TreasuryCast 93 – Secret Origins of Super-Villains

Rob welcomes Dr. Jennifer Swartz-Levine to discuss LIMITED COLLECTORS’ EDITION #C-39 – SECRET ORIGINS OF SUPER-VILLAINS!

Check out images from this comic by clicking here!

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15 responses to “TreasuryCast 93 – Secret Origins of Super-Villains

  1. Another fun episode. Describing Luthor as “stalker-y” is appropriate. He goes from total adoration to absolute vindictiveness in a single page.

    Luthor was always going to be evil. He was just waiting for the right trigger. (Luthor had a hair trigger! #dadjokes)

  2. Lex Luthor’s stalker-ness and rapid turn to hating Supes with the intent to make his life miserable exemplifies Borderline Personality Disorder. It’s the whole “I Love You/I Hate You” dynamic magnified by his extreme antisocial and schizotypal personality traits. That will be 5 cents, please.

    On another topic, didn’t the Superman vs. Wonder Woman facsimile come out already? I bought a tabloid-sized hardcover in Cincinatti several months ago. I love these hardcover editions and I hope the keep doing them.

  3. Lex Luthor’s stalker-ness and rapid turn to hating Supes with the intent to make his life miserable exemplifies Borderline Personality Disorder. It’s the whole “I Love You/I Hate You” dynamic magnified by his extreme antisocial and schizotypal personality traits. That will be 5 cents, please.

    On another topic, didn’t the Superman vs. Wonder Woman facsimile come out already? I bought a tabloid-sized hardcover in Cincinatti several months ago. I love these hardcover editions and I hope the keep doing them.

  4. While it may not be as big a bait-&-switch as “Superman Salutes the Bicentennial,” the cover here is still pretty misleading, so I can sympathize with Jennifer over the lack of a Wonder Woman/Cheetah story, to say nothing of a Green Lantern/Sinestro story. I know the late, great Xum would probably have disagreed with me, but Terra Man is indeed a poor substitute.
    By the way, is Dr. Sivana supposed to be Asian? If so, I never knew that. Also if so, yikes.

  5. I know that the Red Hood story is a classic villain origin, but I’m almost persuaded that The Joker doesn’t really need an origin, much like Wolverine for so many years. He’s just a chaotic madman who does crazy stuff and no one really knows who he is or why he does it.

    Lex is one of my favorite DC villains. Various writers have spent much of the last 10 years or so trying to “redeem” him, but I still like him best as a super-arrogant narcissist. He is so vain that he needs to be the most powerful, smartest, richest guy around. His hatred of Superman is because he can’t stand being overshadowed by the Man of Steel not because Superboy accidentally kojaked him.

    I don’t know if I’ve ever read Captain Cold’s origin story. He always seemed to be the kind of guy who robbed banks because “that’s where the money is”. I do like The Flash’s Rogues gallery, probably next to Batman and Spider-Man the deepest in superhero comics.

    Like Edo Bosnar, I was today years old when I found out that Dr. Sivana was supposed to be Asian. Captain Marvel had some fun villains and lots of “mirror image” bad guys. There was Black Adam, who is kind of the Reverse Captain Marvel and also got his powers from the wizard. Then, there is good ol’ Stanley “Stinky” Printwhistle, aka Ibac who also gets his powers from a magic acronym formed from the names of famous wicked figures from history. I always got him confused with Sabbac, another Captain Marvel villain who ALSO speaks a magic acronymm formed from the names of demons. And finally, there was Oggar, another old pupil of Shazam, who was known as the “World’s Mightiest Immortal” in contrast to the Captain.

    And I agree that Beautia and Magnificus Sivana should have been the “evil” members of Sivana’s family while Sivana Jr. and Georgianna should have been the “good” set of siblings.

    Great show, Rob and Dr. Swartz-Levine.

  6. A great episode and a great guest. Jenny has been to both our recent superhero related conferences (Batman & Spider-Man) at BGSU & her presentations are always highlights.

    As I get older, I really am more appreciative of the Golden & Silver Age comics. I really don’t think that most currently published superhero comics are any better or more sophisticated in their storytelling than the classic adventures.

    1. Thanks, Chuck! That’s very kind. And the BGSU pop culture conferences are always spectacular! Can’t wait for what you all come up with next!

  7. Great show! Sorry that Cheetah and Sinestro got the shaft, especially for Terra-Man (sorry Xum)!

    That pin-up has a truly odd history, apparently! According to this site, it was drawn by Carmine Infantino and inked by Giordano. The owner of the site who has the original art says Sivana was a stat, but the rest are apparently drawn on the board.

    Original villains art

    The basis for the larger pinup is this Flash Rogues gallery piece first seen in 80 Page Giant #4 (Oct. 1964), drawn by Infantino and Murphy Anderson

    Flash pinup

    Elements of both are seen in the 1976 Super DC Calendar art by Neal Adams and Giordano, particularly Grodd and the slinky Catwoman pose.

    Super Calendar

    And then there’s the flip side to the Super Friends pillow case, also borrowing art from this chain of pin-ups!!!

    Pillow Case

  8. Thanks for another great Treasury Cast, I’m going to be so sad when this show ends, it’s so good, probably the best one on the network this side of all your other shows, Rob. It was especially nice to hear from Jennifer again.

