Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes – Issues #3 and #4

We return to the 30th century for this next episode of WHO’S WHO IN THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES! Shag is joined by Siskoid, Tim Wallace, and Dr Anj of the Legion of Super Bloggers! This episode we cover issues #3 & #4 of this 7 issue series! We look at characters like: Legion of Substitute Heroes, Invisible Kid I & II, Karate Kid I & II, Khunds, Legion of Super-Villains, Lightning Lad & Lass, Mon-El, and many more!

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Our fantastic opening theme is by Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas! http://www.facebook.com/BadMammaJammas Closing music from the Legion of Super Heroes animated TV series.

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Thanks for listening! Long Live the Legion!

51 responses to “Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes – Issues #3 and #4

  1. Duplicate Boy’s name was also given as Qued Orlu. The big brain look for evolved humans was a DC silver age standard.

    Infinite Man has only a few appearances: http://www.comicbookdb.com/character_chron.php?ID=5952

    The IK/CK relationship grew out of that Secret Origins story.

    President Boltax resigned after stealing RJ Brande’s fortune to rebuild Earth after the Earthwar.

    Karate Kid not dead? That’s Jeffty Johns undoing any story he doesn’t like.
    Mike Grell was the only artist the drew him as half-Asian.

    Legion of 3 Worlds Myg had the most Cockrum look George Perez could devise.
    He also gained sonic powers from the Dominators experimentation.

    The Super-Assassins are loose knockoffs of the X-Men. Also they break the Legion timeline, as they were small children when Dryad died, but the same age as the Legionnaires in their first story.

    The last time Giffen came back to the Legion, at the end of V3, was very Maguire.

    Titans West was a Countdown/Death of the New Gods tie-in.

    As far as Wildfire as the Membership Committee Head, he was probably complaining about something, so Cosmic Boy said, “Fine, you do it.”

    Issue 4. That guy on the cover is likely from Zaton IV.

    I think the Baxter LSV story was supposed to be Cosmic King’s first appearance in the timeline, he mentions his recent banishment.

    I liked that Giffen and Carl Gafford gave each of the Ranzzes different colored lightning.
    Somewhere, maybe on the LSH-L mailing list, I read a long post that connected Mekt’s sexuality with his non-twin status, and that Winathian society encouraged that sort of thing.

    Karate Kid had done the “die in battle” thing a couple times before.

    Roy’s obviously a descendant of Mikhail Arkadin.

    The Ayla/Pol flirtation seemed creepy to me, and Pol as well. “Ew, my aunt is hitting on me.”

    Magpie’s from the same planet as Mano. Why he can breathe without the specific helmet is a mystery.

    Mentalla looks more like an Ordway piece.

    Mess is Mad’s Alfred E. Newman plus Pigpen.

    1. Interesting the Super Assassins are X-Men knockoffs! I can see that, especially with the designated personalities. Was that on purpose up-front, or more of an after-the-fact observation?

      Roy from Mikhail Arkadin? Would be nice, but… no.

      Regarding Mess, are you saying he was legitimately a cross between those characters, or the Who’s Who art just looks that way?

      1. Ah man, I completely forgot that when we were recording, but yeah, it was meant to be the “exchange” for the Imperial Guard being a Legion analog, wasn’t it? (Just like Squadron Supreme/Heroes of Angor.)

      2. I was thinking that while listening. I’m glad someone else caught it too. It’d be interesting to see a new version with analogues of the hordes of X-Men that have appeared since the original story was published.

      3. Dunno if anyone else has heard this, but there’s a theory that the Fatal Five was patterned after the initial Masters of Evil. Here’s a breakdown:

        – Emerald Empress –> The Enchantress
        – The Persuader –> The Executioner
        – Mano –> The Melter
        – Tharok –> Baron Zemo
        – Validus –> Radioactive Man (?)
        (A question on the last one, only because Validus is like a giant monster version of Radioactive Man.)

        Jim Shooter (writer of the first Fatal Five story) denies any connection, of course. Still, it’s pretty cool.

