Fire and Water Presents: Who’s Editing Episode 12! The mission: Imagine a comics line using only the heroes with an entry in Who’s Who #12. Our agents: Siskoid and Martin Gray. The details: Hey, it’s the JLA/JSA issue! The challenges: It’s also the one with King Standish and Kong the Untamed. Strike a match and start the Mission: Impossible theme!
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Theme: “Révolution” by Les Sherpas.
Bonus clips: “Grant Morrison: Talking With Gods” by Patrick Meaney for Sequarts, starring Grant Morrison.
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Another fantastic batch of concepts! Even a GvE homage!
The Next Karate Kid is the best in the Kid series? I try not to argue taste (taking a page out of Michael Bailey’s book), but c’mon….
I said favourite, not best.
I wish I had “Super Karate”…
It almost seems attainable until you realize Karate Kid could chop Superboy unconscious.
art & cover by BRAD GREEN
variant cover by PHIL CHO
card stock variant cover by ED BENES
Bloodwynd is no hero. The mysterious dark mage of death has his own agenda, which he preferred to pursue in isolation. Outed by his nemesis, the necromancer briefly played at being a champion during a time of unprecedented tumult, when the world’s greatest super-heroes were threatened with extermination. The savage Kryptonian behemoth Doomsday beat Superman into a coma. Hulking criminal mastermind Bane broke the Batman. The minions of the war god Ares saw to the demise of a Wonder Woman. The multiversal destroyer Anti-Monitor extinguished the Flash. Alien tyrant Mongul drove Green Lantern mad. Extraterrestrial terror Imperiex obliterated Aquaman. The worshipers of Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips, executed Martian Manhunter. Through his necromancy, Bloodwynd recognized that these magnificent seven crusaders were tied mystically to the fate of all creation, and he stepped up to defend all of existence… including, especially, his own.
Then came Judgment Day, when the Overmaster and his Cadre arrived to witness the end of the Earth. Bloodwynd was cosmically aware that this moment was beyond him, that all hope rested with the Justice League. He merely watched as the universe ended… and began again. Like tumbling dominoes, the events set in motion by Doomsday led to Hal Jordan becoming Parallax, and with other terrorists against time itself, unleashed entropic energies that annihilated the universe. Only a handful of heroes remained at the Vanishing Point to restart everything with a Big Bang. Today, another Crisis in Time has begun, and many of the horsemen of the previous apocalypse rise again… without any of the Magnificent Seven to meet them. The Septuplicate is essential for salvation, a search for seven successors, an extreme form of Justice League.
Reignman has been born through the melding of the corpse of the Cyborg Superman Zor-El, further enhanced with the automations of John Henry Irons, controlled by the intelligence of the Kryptonian Eradicator. The unjustly exiled Amazon Artemis has chosen to wear the indignity on her back, in the discarded garb of her fallen sister Diana from her own hour of disgrace, as a living Requiem. Freed from Mother’s control and picking up where The Colony left off, the genetically engineered and psychologically programmed killer Jean-Paul Valley is among the sole standing vigilantes defending Gotham from Leviathan, within his sealed Knightfall battle armor. Arrived from a catastrophic near-future where his family perished before his eyes, Walter West takes no prisoners with the crimson quickness of Dark Flash. Compelled by the Life Entity within his White Power Battery to defend their home world against aliens, Kyle Rayner returns to Earth to wield nearly limitless powers over creation as the Omega Lantern. Obsessed with reclaiming the throne for his bloodline, Arthur Curry’s only surviving son, the berserker Koryak, would rule as Aquamaster.
The return of Mongul to Coast City attracts several of these anti-heroes who have faced him in the past, and understand the danger he normally represents. However, the flaxen fiend has not come alone, and his fellows’ reach and menace in unfathomable. What is the Superman Death Squad, and what purpose could it still serve in a world without the Man of Tomorrow? And what of these would-be heroes? Are they all that they seem, and could there be just as much of a threat within their ranks as without?
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with three covers.
Please see the order form for details.