    I haven’t got this comic, I never knew all those classic characters on the front weren’t inside… I actually thought it was the law that every superhero anthology had to have at least one story of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. A classic Wondy story would have been perfect at Treasury size, given the acres of tiny type in those wonderful early tales, and the ornateness of the HG Peter art. And the Cheetah origin from Wonder Woman #6 would have been perfect, well, apart from the huge amount of lovely bandage talk… maybe that’s why we didn’t see the ridiculously gorgeous Priscilla Rich?

    Count me as another Marvel Family fan who never knew Sivana was Asian… he must have weak genes, given all his kids look entirely Caucasian. And while the dressing up and words didn’t exactly please me, I did like creativity of the bamboo font.

    It’s interesting to see echoes of Dr Fate’s origin in that of Terra Man. Funnily enough, the original Horrible Hootowl reappeared in Joshua Williamson’s Superman recently, having been lost in time and space. Sadly, he didn’t have his proper costume on.

    Am I the only one who found side-on Lex Luthor rather enticing? Incidentally, why does Lex have eyebrows?

    Rob, you don’t half pronounce ‘winged’ poetically!

    Now, have I mentioned how amazingly great this show is?

  9. Oh man, I am a big fan of Captain Marvel/Shazam and I never thought of Sivana as Asian. I have read of Shazam reprints and it appears to be something that might have been dropped. Should his kids good/bad sides been switched? Yeah, it would have been funnier that way. However, I always pictured Sivana more like Austin Powers
    Dr Evil than a stereotype.
    The Superboy/Luthor origin was just dumb!
    That pin up is hilarious. Catwoman, Grodd and Joker seem to be the only ones who like taking the picture and either Sivana is going to shoot Mxyptlk or Penguin is going to Deck him.

  10. I always love Origin stories whether hero’s or villains but I don’t why thy thy didn’t just put the actual heroes. Why did they put Wonder Woman on the cover it makes no sense to put on the cover when she is not in the book .

  11. Such a great episode!

    To explain the TerraMan inclusion, I am trying to think if Westerns were making a comeback at this time or if they had never left. Were Big Valley and Bonanza still on the air? Anyways, there are TerraMan fans out there rejoicing.

    The Luthor story always gets me. Couldn’t he whip up a hair restoration formula? Couldn’t he patent said hair restoration formula and retire?

    Also, I think the little smog monster (protoplasm) was rejiggered by John Byrne in his Supergirl Saga to be the basis for the Matrix Supergirl, a nice modernization.

  12. I wondered if the original plan was to include the Cheetah and Sinestro stories, and they were dropped when DC dropped the treasury page count from 80 pages to 64 pages. Terra-Man might have been slotted because he was the only origin that matched the pages that were left with the page number adjustment. This probably isn’t the case since there were several 64 page treasuries before this one.

    One of my great treasury disappointments is that DC never did a Flash treasury with Infantino art. Maybe with the Flash stories in the two Secret Origins Super Villains treasuries and the one in the Best of DC treasury, we almost got a treasury worth of Infantino Flash stories.

    Rob, I feel your pain with your love for your cat but your disappointment with it damaging your treasuries. About a month and half ago, I adopted a 20ish pound puppy from the animal shelter. She ate my Batman hat while I was taking a nap. I had to take the nap because she has so much energy that she wears me out! I still love her, though. Don’t worry. I have my treasuries and comics in the one room in the house I don’t let her in.

  13. I’m with you Rob, there absolutely should have been an Aquaman story in this, and I know just the one: AQUAMAN #29 from 1966, featuring the introduction and origin of Ocean Master, by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy.

    And his origin story just reminds me of how short-sighted Captain Cold is. Let’s see, I’ve just created a hand-held gun that can create instantaneous cold and ice, so much that it can freeze an entire city. Do I sell this technology to the U.S. government for a billion dollars and live a life of lawful luxury, or do I start knocking over jewelry stores?

    And you have me wondering what my wish list of treasury editions would be. In no particular order…

    Golden Age Wonder Woman
    Silver Age Wonder Woman
    Silver Age Flash
    Silver Age Green Lantern
    The Brave and the Bold

  14. Great show, Rob. Always nice to have on Dr. Jennifer Swartz-Levine to class up the show. I always enjoy villain-centric specials and treasuries. I love the cover for this one featuring everyone’s favorite concept: the running face-off. Too bad DC ran out of budget after that and slapped the hero and villain names down with an old label-maker. The villain intros are certainly a choice. I do, however, like the group photo by Infantino. Luthor has got to be miserable standing next to the worst members of Superman’s rogue’s gallery. “Are we done yet. I’m going to vaporize this photographer if he makes me put my hand on Penguin’s shoulder. Look at Boomerang and Piper man-spreading across the seats. I should get a seat, not those morons. Of course Joker is here with all the cool villains: Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Ra’s, Talia, Riddler, and Blockbuster so he can look tough. What do I get? A Keebler Elf and some pervert on a hobby horse. Jesus, Superman, is this all we got? Even the Flash gets a gorilla. I swear I should just go kill Batman instead. How hard could that be? No, no, stay on point, Luthor. I’m bald because of Superman, he betrayed me, I hate him, blah, blah. I don’t know, maybe I should just go be a CEO. That’s where the real evil is. I cannot wait for this day to be over. I should ask Manta if he knows Aquaman’s weed guy.”

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