  2. The evolution of my Legion of Super-Heroes fandom–from disinterest to delight–could be followed more-or-less in real time on the Secret Origins Podcast. But far and away the biggest surprise was the Legion of Substitute Heroes. I freaking LOVE these characters and the concept, whether they’re portrayed as underdog shlubs or actual doofuses for the sake of humor, I get such a kick out of them. Their Secret Origin story was a real highlight, and I instantly connected with Chlorophyl Kid.

    … So when Shag showed me the picture of CK from the Who’s Who and asked me if he looked familiar, I was floored. It does look like a caricature of me. And I’m cool with that. Chlorophyl Kid is in my Top 3 Legionnaires; I’m honored to resemble his likeness in some weird way. I wear it like a badge of honor… or at least a Facebook profile pic.

    1. Glad you agree with your resemblance to Chlorophyll Kid! I was stunned when I first realized it! I just kept staring at it in shock!

  3. I feel like I’ve been in a Legion time bubble, because I started this episode in the morning, and now that it’s over, it’s half a day later!

    But seriously, a fun show! I think I may have to go with Night Girl as hottest Legionnaire. I remember her original look with her piled up hair, and she was drawn VERY curvy in that tight black outfit. Here, she looks like Donna Troy in the 30th century…so…HOT!!!

    Don’t let Shag off the hook, Dr. Anj. Win Moritmer had a LOOONG history in comics, at one time being the primary cover artist of Superman, Action, Batman AND Detective in the late 40s through mid 50s. He also drew many interior stories and worked on the Superman newspaper strip. He worked at Marvel in the 70s drawing many issues of Spidey Super Stories among other things. And of course, he drew those Supergirl stories in Superman Family. Shame on you, Shag!

    Lightning Lad and Mon-El are two of my favorite Legionaires (I can hear Siskoid rolling his eyes at my rather pedestrian choices). Did Mon-El’s costume ever have that weird band going across his collar bone? I don’t remember that. I gave up trying to keep up with his history. I liked the original story (which I did know was a recycle of an earlier story. Weisinger did a LOT of that in the Superman books for decades), and his place as Superboy’s “brother” from another mother. I dig his look so much, I made a custom Mego Mon-El!

    And Proty as Lightning Lad…just no. What is this, the Star Trek episode “Metamorphosis”?

    Seriously, nice job fellas. I really enjoyed it!


    1. Shag did seem woefully under-prepared for the episode. Podcast burnout? Or maybe his shtick just doesn’t work as well without Rob.

      1. I was just busting Shag’s chops. He had no reason to know who Mortimer was. It’s just what we F&W folks do.

        With all the info in this series, I think Shag’s done a great job of covering all bases, bringing in the Super Bloggers to fortify the areas of knowledge he’s a bit thin on. The Legion’s history was confusing enough in 1988. Now…hoo boy.


        1. Win Mortimer was not a name most people would know, though I remember him from drawing a lot of SPIDEY SUPER STORIES. Nice for DC to bring him back for this series.

      2. Wow. Y’know when I read the Feedback section and always say, “Our buddy, Joe X”. Well.. might have to rethink my position.

        Fair point, I didn’t know Win Mortimer. Then again, his only contribution to the issue was Marla Latham & Marte Ida Allon. Not exactly characters screaming for tremendous background research. Given the volume of characters to cover each issue, only so much effort can be put into the more “Mort”-like characters. (see what I did there? Mort … Mortimer. Clever, huh?) Looking at his body of work, Mortimer was mostly done at DC by 1982 (before I started reading comics). Feeling no shame.

        And really… Joe X, who proudly boasts about his time on the LSH-L Mailing List, is dishing on me!?!?! Move out of your parents basement, Joe! Grow up and start a Firestorm blog like a real man! 😉

        1. I think we all know what was going on…

          Remember, kids: Diet Mountain Dew. Don’t Dew it.

    2. No favorite Legionnaire is ever a pedestrian choice, Chris. They’re ALL niche, so loving any of them is an act of mature geekery. The girls are all in on Mon-El as well. At least you didn’t say Sun Boy.

