An unstoppable force. A sorcerer’s apprentice. The conqueror of time. A Deviant with no opposable thumbs. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls are themselves an unstoppable force, even if they have to forge ahead online to respect social distancing norms!
Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Amélie and Shotgun.
Listen to Episode 56 below (the usual mature language warnings apply), or subscribe to oHOTmu OR NOT? on iTunes!
Relevant images and further credits at: oHOTmu or NOT ep.56 Supplemental
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Thank God for OHOTMU. We need you gals now more than ever. And Siskoid too.
Juggernaut: Siskoid, you showed tremendous restraint not playing his infamous quote from X-Men 3. Good call. Better left forgotten. I’ll be honest, I’m with the girls. I never got the appeal of the “unstoppable” Juggernaut. He’s pretty one note, in my opinion. When he went up against Spidey, that was novel, but him plowing through the X-Men over and over, meh. When I read his name I still hear the voice actor who played Cyclops on their guest-appearance on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends “JUGGERNAUUUUTTT!!!”
Kale, Jennifer: What was the deal with that boomerang thing? Chastity belt? She definitely seems like she stepped off a fantasy painting on a 70s Chevy van. Look for her in Onward Part 2.
Kang; As a toy guy, I can never disassociate the comic Kang with his Secret Wars action figure counterpart, infamous among toy collectors as one of the biggest peg warmers of all time. Produced in 1984, and still found rotting, unsold, on toy shelves well into the mid-90s in some closeout stores. Maybe it was really a time-travel takeover plot by the Council of Kangs, populating Toys R’ Us stores everywhere?
Karkas: The ladies never fail to find the inner beauty in these potentially “monstrous” creatures. And the inner a-hole in pretty boys like Angel. Keep it coming.
Amazing Friends is where I first encountered Juggernaut. I could probably say that about a lot of Marvel characters. As for X-Men 3, I’ve never seen it.
You’re not missing much. It’s not as horrible as advertised, but there’s an odd “scorched Earth” mentality about it for an ongoing film franchise.
So happy this show still happens! I need the smiles in my life!
A few thoughts –
Juggernaut – I thought for sure there would be a lot of talks about him ‘not stopping’ and being huge. Perhaps I just get into a naughty place when I listen to this show. I wonder if the girls would like him more if they read the issue where he admits he loves Dazzler’s music and wanted her autograph but she goads him into a brawl. And when he knocks her out he is all sad that he battled one of his favorite singers.
Jennifer Kale – Her outfit reminds me of a line in the movie The Sure Thing. “She has great skin. And so much of it!” I hope when we reach the M section we have some Giant Sized Man Thing talk. She really wants to be hot doesn’t she. But she has this weird blank stare, like she is vapid or kind of stupid. I think she is someone I would notice at a party, try to chat up, but 2 minutes into the conversation I’d slink away and not come back. I need more.
Kang – I could talk about Kang til I am blue in the face!
Karkas – Again, I love that the monster falls into the Armadillo category of lovable monster. A philosopher! I want to see him in a beret, sipping coffee, and discussing Kant.
Thanks again!
Eep….I opened up my phone to check out the picture of Jennifer Kale at work…..had to quickly turn it off before I had to answer awkward questions.
Sorry Rick! At least you didn’t have the show on full blast.
Hey y’all this show is great I look forward to it every month. When y’all are done with oHOTmu or NOT can y’all do Who’s Hot In Who’s Who? I would love to hear y’all’s take on DC, But if not can y’all give me a quick HOT OR NOT to the original big 7 of the JLA ?
Every time I look at Kale, Jennifer’s outfit it seems like she was drawn topless and the editor took a color-form of Valkyrie’s bra and pasted it on. It just doesn’t seem like it was drawn at the same time as the rest of the image.
Now back to playing cards in Asgard. 😉
That’s where the term pasties comes from.
Impressive podcast. Most impressive. Yeah Juggy does dress like a tool. His helm looks like a…nope won’t say it it’s a family pod cast ya’ll run. The vertical strypes not helping. Yeah not great. I was gonna argue for Jen Kale’s costume, but most of ya’ll points I can relate to from some things I’ve warn. I hate stuff that shows my butt crack. Hence I ware suspenders with pants. Er Trousers for thoughts whom use britsh versions of the word. And I did buy a medium swim suit it fit great… the bottom fit great the top half not so great for a D cup though. Any way ya’ll didn’t even like her Jack Sparrow boots….sigh. Yes the metals bird is in a bad place.
