The Fantastic Pour #1 – The Thing and Rum Punch


Brett Young welcomes Paul Kien, host of DC Specialcast and co-host of Batman Family Reunion, shakes up a rum punch and reads Fantastic Four #5. Join us in the Fantasti-Lounge as we discuss The Thing as Blackbeard, vacation drinks, Doctor Doom’s chess set, how many times you should wear a pair of pants before you wash them, and much, much more!

Secret Pour-igins: Caribbean Rum Punch

Cocktail: Blackbeard’s Rum Punch

Ingredients (per drink)

  • 3 ounces of pineapple juice
  • 2 ounces of orange juice
  • ½ lime
  • 1 oz dark rum
  • 1 oz spiced rum (or white rum if you prefer)
  • 1 splash of grenadine


  • Lime slices
  • Orange wheel
  • Maraschino Cherry


  • In a shaker, add the pineapple juice, orange juice, lime juice, and rums. Give it a shake and strain into rocks-filled glass. (If you don’t have a shaker, pour directly into glass with ice and stir)
  • Slowly pour in a splash of grenadine over a spoon that is upside down with the tip against the inside of the glass. The grenadine will sink to the bottom.
  • Splash 1/2 ounce of the dark rum on the top (optional).
  • Garnish with a slice of lime, an orange wheel and a maraschino cherry.

Comic: Fantastic Four #5, Marvel Comic, 1962

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The Fantastic Pour podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK:

36 responses to “The Fantastic Pour #1 – The Thing and Rum Punch

  1. ‘I rarely wear pants’. Well, apart from my having to file this quote under Too Much Information, I thoroughly enjoyed the debut of the Fantastic Pour. From the show artwork to the interstitial sound effects to the extra graphic style on the gallery pages, the presentation is excellent.

    And the chat is great too, what a fun issue this is, as you say, Fantastic Four #5 gives us so many elements that were mined in later decades. That’s a great point about the simplicity of Dr Doom’s time machine being the antithesis of classic Kirby machines… there’s not even a Krackle! If I had a Time Machine I’d grab Baby Hitler and dump him with adoptive parents in Canada.

    As a teetotaller I won’t be trying the rum punch, but it does sound perfect for Clobberin’ Time.

    Congratulations, Brett!

      1. I’m totally allergic, it has me vomiting within seconds – I’d stopped trying to ‘ find my drink’ long before it came up in a health check, but thank you anyway!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Martin. I appreciate you listening. Keep in mind we will be doing some mocktails in future episodes and you can always do the punch without the rum. Prevents scurvy!

  2. Welcome to hosting your own network show Brett. I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. As I listened to your discussion I thought of two things that could answer your “plot hole” questions.

    Dr. Doom’s amazing helicopter could be augmented by super science. If Reed can build a Pogo Plane (basically a rocket) why can’t Vic build a helicopter with some type of of rocket engine? Or use his sorcery to magic them back to Latveria?

    The Thing as Blackbeard could be explained by the Thing’s early appearance of leathery skin rather than rocks. In Marvel Two-In-One #50 Reed states “ So even your basic appearance has been constantly changing… …from something akin to dinosaur hide… …to its present rocklike state.” Ben uses Doom’s Time Machine to travel to the past and give his old self a cure that won’t work on his present state, but will cure him when he has the leathery skin. So…the pirates see a really big guy with really bad skin and a black beard. They’re not going to call him Pizza Face because he’s big enough to take them all on by himself. They call him Blackbeard.

    Problems solved.

  3. Brett – thanks again for the “honor” (really Guinea Pig) of being the first! As I told you I think this is a great idea for a show, and your enthusiastic shows!

  4. Great opening episode.
    I don’t think I’ll be trying the rum punch either but sounds like solid fun summer fare.

    As for this issue, it was in some collection I had access to in my youth as I can remember it vividly in my mind. The time platform and the Thing in pirate gear are definitely branded in my mind as I can ‘see’ them now. Always wondered by Doom didn’t have more elegant ways to use the time platform in his schemes in the future … like maybe sabotaging the rocket that led to the Fantastic Four origins for example?

    Can’t wait to hear more and if you ever need a bar buddy, ring me up!

  5. Fantastic debut, Brett! Congrats on an auspicious beginning for a promising podcast. And thanks for giving my unemployed Bat-Cousin some work. He really does a good job, doesn’t he?

    By the way, the X-Men first fought Dr. Doom back in #145 and 146. (Well, later it was revealed
    /retconned to be a Doombot.). If I remember correctly, Doom kidnapped them and took them to his castle–in upstate New York.

  6. Great debut Brett! Of course, you had a ringer in Paul as your first guest! As a non-drinker, I still found the history of the rum punch fascinating, as well as the mixology. It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) the comic talk was top-notch. This story is kinda nuts and an odd debut for Doctor Doom in hindsight, but it’s so fun! I don’t think anyone would ever want to time-travel before the 20th century when running water, soap and deodorant were readily available. Everyone must have reeked!