  4. What an episode! I bust Shag’s chops all the time but taking on this series is a gargantuan achievement. The fact that it comes out entertaining to boot is worthy of high praise.

    Siskoid, Tim, and Anj were, as always, great guests on this.

    I don’t have a lot of comments because I generally didn’t know who the heck you guys were talking about at any given moment, except to say I liked the Kyle Baker illustration!

    And no worries guys, I will never break up the network…to move it to Detroit at least.

    Well done Shag!

  5. Re: the reappearance of Karate Kid in the recent Legion stories…

    The gents over at the Legion of Substitute Podcasters (truly worth a listen over at http://paulfrench.ca/losp/ or visit the FB page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/47114568293/) posited that Karate Kid may have been an illusion cast by Projectra’s messed up psyche. It wasn’t an angle that they particularly liked but they examined the story pretty thoroughly at the time and were doing some educated guessing.

    The LoSP have done some really deep dives into Legion continuity to a level that’s probably comparable to Paul Levitz. They’ve always surprised me with their love of the Legion; in one episode, they identified every Legionnaire in a George Perez double-page spread in “Legion of Three World”. Along the way they’ve had interviews with Steve Lightle, Mark Waid, Phil Jimenez, and Chris Roberson (author of that Star Trek/Legion series that was recommended as an In-Stock Trade).

    1. The above endorsement was meant as a share of more podcasters who love the Legion. They’ve also covered a bunch of crossover events because the Legion gets involved. I know they’ve covered Crisis, Legends, and a couple of others. They love DC as much as TFAW does!

      1. Nice one Sphinx, the guys produce a terrific show. Paul gets a special shout-out for the weeks when the others aren’t available and he still gets a show out, by covering the terrific Eighties New Adventures of Superboy book.

  6. Great job, gentlemen! I can hardly wait for the next installment. Four hours go by pretty quickly when you’re listening to Shag butcher alien names and the others talking about their favorite hot characters!!

    General comments…. there seems to be a lot of mistakes in these two issues, and I will comment on a few. I don’t care for either of these covers….I like the *idea* of planets and “maps of the Legionnaires’ homes” but I don’t like how either was actualized.

    Comments on #3….
    Kandru Boltax was not the only Earth President between the Universo story and Marte Allon’s term. Dave Cockrum drew an older, more distinguished gentleman in Superboy #197. And then there was the dark-skinned President who served during Chemical King’s death and who was kidnapped by Grimbor during his return appearance. I *think* that was the same guy who resigned after stealing Brande’s money, but I’m too lazy to go back and check.

    The Interlac graffiti that the Rejects painted on the wall reads, “The Legion Stinks” D’uh.

    I never understood how/why Calorie Queen didn’t join the Legion in Superboy #212. She proved she was just as good as Matter-Eater Lad, and then HE QUIT. She could have taken his spot then and there. I guess DC wasn’t ready for a super-heroine whose power was super swallowing.

    Comments on #4…
    The intro on the Legionnaires’ planets was mildly interesting, but yikes! that art is not very good.

    Every time I see that illustration of Cosmic King I think, “He drew this on an Etch-a-Sketch.” It’s just….so uneven. Speaking of Cosmic King, his first historical appearance was with Saturn Queen and Lightning Lord, in SuperMAN #147, not Superboy. They then appeared as their adult selves time travelling back to when Dynamo Boy took control of the Legion, in Adventure Comics #331. Why they didn’t just appear as their “youthful” selves is beyond me. Youthful Saturn Queen *never* appeared in the original series. Lightning Lord did, in that first LSV story, and Cosmic King as someone said made his “debut” in the Baxter series’ LSV story.

    To answer the question about the Ranzzes, Garth came first, then Mekt was added to the origin in Superman #147, and then Ayla was added to the story in ADV #308. The origin with the Lightning Beasts stayed the same, they just kept adding siblings to it.

