Tough Like a Girl #53 – Scarlet Witch: Witches’ Road

Wanda is on a world tour of areas where magic has gone array, so Lis and Nathaniel get a taste of the comic book version of the Scarlet Witch.

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7 responses to “Tough Like a Girl #53 – Scarlet Witch: Witches’ Road

  1. Prior to Disney buying out Fox and reacquiring the movie rights to the X-Men characters, there was a peak period where Ike Perlmutter wanted Marvel to downplay the mutants as much as possible while still selling the books. One of the consequences of this push was a retcon of a prior retcon: that Wanda and Pietro were no longer the children of Magneto and thus no longer mutants.

    With this new status quo, there was a ton of backstory and explanatory ground to cover. James Robinson picked Wanda up and really cultivated this entire magical legacy and lineage for the character that was hardly ever there previously. And he did a pretty good job with it, but I’ve never bene able to shake the impression I had when I read this series a few years ago, that Robinson was writing a DCU Zatanna story and putting Marvel names on it.

  2. Oh dear, WandaVision spoilers! I’ll have to come back to this episode after I’ve had a chance to finish watching the series. I am looking forward to hearing this one, because, as I mentioned last month, my daughter is a Scarlet Witch fan. In addition, her birthday is coming up soon, and I’d love to find a good Scarlet Witch TPB to give her. Could this be the one? We’ll see.

    1. Sadly, there’s not many TPB’s featuring Wanda to choose from, and I don’t think the Avengers-based ones would be Wanda-centric enough. I’d say Robinson’s run is a good choice, and not a big investment if it doesn’t appeal. But I do have a soft spot for the Vision/Scarlet Witch 12-issue series.

      1. Thanks for the recommendations, Tim. It’s a shame Wanda hasn’t had more opportunities to strike out on her own, because she’s a cool character. Hopefully, that will change moving forward.

        1. I finally had a chance to finish listening to this episode, after watching the rest of WandaVision, and I enjoyed hearing and reading everyone’s insights. In the end, I opted to get my daughter some additional volumes of Lumberjanes and the new DC Pride #1 anthology for her birthday. Though, I will probably get her Witches’ Road and one or two Doctor Strange TPBs for Christmas.

          Thanks for another remarkable episode.

  3. Impressive Pod cast Most impressive. Ah these comics…well…. Steve’s art work is good. Wanda Vision was a fun show… and it’s super hero’s it needs to end in a big fight. Freud moments or not. Needs the big fight seen. And I like the Tv version of Agatha better than the comics. Sorry. I liked that song. Oy the name they gave to Quick Silver though sigh. Though the show was fun and I was glad to see the vision back. Darcy and Jimmy were cool in this. Though I do tilt my head when SJWs call Battle Star US Agents Bucky… they do know why they chaned his name right? I mean clearly their such big fans they read the comics and why Mark rwemoved that name from him. Lemar Hoskins being called Jonny’s Bucky…oy. Not a good look. So either these folks are on thecomic craze cause it’s cool. And want to intergect their polTICS OR…. they did read it and…oy. Not good. I mean in the comics letter page ware Lemar becomes Battle Star Mark points out a talk he had with Dwayne McDuffie on why you don’t call an Afro American Male Bucky.

    The show dosn’t but laughing at the folks going on and on about the bit Ware Sam is called Black Falcon… but in their next breath they call Battle Star what? Did they miss Captain America #341? Still glad US agent teams up with Sam and Winter Solder at the end. Also Val I’m waiting to hear a man with 6 fingers killed her father so she can sword fight him to the death. Moving on. I now play guitar on my U-tube page… now I’ve only played for 5 weeks with no real training but hey it’s something new. I play guitar now.

    Hopefuly Cap 4 will be more about Sam being Cap with out the politics. Him fighting the Serpent Sousety. Though Sadly they can’t have Dimond back in it since the other version of Dimond Back was used in cage. Sind Winder and the gang could be cool. Still kind of huh on what they did to Agent 13. Realy? Peggy’s niece? Oy. And I think Steve slept with her. The look Sam and Bucky give Steve is not the hey he kissed a girl look. And they were in the house for a bit. Just saying. Also why didn’t Sam get a loan from Peper? POr heck how dumb is this banker? Sam goes to the press as the guy who helped save the world.

    Yeah sure that bank would be happy with that guy. With all that press they would get. Still cool a hero from Louisiana with out the oy Gambit fake accent. No one from Louisiana talks like game decently not some one from freaking Nor’ Leans. Hey not only is Cap now Afro American… but he’s Southern and Cajun. ! Gueax. (go) Sam. The costume though….. yeah comic acurete. And having made patrotic super hero costumes I get their a pain…but. Oy. Just give him Steves cosume and add wings or something. Also Jonny He wer… the acter is awome cool seeing Kurt and Goldie’s kid on tv… but US Agent should ware his Force works costume. That mask does not work with his face. He’s a good looking guy, but that mask.

    On his face. Liked heraring holms from JLU on the show. Though they left out important stuff. Fans wanted an Afro American cap all the way back since the Ultments who didn’t? Oh right Marvel. Marvel at the time stuck to their guns on Well Steve Rodges wasn’t black ys’d ya’d. Een had BMS point out he didn’t make Spider Man jewish cause he wasn’t in the comics. And after tide wasn’t turning they faked it was the fans not wanting a black Cap. But, Truth happened because fols wanted it big time. Cause Ultents whole new thing. Read the Wizard mags at the time. Only Mark Miller had the guts to admit he screwed up on not making Cap Afro American, but huh Fury was cool. So hears Cool Fury as an afro American.

    So yeah Big hero SJW Marvel comics only made Black cap because people wanted it, but had to sift the press to Wag the dog level of change. So though I roll my eyes at Miller cerntly for ware he stood in this at lest un like “open minded” Marvel. He admitted he screwed up. And yeah in the Ultments Cap should have been Afro American. Sorry just every time Marvel acts like the shining beacon of hope on this I remember the well truth. Granted Millar was right Fury is cool and Sam Jackson as Fury is great. Still when Marvel wants to trought it’s high horse I notice the clay all over his hooves. Also Matha Washigton was out way before this and she was well female.

    So as oy as that comic is as a main stream hero whom is Patrotic… Yeah Marvel got beat to the punch by Frank Millar. Theses a blow. Any way can’t wait to hear the next pod cast.

  4. The rotating artists seems like such a modern thing, I’m really of a mixed mind on it. If I view it as an “artist showcase” with various one-and-done stories, then it can be fun. If it’s during a lengthy storyline, like most modern decompressed comics are, then it becomes disjointed. This series is somewhere between the two, and I feel it leans towards the first so it didn’t bother me much. BUT! That’s considering this as single issues. If you’re going to package it as a trade, that’s a whole different product and a different sensibility. So I think it works for the ongoing series, but a bad move for a trade paperback. And that is FAR too much about that point.

    I’m glad you got to this while Wanda/Vision is still relatively fresh. Shortly after the show started, I thought “I know there’s a Vision series I never read. I should check that out in case it relates to the show. Hmmm, and what Scarlet Witch series haven’t I read either?” Which got me to check this one out. Overall, glad I did. Future issues give more about Wanda’s character, but yeah, the series is mostly about “the mission.” And snarky Agatha ghost is fun.

    Thanks for the great episode, my punchers!

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