    As for pants, I go two days for jeans, one day for everything else. I don’t want to reek like a dinosaur-hided pirate!

  7. I thought Rum Punch was just the Elmore Leonard novel that Tarantino’s Jackie Brown was based on!!!

    I’ve had a variation of this drink before and it’s delicious. Great discussion and fun debut episode, Brett. Keep it up!

  8. Brett,
    Great debut episode! I am not a rum guy, but the rum punch recipe sounds good!

    I can’t believe Lee and Kirby introduce Dr. Doom and send the boys back in time for Ben to become Blackbeard all in one issue. No decompression here!

    Looking forward to future episodes!

  9. Fun first episode. The premise is flexible and look forward to a lot of different comics being discussed.

    I relate to rum being the first drink included. The first drink I ever ordered for myself was on a school trip to Spain when I was 16. I had (and still have) very little knowledge of alcohol so I ordered a “rum and coke” because of the Andrew’s Sisters song.

    I grew up in upstate New York and I can tell you that castles are not very common. At that time it would have been more likely to run into a summer resort with a comedian. I’m sure Doom sent some of his Doombots to perform there. (“I get no respect at all. My psychiatrist told me I was just a robotic duplicate of a tyrannical dictator of a tiny Eastern European country. I said I wanted a second opinion. He said ‘Okay, you’re ugly too!’”) and (“Take my villagers … PLEASE!”)

    Question: who is the lounge singer in the Fantasi-lounge? Looking at other Marvel Comics on sale that month, my guess is the song stylings of Millie the Model with Kid Colt, Outlaw playing a severely out of tune old West piano accompaniment.

    By the way, what are these “pants” of which you speak? I’ve been working from home for years and have forgotten many of the norms of walking outside.

  10. I love how the thing gets right in to character.
    Great first show really enjoyed it I’ll be looking forward to episode 2 .
    Yo ho !!!

  11. Man, that Rum Punch sounds good. Plus Pirate Ben was awesome! this was years before Johnny Depp Stan and Jack with an early gem!


    Like Brett & Paul, I can remember scanning a comic book spinner rack and noticing that the paperback novel spinner rack beside it had a book about the Fantastic Four. It turned out to be the book reprinting the first six issues that you two talked about. My favorite issues were #4 and #5. I’ve reread those issue so many times. So, I was really happy to see you two covering issue #5.

    I loved that Brett made a joke about real estate in Gotham City. But, I’ll miss Brett rescuing various Bat-Aunts & Bat-Uncles.

    I agreed with you two suggesting a Thing Blackbeard mini-series or What If. When the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise was extremely popular, I’m amazed that Marvel never did a pirate themed What If comic book.

    Paul’s answer for what he would do with Doctor Doom’s Time Machine was WONDERFUL!!!

    I can’t wait for the next episode.

  13. Catching up on podcasts and loved the first episode of the FANTASTIC POUR! Welcome to the Fire & Water Podcast Network! Thrilled to have you aboard! Brett is a natural as a host, and Paul made an excellent first guest.

    I’m mostly a teetotaler nowadays, so I look forward to your first mock-tail episode! Also, I loved the history lesson of the Rum Punch. I know you’ve recorded several episodes in advance, so this might be too late, but I absolutely ADORE your suggested title of, “Secret Pour-igin”!! Great terminology!

    I think everyone has a “being drunk in the Caribbean” story, and it was fun to hear acknowledgment from others.

    FANTASTIC FOUR #5 is a wonderful comic, and the coverage here was so fun! Loved the repeated mention that people focused on Ben’s black beard rather than the orange rocky complexion! Bwah-ha-ha!

    Here is a story I do not think I’ve ever told on the air… back in the 1990s when I worked in a comic shop, one of the collections we purchased included FANTASTIC FOUR #5!! The condition wasn’t great, but it was an original copy of the book and it was amazing simply because it existed and was in our store. I made it my mission to read that specific comic cover-to-cover. I hid myself in the back room one day during my lunch hour, and carefully poured (pun intended) over every page and panel. I’d read reprints before, but it was glorious to read an actual copy of FF #5 with my own eyes. Your coverage on this episode brought back that memory I had not thought of in probably 30+ years.

    And in honor of your inaugural episode, here are the lyrics to the 1990s FANTASTIC FOUR cartoon, updated for our Network:
    On a podcast adventure,
    They consumed lots of booze
    And the geeks were changed forever,
    In some most fantastic ways.
    No need to fear, they’re here,
    Just call the pour! Fantastic Pour!
    Brett: Don’t need no more!
    Paul: It’s ungrammatical!

    Thanks for the wonderful entertainment!


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