    Chameleon Chief says he is NOT from Durla. That is all we know. He does not have antennae. Also, his first appearance was not in Superboy #208 as listed here. He made his debut ten years earlier in Jimmy Olsen #63. Sun Emperor also made his debut in this mostly forgotten story. At that early time the LSV was Lord, King, Queen, Chief, and Emperor. Kinda cool trend, that.

    The Legion of Super-Villains was started by Tarok the Mute because he hated law-enforcement agencies. It was he who drafted Nemesis Kid, Spider Girl, Lightning Lord, and several others into the LSV. When he died, the “kids” took it over.

    Ol-Vir’s hair was mis-colored here. He actually has brown hair. So no, Shag, not all Daxamites have black hair.

    Why in the world is Saturn Queen shown lounging around in her bath robe?! That pose is just absolutely wrong. She should have been standing there blasting mental blasts at people. She is totally a bad-ass, not a sex kitten.

    I absolutely HATED the idea that Lighting Lad was not resurrected in ADV 312. If you go back and read the story, you see the dead Proty lying right there. How was that supposed to have happened if Garth wasn’t alive? I much prefer the idea that hot-headed Garth learned humility and compassion from his near-death encounter….besides, a few issues later he’s screaming at the Moby Dick of Space and loses an arm. Would Proty have done that? I think not.

    Mandalla had only one appearance, in that Annual with the “new” Substitute Heroes. She got more coverage here than she did in that actual story.

    Whenever I look at the page featuring Marla Latham and President Allon, I can’t help but think of Christmas elves. Carl Gafford (the colorist) really should have picked another color scheme for Madam President’s outfit.

    Speaking of the President, I think I heard somebody say that the Earth President is chosen by computer. This is not true. The *candidates* are chosen by computer, but the three (?) main candidates are then voted on by the people. Atleast, that’s how Presidents Allon and Desai were elected. (I always wondered if Universo was also hiding in the political retinue of the other candidates, hedging his bets until he knew who would win.)

    Mentalla was designed by Steve Lightle using Saturn Girl’s original uniform and his wife as his model.

    I’ve said it before, but I kinda think that one of the reasons that Magnetic Kid rebuffed Lightning Lass’ overtures was because he was gay. That, and, yeah, his aunt was coming on to him. Kinda creepy….!

    Long Live the Legion!

  7. Question to Dr. Anj:

    What’d you think of the appearance of Dick Malverne on the Supergirl TV show?

    I just watched the episode last night so it was a surprise to hear you mention him this morning.

      1. Yeah, it was a bit sad. It reminded me of the story in DC Comics Presents where adult Pete Ross reappears to act as the “villain”.

    1. I really liked the Subs coverage. They became MUCH more effective in the 5YL run. Their comedy issues were more memorable, but should not be the only thing they are remembered for.

      Regarding Color Kid – Yeah, Johns treated him pretty dismissively by blinding him off-panel. But it allowed him to do 2 things: First, It brings in Rainbow Girl as a Sub (and cements that color spectrum stuff into the 30th century). That’s not necessarily a bad thing – the subs needed firepower with Night Girl moving to the big leagues. Second, a lot of the plot required depowering Supes by converting yellow sun energy to red. It sucks that he was removed in such a manner, but CK’s whole schtick would have knocked that plan out in an instant. it would have been nice if it revolved around Sun Boy AND Color Kid, but it was already complicated enough.

      It’s the 31st century. If – correction: WHEN the Legion goes back to publication, the blinding can be fixed with new eyes, cyber implants, or something else.

  8. As always, I appreciate the effort, gentlemen. I mentioned on twitter that in the time it took you to put out this podcast, I’ve read 20 years of Legion history (I just finished the Earth War in SLSH 241-244), so I am now approaching these issues of Who’s Who with a much greater appreciation for the source material. Hopefully, though, I won’t be able to get completely up to date before the next episode. Anyway, some random thoughts:

    1. You mentioned that the Star Trek / LSH team up was a head scratcher for you, Shag. I couldn’t disagree with you more. Not only are both properties optimistic portrayals of the future, but at many points in their history the Legionnaires are out and out stealing ideas from the TV franchise (The Khunds being just the most obvious example of that).

