Superman III Movie Minute #6 – Double Check


Fire and Water Network All-Stars Chris Franklin and Rob Kelly are back with SUPERMAN III MOVIE MINUTE, where they analyze, scrutinize, and you’ll-believe-a-man-can-fly-ize the Man of Steel’s third big screen adventure starring Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor, Annette O’Toole, and Robert Vaughn, five minutes at a time!

In minutes 25:00-30:00, Clark and Lana reconnect, Gus’ scheme kicks in, and we meet our villains! Special Guest: Gord Tolton!

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Opening theme and closing theme by John Williams.

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13 responses to “Superman III Movie Minute #6 – Double Check

  1. You guys got me to watch this movie for the first time since I was a kid in the 80’s. I’ve watched 1 and 2 plenty, but never felt the need to go back to 3. There were some fun parts that I remembered, like freezing the lake and the Superman and Clark Kent fight, but plenty of bad stuff too. I tried to follow your lead and focus on the positive. And the big positive was Christopher Reeve. He looked and acted great. The man IS Superman. And then there is Annette O’toole…nuff said. Rob was talking about the villains in this episode. They are definitely a second rate Luthor and Ms. Tessmacher. They tried to repeat the formula, and it just didn’t work. Lorelei’s voice hurts me worse than tar kyrptonite.

  2. Hey guys, another great episode this week. Love the charming scenes of Clark and Lana cleaning up after the reunion and Lana asking Clark if he never got married. Christopher Reeve and Annette O’Toole had really nice chemistry.

    I know I’m in the minority but I have to admit I kind of like Richard Pryor in this segment. I find it funny when he’s trying to contain his excitement about the $86,000 check.

    Your discussion about Superman having superpowers in everything such as medical abilities during the silver age reminded me of a scene on Seinfeld where Jerry and George are debating whether Superman has a super sense of humor. Here is the dialogue from the season one episode called The Stock Tip:

    JERRY: I think Superman probably has a very good sense of humor.

    GEORGE: I never heard him say anything really funny.

    JERRY: But it’s common sense. He’s got super strength, super speed.. I’m sure he’s got super humor.

    GEORGE: You would think that, but either you’re born with a sense of humor, or you’re not. It’s not going to change even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all
    the way to the yellow sun of the Earth.

    JERRY: Why? Why would that one area of his mind not be affected by the yellow sun of Earth?

    GEORGE: I don’t know but he ain’t funny.

  3. Hey guys, thanks for a great episode. Any chance to hear my friend Gord Tolton is a good day, but I half expected him to mention John Byrne’s rendition of the Calgary Stampede when he brought it up. Fortunately, he did get in a good Byrne reference.
    Now regarding Bill Reimbold: I think IMDB has it wrong. If you look at his profile, they have a picture of William Hootkins from his role as Major Eaton in Raiders. I think it is simply a case of mistaken identity.
    Back to the reunion and Brad. I think a good item you are missing as far as Gavin O’Herlihy is concerned is the fact that he is the son of the late great Dan O’Herlihy from Robocop and the Last Starfighter amongst many great credits. Gavin’s Uncle, Michael, was a director that handled the “Tomorrow is Yesterday” episode of Star Trek and just the second episode of MASH, “To Market, to Market” amongst about 80 other TV show credits.
    I know this movie has it’s flaws, but the chemistry between Reeve and Annette O’Toole just makes me love this film more each time I watch it. As far as Clark’s clumsy dance moves go, when you look at the Clark side of the Junkyard fight, even there he is clumsy in his movements. And I for one, do not buy into Tarantino’s thoughts on Clark and Superman. It is a secret identity, and it has to be far and away from who Superman is. So how does a 6’2″ 225lb guy not look like Superman? By being a dork, it’s nothing more than that! Ok, off my Soapbox.
    Thanks again, you keep recording, I will keep listening.
    Brian Hughes
    Co-Host of the 3rd Degree Byrne Podcast

    1. Regarding Annie Ross: While we comics geeks recall her from Superman 3, she’s best known as a highly regarded jazz singer. I would guess that the song she’s most associate with is “Twisted” (1952), which is used to great effect in the opening credits of Woody Allen’s Deconstructing Harry (1997). Ross wrote the lyrics. In the 1960s she had an affair with Lenny Bruce. Her first film credit is 1943’s Presenting Lily Mars (starring Judy Garland). Other than Superman 3, I’d say her best acting role is Altman’s Short Cuts where she plays the mother of a suicidal grown daughter. The film is a collection of several Raymond Carver short stories & would make a great discussion for Film & Water.

  4. The Character of the Bureaucrat was ultimately cut out of final version of Raiders. He would have been seen during the conversation Indy has with the two government officials. He had no lines in the film, he only supervised.


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