Rob welcomes back Chuck Dill to discuss LIMITED COLLECTORS’ EDITION #C21, starring Shazam!
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I have some reprints of some comics Captain marvel jr and the modern mego versions of the big red cheese and black Adam and mego nock offs captain marvel jr my bro have Mary marvel and reprint of one of her comics we once did a Shazam mont/ Fawcett month on my YouTube channel .
who FOUND the third wave of super Powers figures? I never even saw a tv ad. I have a friend who saw and he only saw orion and Mister Freeze
Haven’t much to say about this, as I never had this treasury, nor have I read much of the original Shazam material. Just savoring these last few episodes, enjoying the conversations and the participation of guests (Chuck’s stories about his collection and how it interacts with his various family members were quite entertaining).
Since Don Newton’s art on Shazam stories later in the 1970s were mentioned, I have to say that those would have looked awesome in treasury format.
Those early Captain Marvel stories could give Bob Haney a run for his money in the zaniness category! The comments on Sivana’s convoluted plot in the first story reminded me of a favorite SNL skits where a group of Bond villains are being interviewed and their advice is “If James Bond ever infiltrates your secret base, just kill him! Don’t make it complicated!”
That creature coming out of the cage in the splash page of the Mary Marvel story is a masked bull? Wow.
I don’t know whether to be amused or saddened by “See the trolls dance!” on the CMJ splash page.
I need to read “The Primate Plot”. If there is anything better than apes in comics, it’s apes wearing clothes in comics a la Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp.
Those “How to Draw ________” were the bane of my childhood. Every time, I would get excited thinking that this one would unlock some artistic secret that would enable me to draw my favorite characters. Eventually, I figured out that no secret was going to make up for my lack of talent.
And Rob, don’t scoff at a complete run of DP7. It’s my favorite New Universe title by far (I know, I know, faint praise) and I actually have an almost complete run.
I will definitely miss this podcast. Splendid job, Rob and Chuck.
I’m usually kind of an spectator to this podcast because I never had access to treasuries except for those hardcovers and facsimiles DC has been putting out over the years. But, a few years ago I came across this one in quite good shape and cheap, so it’s my single original Treasury, thus this becoming my single favorite episode of the podcast!
I’m in awe of the quality of the stories here, art-wise (plot wise, well, you said better). Like you mentioned, many of our generation did a complete 180 on Shaffenberger’s art, and here it’s in full, magnificent display. I’m also quite impressed with coloring and the colo reproduction and how it’s held for 45+ years.
Terrific job, Chuck and Rob! This is one I always wanted because of seeing that great cover image in the ads. Thanks for giving me a taste of what I missed.
On a barely related note, if I were ever put in charge of Marvel, I’d give DC the rights to use the name Captain Marvel for free, as long as they credited Marvel for doing so. Think how much old nerd goodwill that one act of magnanimity would buy!
Great episode! I’m extremely jealous that Chuck got that Cyborg for $30. I kick myself for not buying him when he was still affordable, rather than blow all my money on “new” collectibles. Sigh, that’s life.
Having covered a few Golden Age Shazam stories for HoF and other podcasts, I do agree, the stories are purely insane. But I kind of love their whimsical take on super heroics, taking nothing too seriously (except oddly enough, a lot of the Captain Marvel, Jr. stories). We could use more of that in modern super hero comics and media, me thinks. The art is always top notch for sure.
The image of Captain and Billy from the cover by Beck (who did indeed seem to be a true curmudgeon) was reused by me to decorate our son’s wall when he outgrew the previous Super Jrs. art I had created. I scanned and recolored it, and printed it on cardstock, and applied it to foam board and cut it in a bubble around the figures. So, kind of like a diorama!
Rob, did you know there’s a new treasury book from Image scheduled for release on 11/6? It’s called “Faster Than Light 3D Treasury Edition”, with two covers available.
And out of curiosity, on your last episode, could you list which classic treasuries from the 70’s and 80’s ended up not being covered by your awesome podcast series?
Has anyone else noticed that, in the Table-Top Diorama on the back cover, that the only building identified by a sign on the background art simply reads “Edam”? Now, as we all know, Edam is a type of cheese aged in a thick, waxy red rind, often in a large “wheel” shape. In other words, it’s a “big red cheese”.
What a fabulous episode, thanks Rob and Chuck. This is the only Shazam! LCE I was able to find as a kid, and yes, I did try to make the diorama, despite having little idea what a ‘diarama’ was. Anyway, you sent me looking for treasuries online and I’ve just received Shazam! C35, with my Uncle Michael on the cover.
Isn’t it amazing that while it took Superman years to let Linda off the leash, Mary was declared battle ready in her second appearance?
Oh hang on, that’s Jackson Bostwick on the cover, Michael Gray played Billy Batson. I did say I’d never seen the show!
You know, Captain Marvel is one of my all time favorite Dc characters and I suppose these treasuries are one of his bragging rights. I mean we are never going to get a Brave and the Bold with Batman and Captain Marvel or a treasury with Spidey versus the Big Red cheese. However, one more with the Don Newton stories would be great. I don’t feel enough people know his work or even Jackson Bostwick these days.
Great show Rob and Chuck. I’ve never been a big Captain Marvel/Shazam fan, but I can see how a kid would like this treasury. It’s got bright colors, a talking tiger, and monkeys in suits. That’s solid.
Since I don’t have a lot to say about the Big Red Cheese, I figured I’d take this opportunity to wax Rob’s car. Since you live in Florida now, I assume it’s an F150 with brass balls hanging from the tailgate. Anyway, During the end times (not the upcoming end times, but the earlier COVID end times), I was looking for new podcasts to listen to because my sports podcasts were fine, but I had to drop the political podcasts for my own mental health. And then I found Treasurycast. This was the show that introduced me to the Fire and Water Network. I always loved treasury comic books as I still had many from my childhood, and many of the shows were a trip down memory lane with a host who clearly had a love for them. When I became a patreon, this was the show where I wanted my name mentioned. And this was the show that offered me my first ever podcast appearance. Send all complaints to Fire and Water.
Now that you’re close to wrapping up, I thought I’d get my appreciation comments in early, as I’m sure many will want to thank you as well in the near future. Plus, this frees me up for some potential Aquaman weed jokes on the last couple shows. Thanks for the fun, Rob. This show has been a treasure… ry. See what I did there? Okay, I’m done now.