    2. I have always agreed with you, Shag, that Phantom Girl is the hottest Legionnaire, at least until I got to Saturn Girl’s costume change to the skimpier pink outfit. Let’s just say that sometimes the clothes make the girl.

    3. On first blush, I hate the cover to #3, although it works given the coverage of the different planets within. Don’t get me wrong, it is beautiful artwork, just not what I want in a Who’s Who cover.

    4. Of course the Hero of Lallor Beast Boy is not Gar Logan. Gar Logan will always be Changling, at least in my book.

    5. Duplicate Boy has always confused me. With the name, I think he should be from Cargg and have been romantically entangled with Duo Damsel instead of Shrinking Violet. Dumb name for a reasonably cool character.

    6. There is something silver age-ily beautiful about Life Lass’ power set.

    7. There is no doubt that the Heroes of Lallor are superior to the Wanderers, although I secretly love all of the non Legion 30th century super heroes. I dream of a world where the Legion is as popular as Batman and can support a half a dozen issues a month, each of which focuses on different corners of the rich Legion heritage. A comic set in the 30th century without the regular Legionnaires but with some of the cool secondary characters they’ve introduced over the years would be a lot of fun, in my opinion.

    8. The Interplanetary Bank Beast Guards, especially the Jigsaw Creature, are pure Silver Age greatness. I loved that issue and would love to see more of this concept.

    9. The “Invisible Kid was gay” conspiracy is complete retcon bull. In Superboy #203, where Lyle dies, it is clear that his intentions towards the ghost Myla are romantic. He says, “I’m visiting her realm to persuade her to come to our world . . . as my wife!” Now, I guess it is possible that the definition of marriage will change in a 1000 years, but Lyle certainly seems to be romantically interested in this female apparition.

    10. If we can count Legion Academy trainees, and especially defective, time displaced, robot spy trainees, than Laurel Kent is the hottest Legionnaire hands down. Her entry features the best art in issue #3, which is a galling thing to say knowing it came from the pencils of Rob Liefeld. I dearly love the pre-Legends concept of a descendant of Superboy wanting to follow his example and join the Legion, even if the issue in which she first appears, where Clark spends the whole issue pining after her, is a bit creepy.

    11. I love any version of the Legion of Substitute Heroes (comedic, heroic underdogs, etc.). Chlorophyll Kid gives me hope that fat people can be heroes as well.

    12. Infectious Lass is great, especially in the Dr. 13 story that was mentioned. I have an acquaintance who promises she will one day cosplay as Drura, which I think would be a fun challenge to pull off.

    13. The Legion of Super Rejects first appearance in Superboy #212 is a fun little story. It is amazing how close we came to getting Calorie Queen in the Legion. At the end of the issue, Matter-Eater Lad receives his draft notice to join Bismollian politics, and Tenzil’s last words are a request for the Legion to give Taryn Loy another try out. It is clearly set up that she will be his replacement, although apparently M-E Lad didn’t have the same pull as Superboy and Supergirl, who were able to name their own replacements in Adventure #350.

    Issue 4

    1. I have owned this comic for almost 30 years and it has never dawned on me that the red cape on the back (or the blue feet on the right) of the cover were other Legionnaires. I don’t know how I missed that! I agree, by the way, that the red cape is Sensor Girl’s.

    2. Shag, the so-called “Batman Angle” is known as a “Dutch Angle”, for some reason.

    3. The comment about Imsk shrinking is straight from Shrinking Girl’s own explanation of her powers in Superboy #234. Imsk shrinks with some regularity and the only way the Imskians survive is to shrink with the planet. Not sure when that became a “Legend”.

    4. For the second straight issue my mind is blown, as I’m really loving the art on Esper Lass and the Hunter, both from Rob Liefeld.

