Zone villains continues, and the citizens of Metropolis try to lend a hand!

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Opening theme and closing theme by John Williams

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11 responses to “Superman II Movie Minute #21 – Coke and Cigarettes

  1. Lots of great action in the first section of these five minutes. I admit as a kid, seeing Superman fly off was a bit hard to take. Of course, when we finally understood what he was doing, seeing him use his mind was great.

    Do KFC and Coke have some sort of package deal with product placement? Remember in Goldfinger how Oddjob and Felix Leiter kept driving past KFC whenever they went anywhere in Kentucky and the flashing Coca-Cola sign on the Golden Girl in the opening credits? I think Colonel Sanders must not have met a product placement opportunity he didn’t like. He had a cameo in Herschell Gordon Lewis’s Blast Off Girls.

    1. I just watched Goldfinger (for the upteenth time) this weekend! Good call on the matching product placement. Did Bond smoke Marlboros?

      Oddly enough, I think KFC and Pepsi are, or were at one point, owned by the same company. So the Colonel switched armies in the cola wars, apparently!


      1. You know, in between encounters with megalomaniacal supervillains and their minions, you could do a lot worse than stopping in to KFC for a bite.
        They have a wide selection.

      2. That would have been good product placement if Bond had been a Marlboro man, but according to the books he smoked some kind of special custom blend that Ian Fleming went on several paragraphs about. Fleming did tend to over describe things.

        Chris, you’re starting to scare me. I’ve seen Goldfinger (actually all the 60s, 70s and 80s Bonds) WAAAYYYY too many times, too. I also really like Smokey and the Bandit and the first two Superman movies. Plus, I’m sure you can tell from the screen name that I like Batman. It can’t be good for your marriage if Cindy finds out you’re too much like me. Just stay away from the Laura Gemser movies, and you should be alright, though.

  2. A few thoughts on another fun episode:
    1) Of course neon signs explode like that. I saw it in an eighties documentary about sword-wielding immortals living among us under assumed names.

    2) Seeing the people on the bus scrambling to save their own lives instead of becoming paralyzed by fear and waiting for bad things to happen to them — that’s the kind of small detail that makes a huge difference in the quality of a film. In a few seconds, the commuters become both more real and admirable in their own right.

    3) Even more so, seeing the masses help the bus riders and take up arms to avenge Superman — wow. I always thought the most enjoyable and interesting aspect of Superman was his inspirational effect on others — and in turn, their inspirational effect on him. There’s a Morrison JLA where the people of Earth all get powers. Many — housewives and engineers and Masai warriors — go to space to fight the big bad and rescue Superman, because he had done same for them so many times. In another story, he talks in an interview about how firefighters do the same thing he does with less flash and more danger. And in the recent Action #800 (an absolute gem of a comic), a young woman held as a hostage takes bold action that enables Superman to save her life — and effectively rescues him from living with her death. These are the stories that move me most.

    4) Clearly, the guy in the phone booth later became the Joker.

  3. Up until that moment with the bus, Superman hadn’t seen firsthand how ruthless the Zoners were. Maybe he’d caught up on the reports, but to see it in front of you, big difference. Just an amazing part of this incredible scene.

    If neon does blow up like that, why hasn’t some super-villain weaponized it yet? The Nasty Neon! Neon Ne’er-do-well! Banjo on my Neon! … wait …

  4. Is it just me, or does the building with the giant neon Coca-Cola sign look a lot like the model of the Daily Planet Building, from the opening shot of Superman: The Movie?

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