TreasuryCast 96 – The Fantastic Four

Rob welcomes David Ace Gutierrez to discuss MARVEL TREASURY EDITION #21, starring The Fantastic Four!

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16 responses to “TreasuryCast 96 – The Fantastic Four

  1. To answer the question about the Epic Illustrated content in the Byrne Fantastic Four Omnibus: John Byrne wrote and drew a serial called “The Last Galactus Story” in those issues of Epic, featuring Galactus and Nova in the far, far future. Unfortunately, the storyline was unfinished when the magazine was canceled; while there were plans to finish the story as either a mini-series or graphic novel, those plans fell by the wayside and Byrne never completed the story.

  2. A most, excellent – dare I say, fantastic! – show.
    But first things first: congratulations to David for acquiring a Robbie.
    Also, I can sympathize with the need to remove price stickers, especially from books, including comics tpbs, etc. I have even resorted to using substances like nail polish remover to get rid of some of those that apparently have an industrial-strength adhesive on them.

    As to the issue at hand: this is another one of the small number of Treasuries that I used to have back in the day, and it was definitely a favorite. Loved the story, loved Big John’s amazing art. Also loved that – like the Spider-man treasury you recently covered – this one is like a mini-tpb, in that it contains a complete multi-issue story arc.
    I disagree with David about one thing, though: I prefer the later, recolored version of Galactus in the treasury. Especially when you consider that scene in the story when the Thing knocks Galactus to the ground (original image here ) – without leggings it looks like poor ol’ Ben got an eyeful of the planet-eater’s junk…

  3. Another great episode! DAG is always a delight and, as someone who spent some summmers in El Paso as a kid, I love hearing the names of stores I knew well.

    I love “things I had a chance to buy and passed on” stories. We all have those moments we regret as collectors. I could listen to an entire show about this. Rob’s Mego story rings so familiar. I found a bunch of Mego figures at a garage sale as a kid and later sold them to buy comics, mostly New Universe. Talk about regret!

  4. DAG, congrats on the Robbie, man!!! If it were anyone else, I’d make jokes about how I’m stuck at four different Rob Kelly podcasts, just shy of a Robbie, and how I really want Rob to have me on one of his less frequently posted ones, or maybe start an entirely new podcast just for the purpose of getting me the Robbie. (Seems reasonable, right?). But you’ve been guesting for so long, and you’ve done so much for the network, that it wouldn’t have been right if I got mine before you did. Of course, now my conscience would be clear.

    Anyway, this was a great episode about some great comics turned into what looks like a great treasury. As happens with many of the treasuries Rob covers, now I want it. Until I have my own copy, I can keep finding my joy vicariously through this episode. Thank you both!

  5. Great show, Rob and David! This is one of my favorites. How could anyone resist that cover that truly makes Galactus look like a world-beater (or eater, I guess)? This was my first exposure to Galactus and the Silver Surfer. And I thought that Gabriel was surely a big deal or would be a big deal in the Marvel Universe. The pages of him walking through the air and then blowing his trumpet to signal the end of the world–it doesn’t get much better IMHO.

    For some unknown reason, I almost completely missed out on the Byrne FF in real time, but I’m making up for it nowadays and enjoying it quite a bit.

  6. Great episode. I always found Airwalker to be the lamest of the Galactus’ heralds. I think he had two entries in OHOTMU, one the android and one the actual guy.

    I also think Reed sending Galactus to the Negative Zone is a sort of dick move. Good luck Annihilus and Blastarr. There’s a new sheriff in town here to eat your world.

    Lastly, I love DAG’s idea of Dr. Strangefate as a Treasury. But he was contractually obligated by Clause 5.9a in the F&W standard deal to have said something akin to ‘they could also post First Issue Special #9, the Dr. Fate issue, in it as well. That Dr. Fate story is awesome.’ (I think I nominated that issue for a treasury in one of my episodes!)
    Heck, throw in the Dr. Strange issue where Clea has sex with Ben Franklin and you have a killer treasury!

    In all seriousness, great episode!

  7. DAG not being on Treasury Cast was almost like Batman NEVER teaming up with Captain Marvel in Brave and the Bold. You can’t believe it, but it almsot never happened!

