Original movie poster from Corpse Bride with Victor and Emily.

Alternate poster showing Victor, Victoria and their rather dead living relatives and cast.

Alternate poster showing some of the more lively characters from the Land of the Dead.

Tim Burton checks out the beard on Elder Gutnecht.

Co-Director Mike Johnson with his main cast.

From The Hollywood Reporter, behind the scenes with shelves of puppets!

Chris’ dog-eared, well-loved copy of Best of DC Digest #38, cover by Ed Hannigan and Bob Smith (apeing Bernie Wrightson’s style).

Cover to Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #108 by Dick Giordano.
Interior pages from Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #108, “The Spectre Suitor!” by Cary Bates, Werner Roth and Vince Colletta.

The ghost saves Lois and Sir Noel Tate from the burglars. But why was he inactive for 83 years?

Not a dream, not a hoax, not a manipulation by a ghost! Superman almost slaps Lois with his super strength!!!

Hey, the cover scene actually happens in this story! Is Lois marrying the Gentleman Ghost?

Superman answers Clark’s phone, and Lois learns Electricity is Evil!

Lois’ phantom beau is…Sherlock Holmes? No wait, he’s Jack the Ripper?!?

Superman breaks the time barrier because it’s a Tuesday. And we can’t mention the occupation of Jack the Ripper’s victims thanks to the Comics Code!