Who’s Hot and Who’s Not? Ep.19: Cadre to Camelot 3000

JLDetroit’s nemeses. The House of Mystery’s caretaker. A master planner. A guy with a lot of dates. An Arthurian future. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls of the Hot Squad start evaluating Who’s Who #4’s entries based on sheer datability.

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Shotgun, and Amelie.

Listen to Episode 19 below (the usual mature language warnings apply), or subscribe to the feed on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

Relevant images and further credits at: Who’s Hot and Who’s Not ep.19 Supplemental

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10 responses to “Who’s Hot and Who’s Not? Ep.19: Cadre to Camelot 3000

  1. Good show, Siskoid. But you told the girls that the word Cadre was made up by DC. It was not. The word is real. It means a small group of people specialising or working on something together. You should probably check google or a dictionary next time you are not sure if a word is real.

    1. I did not say that! I made up the word cadreness as if it was an explanation for how they actually matched when they didn’t. THAT’S what “I made up”.

  2. Our friend Gene Hendricks is having problems posting a comment, so here it is:

    Cadre – This entry is the only experience I have with the group. They certainly are a bunch of people.

    Cain – I have been reading through the run of Creepy in honor of Spooky Month and Cain is definitely in the same mold as Uncle Creepy and The Crypt Keeper, guy there to introduce and wrap-up the story with a couple of snarky quips. Abel is the one that broke this mold. Listing Eve (his mother) as his cousin is just a touch odd, in my opinion, as he is the reincarnation of the biblical Cain.

    Calculator – I’m so glad that he got an update and was the villainous counterpart of Oracle. His original look and method were just dumb. “Please heroes, beat me up so I can win later.”

    Calendar Man – I have to admit that I have a soft spot for this guy. He appeared in The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told and was drawn by Walt Simonson (one of my favorite artists) where he wore costumes based on the days of the week. As I’m sure everyone knows, six of the seven days of the week in English are based on Norse Gods (Sunday = Sunna = Goddess of the Sun, Monday = Mani = God of the Moon, Tuesday = Tyr = God of War & Justice, Wednesday = Odin (Woden) = Chief of the Aesir, Thursday = Thor = God of Thunder, Friday = Freyr = God of the Harvest). Combine those things and I really like that story, which means I’m predisposed to like Calendar Man.

    Camelot 3000 – And now the main event. I really can’t say a whole lot here that I haven’t said (or will say) on the Back to the Bins episodes covering this series. What I will say is that Mike W. Barr did an amazing job continuing the Arthurian stories, without contradicting them, and throwing in a few twists (such as Tristan as a Trans-Man and how he deals with that).

  3. Concerning Marvel characters being more serious. A lot of the funniest ones are not in the handbook like Bova or Howard the Duck’s cast that includes the Turnip Lady, Dr Bong and Hellcow

  4. Cadre: They are good utility background villains. They showed up as incidental hero fodder on Justice League Unlimited. Fun fact: Crowbar’s three-ribbed hardhat is based on the design utilized by the company I used to work for, who actually invented the hardhat.

    Cain: I imagine that logo the girls liked originated in one of the Sergio Aragones pages he often illustrated for the DC mystery titles. Looks like his work.

    Calculator: The girls brought up a good point. He could sell that big keypad chestplate to the fidget item market and make a mint.

    Calendar Man: The girls may be interested to know that in the DCAU, there is no Calendar Man, but instead, a Calendar Girl, an “aging” super model (literally a Calendar Girl) who seeks revenenge on the fashion industry with holiday-themed gimmicks. She appeared in The New Batman Adventures episode “Mean Seasons”.

    Camelot 3000: Remember when this was on of DC’s prestige projects? Boy its’ really fallen down the obscure rabbit hole, hasn’t it? I think someone at DC has a thing against Mike W. Barr, I really do.

    Black Manta: You could hear Siskoid beginning to wonder why he does these shows with the overwhelmingly positive response to this fairly universally hated revamp.

  5. I really adored this episode and laughed out loud almost the entire time. I think I like this pod best when the girls hot an entry and Siskoid is incredulous.

    As far as holidays go, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I like comfort food and I will eat all the pie. I also felt that Elise’s disdain for Halloween is personal.

    The Cadre: Crowbar is obviously my favorite! I love a villain whose name is the tool they use. Which, I guess, if I lived in the DC universe that would make me….Laptop? Laptop! Able to attend Zoom meetings at high speeds once the update is complete. Laptop can forward an email meant for one person to the entire company! Laptop’s greatest power? Avoiding responsibility.

    Cain – I felt like everything about Cain is right up this gang’s alley. He’s all about books. Creepy spooky stuff. He is kind of a thin duke with old timey facial hair that isn’t a goatee.He has a pet gargoyle with a person’s name. If it wasn’t for his sociopathic tendencies, he would have been a universal hot. This entry also led to one of my favorite exchanges.

    “I have to hot him”
    “I am judging you.”

    The Calculator and Calendar Man – DC is a silly place. I also immediately thought of the Boobs joke, and I don’t know if that means we have the same sense of humor or if binging this show gave me kind of a comedy Stockholm Syndrome.

    Overall, this episode was bonkers in the best way. Cane gets one hot! Calculator gets a hot! Calendar Man was so universally loved he might as well have been a Gargoyle named Seymour. I wonder if starting this episode talking about favorite holidays took the edge off and made everyone all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Siskoid: “I don’t like when you turn innocuous phrases into something dirty.” Have you ever listened to this show?

    1. “I don’t like when you turn innocuous phrases into something dirty.” Have you ever listened to this show?

      THAT’S how I know I don’t like it!!!


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