The 90s are back!
written by TOM KING
art & cover by RAGS MORALES
Eight-fingered private dick Jonny Double had rarely seen the good side of luck in this life, but with Cinder & Ashe he’d managed to thwart Kobra once again by keeping his scaly mitts off the alien-assisted Combine’s “Hotwire” armor. But on the other hand, the one down two fingers, White Lotus had taken it for Baron Katana instead…
After founding Symbolix with dark money, Egrin Wahrman created three projects employing different methods of metahuman eugenics. Proteus yielded a wholly artificial being, Splatter, a beast suitable only for henchwork. Niobe introduced a fertilized egg into a human host– the egg supplied by Baron Reiter and Gudra the Valkyrie. Telemachus infused DNA into a naturally born metahuman, bolstered by additional samples taken from the Justice League and absorbed through the malleable genetic structure made possible by Martian elements. The corpse of Grant Emerson still retained this essential quality, which with the proper stimulus would allow it to absorb and devour Ethan Avery, possessed of a similar late life genetic adaptiveness…
Black Adam is too blinded by his gratitude to the wizard Jarble for restoring his and Isis’ life to recognize his horrifying ambitions. It’s up to Atom Smasher to convince the Sivanas that Osiris’ blood lust knows no bounds, but he sees the nuclear missiles as holding the potential for satiety…
Under orders from Black Manta, scientist Thomas Dinawa hired Deathstroke the Terminator to murder his associate Ryan Choi in order to steal and replicate Ray Palmer’s shrinking technology. This was done to allow for the creation of the miniature undersea kingdom Onyx, which Manta intends to serve as a sanctuary exclusively for people of African descent in anticipation of another mass extinction event like the one that struck NYC in 1985…
Colonel Thomas Tomorrow Jr.’s mental state continues to deteriorate over the unknown fate of his Vertisol-infected infant son Horatio, in the hands of Leo Konroy, while “Gravedigger” Anderson turns the screws…
Betrayed by his own men in Freedom’s Ring, Steve Trevor must decide whether to attempt escape or join their combined effort with the Nuclear Legion to invade Pokolistan…
Acting on information of the future gained during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Terry Kurtzberger crafted Cyclotron to avenge the victims of the Fourth Reich by insuring a final solution to resurging Nazis in the 21st Century…
Surviving Eddie Fyers’ attempt on his life through the timely arrival of Phantasm, Ralph Dibny tries to reach Ray Palmer to thwart the Ninth Circle’s revived Codename: Watchmen. As often happens with matters involving Adrian Veidt, the time for rescue has passed. While Iron Butterfly stands over the fallen Hawkman, it’s the Atom’s satellite League versus the Shadow Cabinet for the fate of the globe…
Dharma’s vision of the future contained a blind spot– an event that occurs which leaves existence a torturous ruin. For the greater good, he allowed hundreds to be killed in the Dakota City “Big Bang” in order to create a handful of “Bang Babies.” These metahumans would either aid him or stop him, reply hazy, ask again later. His world was growing cold– dying– being claimed by entropy unleashed by the being known as Parallax. In a bid to save his existence, the man who had been Harry Chawney assumed the power of Rift to make worlds collide, retroactively, permanently, in response to the Infinite Crisis. For a brief moment, this seemed to cauterize the wound, but the bleeding has begun again. The fire this time must burn brighter, the Agni must be stoked. “If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One…”
Following the disintegration of Jason Rusch, and Ronnie Raymond having been trapped inside the Firestorm Matrix with the putrid but animated corpse of Martin Stein, the Nuclear Man is more than a little bit triggered. With Shadowstorm having taken possession of Pozhar, and Firestorm compromised, the potential theater of destruction widens.