    Great show guys. Yes, I was crying about leaving those wonderful Megos behind, BUT, I did the same thing! I saw a wall of Mego Spider-Men at the Toys R’ Us in Lexington, KY in 1986 when I was 11 years old, and didn’t buy a single one! I still had a beater Mego Spidey, and was more interested (for two seconds) in Bravestarr!

    As for the comics, I remember those Air Walker OHOTMU entries Anj mentioned. Made me think he was a bigger deal than he really was. As for Nixon, if you think the MCU version is bad now, wait until Steve Englehart gets ahold of him in Captain America!

    It would be great to see some of the better Amalgam Comics in the treasury format. The two Super Soldier issues, Iron Lantern. Dave Gibbons, Paul Smith AND JLGL in one oversized book? Take my $15!!!

  8. Regarding Nixon, he was all over Marvel comics at the time, and directly involved in many stories, probably more than any other president before or since. And it started early…he popped up in a Hulk story in March of ’69, just two months after taking office. And he appeared in further Hulk issues, as well as the FF, Avengers, Thor and Captain America. He was usually portrayed as strong and competent, but given to knee-jerk reactions, and perhaps a little too beholden to the opinions of his aides…all in all, not all that far off the actual Nixon, we would later learn.

    And of course, Steve Englehart STRONGLY hinted that the villainous Number One, who committed suicide in the Oval Office when captured by Captain America, was in fact Nixon (the Washington Post must have missed that scoop).

  9. I had those FF Megos. though strangely enough not the Green Goblin one. I do love the Byrne She Hulk issues. I mean the Thing is great, but this was almost like an Eliza Dushku character joined the FF. As for the treasury itself it was pretty good, but a pretty bad day for ol Ben Grimm.

  10. On the Sunday that this episode dropped, I was driving through Ohio. I stopped to stretch my legs at an Antique Plaza in Findlay, OH and lo and behold, this very treasury was at one of the stalls. I didn’t buy it as $20 seemed kind of steep for a book that had a kids scrawlings all over the cover. I realize that this isn’t that great of a story but given that this month’s conversation not only touched on overpriced comics at antiques stores but also namedropped me, I thought that I would share.

  11. Having just read the entire Stan Lee run, I found that Buscema’s designs are really specific, especially when compared to Kirby’s. You can tell he’s coming at it from a fantasy tradition/interest. Air-Walker has a Roman breastplate, etc., where Kirby goes more for tubes and circuits (as per Galactus).

  12. This is what, the tenth time Galactus has tried to devour Earth? At what point do people in the MU just look up and think “Galactus again. Must be Tuesday” and go back to whatever they’re doing?

  13. Great show, and congrats to DAG on his Robbie. I read these stories in Marvel UK issues, ones with rare colour pages, and I was very taken with Gabriel Airwalker (were those flames behind him meant to represent wings?). The only bad thing was the presence of pseudo-Shakespearean sobber the Silver Surfer.

    I would love to have the stories at Treasury Size, I’m a huge John Buscema fan.

    I must say, though, people who bought this on the basis of the ‘Marvel’s TV Sensation’ starburst must have felt totally Tomahawked when they read the issue and found not a single cog, not one solitary gasket of H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot.

  14. Great show, Rob and David. Classic Fantastic Four always works so well in the treasury format. No super team has more machinery with no discernible purpose than the FF. I hope Reed put in a smoothie blender.

    Some great Buscema moments from this story: Gabriel looking like a greeter at the MGM. Galactus in summer wear. Nixon having Norman Osborne hair. Agatha’s Bea Arthur wardrobe.

    Speaking the art: here’s a hot take. I know Rob likes to mention (every time) that John Buscema famously hated drawing super hero titles. But, I think it was a flex. I think Buscema was fine with super hero books or he wouldn’t have done so many. I think he just liked strutting through the bullpen, getting adulation from his co-workers about his latest Avengers comic and being like, “Whatever, I don’t even like Thor. Somebody get me a sandwich.” You’re not fooling me, Mister.

    Four more episodes! Fingers crossed they’re all Rudolph’s!

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