    5. Lightning Lord, Lass, Lad: One of the most interesting things in my reading of these stories is how long it takes for the whole “crash landed on Korbal, tricking the beasts to charge the vehicle” story to codify. In it’s first telling, Garth is alone (even remarking in Adventure #308, “Maybe this power will win me membership in the Legion of Super Heroes”, even though he is supposed to be a founding member), then Ayla is added to the story, and finally Mekt is also involved in the wrecked craft. Age is also something that shifts. Mekt is always the older brother, but it is suggested early on that Ayla is the baby of the family, not a twin of Garth’s (she is referred to as “his younger sister” on at least one occasion ). Also, there is no way that Lightning Lass is six feet tall!

    6. I’m not sure I can give any better explanation for Dream Girl changing Lightning Lass’s ability, but here you go: The basic set-up of Adventure #317 is that Dream Girl has a premonition that something bad will happen to a Legionnaire. Not knowing which one will suffer, she uses her feminine wiles to join the Legion (all the boy Legionnaires vote for her regardless of how useful her powers are), and uses a strict construction of the Legion constitution to get all the other Legionnaires expelled (so she will be the only Legionnaire and must, therefore, be the one who will be hurt). Lightning Lass is expelled for losing her powers in a freak accident (she and Dream Girl investigate a new generator that goes haywire while Lightning Lass is near it. After the chaos ends, Ayla has no Lightning powers). At the end of the story, after Dream Girl reveals her noble intentions, she off-handedly says that she messed with the generator and, using her “superior Naltorian science” changed the energy from the generator so that it would give Lightning Lass gravity cancelling power, “since your power wasn’t needed, because it is the same as that of your brother, Lightning Lad.” Again, not a great explanation of how it happened, but that is the silver age for you.

    7. The story in Adventure 377, where the Legionnaires become mercenaries in order to capture Modulus, is hands down the most needlessly convoluted plot to capture a minor villain I have read in my 42 years of life on this earth. It is breath-taking in its complexity and I, without being a professional comic book writer, could come up with half a dozen ways that our heroes could have saved the day without resorting to these tactics, although none of them, admittedly, would have filled out 23 pages.

    8. I’d absolutely get behind a cliff hanger ending to this season of Supergirl involving Mon-El being saved by the Legion. Love the idea of the heroes themselves being in shadows, but one (preferably green shaded) hand with a flight ring reaching out to him would fill me with anticipation for the next season.

    Anyway, I’ll block out six or so hours in 2018 just in time to listen to the next episode when, and if, you get it out. Until then:


    1. Brilliant observations – this thread is full of ’em – and as regards Point 13 on 3, Paul Levitz could’ve given us a great Baxter untold tale based on that premise.

  9. Great work, LSBers! I do have one nit to pick. Shag, when discussing the Khunds, and even when talking about a possible planet of origin of Magpie, made several remarks about “flesh tone.” He implies that he can only accept beings from another planet if they all share the same skin color. I’m resisting the urge to be snarky, and I certainly do not want to be insulting, but if Lyle Norg and Jacques Foccard can come from the same planet, why not three different Khunds? Or Magpie and Kanjar Ro?

  10. I have Siskoid’s back on Doctor 13 : Architecture & Mortality. Good stuff. It was Anthro by the way. He just sticks out to me b/c I always used to say the best thing about Final Crisis was that it got me to read the original Anthro run.

  11. Apologies if someone else has mentioned this already… Win Mortimer drew a number of Legion stories in the late Silver Age, including “the Hapless Hero!” from Action #381 (1969), which is one of the more memorable Matter-Eater-Lad stories. Poor M-E-Lad faces off against duplicate boy!

  12. Still only part-way through this monster of an episode, but the omission of the month is an obvious one this time: The Legion of Super-Pets. I did say ‘dubious continuity status’ was going to be a theme, no?

    Although honestly the entire Legion was of somewhat dubious continuity status during that time. I mean, either there were two pocket universes (the one way saw in the comics of 1950s pre-crisis DC, and another one with the 80;s for Supergirl to have come from and for the legion’s interactions with Superman to have happened in; if they’re the same one then there’s some paradox going on in melting Earth in 195x…) Supergirl had to have been in the legion as it existed at that time, which means those stories had to have a place to happpen, which means yeah, Streaky and Comet and Amalgamax needed to exist.)