I only know the character from a few issues I enharted. And of corse the Swamp Thing Power record ware she, Swamp Thing and some Guy fight a demonic dead clown. Most of the Wicca people I know are pretty cool but, mostly don’t wanna see en running around in the redesign ya’ll picked. Maybe if she dressed like Morgan from Dragon Age. Ah well guess I can’t dress like Jen Kale this for the Apocalypses now. Back to the Tina Turner out fit from Mad Max.
Kang…. er I think he a Ktty Pride are fighting for the worst dressed award. Only when he was Iron Lad of the Young Avengers did he have any taste. Waaait it says Mr. Fantastic Dad is related to him. Does that make him related to Reed Richards? That must be awkward at family reunions. Also Marvel should have Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi play him in a movie. Or if a female Krang then Michelle Gomez
Ah the last guy looks like a cool Kirby creation.
So it’s tough when you’re in social distancing, and you can’t meet to record in person, and the biggest draw on the oHOTmu lineup is…Juggernaught. But you all made it a great episode anyway!
Looking at Karkas now, far removed from when I first saw him in some Thor comic in the eighties, I think his character design is downright charming. I agree with y’all’s assessment; he’s the toy that was supposed to be scary, but really isn’t. I want to say he was featured favorably in Neil Gaiman’s excellent Eternals comic, but confirming that would require moving some boxes in the garage. Google is being unhelpful.
Thanks for keeping us sane! We love you!
Even a pandemic cannot stop OHOTMU or NOT. “Nothing can stop the etc etc etc”.
Juggernaut: In my usual backwards way of collecting, I first met Jughead in Amazing Spider-Man #230, which was an incredible story. And he appeared in Spider-Friends shortly after that, which was crazy because the cartoon included one prominent action scene from the comic, so I loved that. Then he was in Marvel Team-Up against Spider-Man and the X-Men. I guess I’m saying, it look a while for me to think of Jug-jug as an X-Men villain.
Kale, Jennifer: She is definitely an entry in OHOTMU.
Kang: Now I can’t unsee the crotch arrow. Thank you for this valuable service, Hot Squad. But it was interesting to hear someone comment “Is he wearing a diving helmet?”, because the Make Ours Marvel podcast also floated that thought when they reached Kang’s first appearance. Thigh high boots, stretchy sweater, and diving helmet. The future’s fashions are a little scary. I just Kang’t.
Karkas: Reminded that he’s a philosopher, I also realized that the Dragon Man is now super-intelligent, and I’m picturing these two with their reading classes propped on their noses(?), sitting outside at a French-Canadian cafe, discussing science, philosophy, history, poetry, and of course, who’s best and worst dressed in the capes and tights world.
And how come no one’s talking about Wonder Woman’s kangaroo? Just to make it better, the Amazon kangaroos are large enough to ride like horses. (My wife could totally ride one.) I had to look up her name: Jumpa. Diana’s Earth-2 daughter, Fury, had a baby one named Trouble. So yes, I’d go with Kanga and Roo being the names of Winnie The Pooh’s friends.
Thanks for the laughs, my friends.
Great show- always a joy- glad the pandemic didn’t stop ya
I’m glad there’s another OHotMU episode! A much needed show during this time. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. It sounded great as usual but I can’t wait until the Hot Squad can get back together in person. On to the entries……
Juggernaut – What’s up with that back-up helmet? I don’t get, I’ve never got it, and probably never will. His outside helmet seem like it would greatly reduce one’s peripheral vision. How does he turn his head in that thing? So many questions……… And I appreciate the No-Prize hoops Siskoid tried to jump through to justify the Arm Bands of Cyttorak.
Kale, Jennifer – I feel this entry is one of the main reasons there is a comic book nerd stereotype. Compared to double clothed Juggernaut, it seems a little weird to create a female “superhero” who is almost naked. Where’s the female Juggernaut costume?
Kang – What is that cape attached to?!?!?
I had no idea B.C. was a “cooler” province than Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. Is it because we have Canada’s only “desert”? Does that make B.C. hot? Or not? Sorry, I really should leave the puns to Dr.Anj, who I can only assume got his doctorate in pun-ology. Thanks again for getting virtually together for our entertainment! Well done, everyone! Keep up the great work!
Well, I don’t know that Jennifer Kale is a superhero exactly, she starred in horror/fantasy comics.
As for BC being cooler, come on now. You’ve got Vancouver and all those TV SF productions. You’ve got the Rockies. It’s like denying California is cooler than Kansas or Maine.
It’s been so long, I can’t remember if you discussed the horrible pun of Juggernaut’s real name. Cain Marko. Mark o’ Cain. That’s too obvious even for Anj!
Learn something new every day. I NEVER made that connection before.
Same! Or if I did, I have forgotten. My X-Men days are far behind me.
We did not.