    1. One of the cruelest cuts made by the Crisis.

      You’re right, they mangled the Pocket Universe business by doing a follow-up that destroyed it and made it non-viable to be the Legion’s true origin.

  13. Just finished this monster episode and enjoyed it all. Kudos to everyone involved.
    One thing, though: Did I hear Shaggg say that Timber Wolf is a ripoff of Wolverine? He needs to have his flight ring taken away!

    1. Shhh. Shagg thinks it’s all real. So it stands to reason, in his mind, that a 30th-Century hero would have taken his look from a 20th-Century hero and not the reverse. It’s just logical.

  14. Okay, finished this. One note: this book is lying to you about the Legion of Super-Villains. In particular, about their first appearance. The ‘adult’ version debuted almost a decade earlier than any appearance mentioned in the book, in Superman #147. (They made a couple of appearances in Superman books, sometimes with a version of an ‘Adult Legion’ in which the only change was changing names to ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’, sometimes just up against Superman on his own.)

    I am not at all sure how Superman ever beat that team, considering that they had a guy with them who could turn things into Kryptonite. Who could turn things into Gold Kryptonite, for that matter.

  15. Well, that was epic, a veritable Great Podcast Saga, nice job, chaps.

    Tyr’s big story, The Gun That Mastered Men, appeared in Superboy #199, more than a decade before he got a toy, so there’s no particular link.

    Lightning Lad’s Cockrum costume is a total classic, it always struck me as the template for many of the Legion’s post-Zero Hour costumes.

    Mon El on Supergirl is a fun character but not Mon-Ell, has far too much the slacker hero. And they really need to come up with a reason for him to be called Mon-El on Supergirl – his father is Lar Gand.

    As has been pointed out, the idea that Invisible Kid is gay didn’t really fit the evidence; I actually find all that stuff about him being gay because he’s shy and has a ‘feminine’ power rather offensive.

    Ah, Win Mortimer, ask Anj about what’s he liked drawing Supergirl doing.

    That Heroes of Lallor pic, with the dead Beast Boy sculpture taking his place on the hero shot, is a hoot.

    Lyle’s costume is a favourite, brown is pleasantly unusual, and headbands are always a winner with me.

    Lamprey’s powers are great, I wish we saw her more often.

    Double Header is a really disturbing character, in looks and schtick… he’s slowly splitting, and then he’ll die? Yipes.

    Night Girl’s original look is perfect, the Seventies outfit was generic Legion chic, while the Eighties costume here was pretty much the original with extra faff. No ta.

    I quite like Greg LaRocque’s art but that Subs II illo is puzzlingly poor. He must have been asked to do it in ten minutes or something because someone else’s drawing got eaten by a Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.

    Mind, the Cosmic King picture by Kyle Baker is worse. Ugh.

    Esper Lass = Meta Ulnoor… a homage to Metaluna from This Island Earth?

    Do you think that when Jim Shooter created Nemesis Kid he knew that ‘alchemy’ has a specific meaning? Or did I miss the story in which he turned base metals into gold?

    That Eighties Saturn Queen is really dull compared to the original, nothing says Saturn’ bar the little patch… the original SQ looks so evil, a malevolent Saturn Girl. We need her.

    It really does seem that for North Americans, green and red together means nothing but Christmas, it always comes up … I love that combo, Lightning Lord has always looked awesome.

    1. Mr. Gray, you hit it right on the head with your comments about Invisible Kid and his supposed orientation. I’ve made a similar rant about presumptions concerning Teen Titans’ Jericho’s leanings. This is one of those stereotypes that cuts both ways. There is no reason to assume that all gay people must be shy and effeminate just as there is no reason to believe that those of us who are shy and somewhat less than a macho, macho man are homosexual. It’s just low hanging fruit to rely on those overused, trite tropes.

  16. Dislike both covers. Far too much wasted space, and just boring in general.


    Tyr is my hair hero. One day I too want to be man enough to rock that look.

    30th Century Beast Boy looks a lot like Captain Comet. I’m glad he’s dead, then.

    Archie Legion Invisible Kid I is a favorite, but their going with a safe basic black costume helped a lot. His original costume makes him look like his power is to soften stool. I don’t mind the simple Foccart suit, but I have minimal experience with him in comics.

    Dave Cockrum sells Karate Kid here, but I also prefer his actual Asian revision from ’95. I kind of like the red suit, but it doesn’t match the name.

    Look at those Khunds. I like that thick pink Khund with the strip of hair.

    I dig the Kid Psycho. Thought that was Kyle Baker at first glance. I could immediately tell Laurel Kent was early Rob Liefeld, and it’s a cute piece.

    I think the League of Super-Assassins are cool, but the entry art is weak. The Legion Espionage Squad is basically all my favorite Legionnaires in one sub-team, but again, teh entry arrrt.

    Most of Ty Templeton’s entries are exceptional, but his Substitutes take the cake.

    Has Night Girl worn the specific look from the Subs entry very often? I don’t recall ever being as impressed with her as in this one picture.


    Not big on Paris Cullins in this period.

    Perezian crowds are not Templeton’s jam, but the Super-Villains are alright.

    Now that’s for sure Kyle Baker, and I dig Cosmic King here.

    No wait, Hunter is my hair hero. I’m going to roll up on Shag in crimson ponytails (colt-tails?) Liefeld remains great fun.

    Mike Mignola on Lightning Lord or any Legion stuff is wwwweeeird. Where are the pitch black silhouette legs? Wh–abs? Migs gots abs?!?

    I’m I the only one who wants to know what’s under Magno Lad’s loincloth as drawn by a guy named Mooney?

    Nemesis Kid’s greatest nemesis is accurate proportions.

    Saturn Queen, are you trying to seduce me? And now I’m mentally fan-casting Katharine Ross as Saturn Girl. And it’s good.

    Greg LaRocque is one of my favorite Legion artists, as evidenced by my appreciating a Lightning Lad pin-up. Not that I dislike Garth, but I’m usually more *shrug* at him. Oddly, the Lightning Lass pic is Exhibit A for Ayla not being the hottest Legionnaire.

    If Jim Valentino had done a Lucifer 7 book instead of Shadowhawk, I’d be devoting a monthly podcast to him instead of Spawn.

    What did the Hot or Not ladies think of Magpie’s eyes? He also makes Mandalla look like a doll solely because he got so much less text and was unjustly awarded more space.

    I don’t even think Ultra Boy should wear Ultra Boy’s costume, much less well regarded character actor Gregg Henry.

    Damn it, Curt Swan! Quit being such an old fart stinking up the entries for my fav Legionnaires! Poor Mon-El…

    I still hate you all for being the Michael Ciminos of podcasting.

  17. To my knowledge, the first “writing” of the Legion Constitution was by Neal Pozner for his “Legion Handbook” issue of THE AMAZING WORLD OF DC COMICS (issue 9), though it was not as organized or “official looking” as the Constitution in WHO’S WHO (or even Mark Gruenwald’s JLA charter from THE AMAZING WORLD OF DC COMICS issue 14). Mr. Pozner’s article essentially pulled quotes from the constitution that was documented in the DC Comics up to that time (which was 1975) with some commentary and references to relevant Legion stories (including the point that “under the age of 18” referred to physical age and not chronological age, stating that Mon-El was 1,030 years old when he joined, and that Supergirl’s first attempt to join the Legion was rejected because Red Kryptonite aged her body past the point that she would not be eligible).

    It would not surprise me if Barbara Kesel or Mark Waid had a hand in updating the AWODCC piece into the more structured Legion Constitution used in this 1988 WHO’S WHO series…

    And yes, the “Zatanna Clause” (4.6) was in AWODCC issue 9, but back then, any expelled Legionnaire not retained as a Reservist must submit to “being hypnotically brainwashed” to remove all memory of Legion secrets, as opposed to “psychotherapy” in the 30th century of 1988…

  18. It’s funny you mention the Star Trek crossover, because as someone new to the Legion, one of my first thoughts was, “It’s like Star Trek with superpowers.”

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