Whatever the fate of his home planet, Doctor Manhattan secures a place in the future for baby Christopher Ambler…
ON SALE 5.05.21
$3.99 US | 12 OF 12 | 32 PAGES
art by POP MHAN
Long believed to have perished during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the crystal-shaping Kole was created to survive a nuclear holocaust, making her exceptionally tough to kill. However, she did not wish to carry on as a known heroine, though she did once aid the Titans in secret during a vampire uprising. Kole returns to a world on the edge of realizing her parent’s worst fears, with vital information for Cosmic Boy and the Teen Titans. Despite Beast Boy’s best intentions in keeping her away from his Ravengers business, Raven’s life has taken a worse turn in his absence toward The Church of Blood. While a familial connection to Azrael may have been disproven by Dawnstar, Brother Blood still intends for both of his former acolytes to procreate. Though Lady Zand recognizes the value in a grandchild of Trigon with the innate abilities of a Kryptonian, she also sees this as a tipping point in her power struggle, and a wedge in her alliance with H.I.V.E. Just as Sister Blood secures the would-be bride, Lady Zand dispatches the Brotherhood of Blood (Sonar, Phobia, Plasmus, Fisherman, Silverback, & Warp) to intercept. Regardless of Starfire’s necessary search for her sister by blood, she can’t turn away from the desperate need of a sister of the heart…
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by BECKY CLOONAN
variant cover by SERGIO CARIELLO
In the lost year following the Infinite Crisis, Lois and Clark took advantage of his missing powers to conceive their only son, Jonathan Samuel Kent. They initially tried to make things work in Metropolis, but life without Superman meant Clark couldn’t maintain his journalism career and raise an infant. Returning to help Ma Kent tend to the family farm, Lois was once again introduced to a Superman, this time the last son of the doomed Earth-0. This Superman struggled to fill Clark Kent’s shoes at the Daily Planet and with his own feelings for Lois, ultimately romancing Wonder Woman in her stead. Upon Superman-Zero’s death, both Clark and Lana Lang regained their long absent abilities, and the original Man of Steel could finally have it all. Or so it seemed, as the toddler Jon Kent was kidnapped by the mysterious survivor Jor-El of Krypton-0 and carried across time and space. Superman pursued his “father,” but their travels saw Jon age to preadolescence and begin to develop Kryptonian powers.
Since the death of Clark, the mother and son team of Lois and Jon have sought answers, keeping a close eye on LexCorp, Cadmus, and Intergang (or in the latter case, noting their absence.) The movements of would-be stand-ins like the members of Strikeforce Superman are very concerning. The House of El has a long history with the Legion of Super-Heroes, and their varied appearances in the 21st Century are cause for alarm regarding exactly what future they represent. Specifically, the moves of the Fatal Five– seeking a Phantom Zone Projector– to what end? Finally, what is the “Superman Secundus,” and what role will Jon play in determining it?
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
written by TONY BEDARD
Adam’s recent cohorts aboard the Iron Raider; the pirates Lobo, Toragg, Neex, Valda, Gana, and Hierophant; are ready for their payment. Adam was set to offer them all of Rann for all he cared, only to find the planet’s inhabitants ravaged by the same Zeta tumors that are killing him. Further, the world is presently occupied by the Khund, who see it as strategically significant against the Citadel and any potential land grab by Thanagar. Chastity Hex may be more than she appears, and her bounty hunting partner Jonas Glim has serious reservations about staring down his old buddy ‘Bo. Even Green Lantern Kilowog may not be up to keeping the peace under these circumstances!
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by NAIF AL-MUTAWA
art and cover by GASTON25
CONQUEST OF THE BARON EARTH TIE-IN! Betrayed by Doktor Simya and The Cybernetic, shaken by the devastation of the Baronry Conflict, and crestfallen over SKULL’s occupation of Turkey, Mustafa Aman believes The Great Question will claim his ultimate victory. While impersonating the Iron Major, King Chimera was assassinated by Captain Boomerang for his disclosure of sensitive information on the Nuclear Legion. Induced by the choice between execution and service to Sarge Steel, Amazing-Man sees only one path to take the fight back to his mortal enemy in Tibet…
ON SALE 05.12.20
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
cover by ALAN DAVIS
Holy cow– we’re not cancelled yet? You heard the part about the cowboys and the Armageddon 2001 callbacks and the Inferior 5? Huh. Okay. Well, Kana the Secret Shadow Warrior had been lost on Dinosaur Island since the Korean War, and guided the Suicide Company to Monarch, who sent them to die in an arena of gladiatorial combat. This one though was from a post-Kamandi timeline where Lex Luthor used the Firestorm Matrix to bond with Superman-Prime of the 853rd Century to do a Hunger Games by way of Planet of the Apes. Ambush Bug and the 5 have to battle past Dio, Prior Hearst, and Ulysses Hazard to try closing the bridge to the time of the Electric Warriors, but then the decapitated Per Degaton shows up wearing Mekanique, and it’s all part of the Time Trapper’s plan. So basically, my money’s on thirteen for the ax!
ON SALE 05.19.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
THE LORDS OF ORDER & CHAOS TIE-IN! When Kestral killed Sasha Martens and Wiley Wolverman, they took essential secrets with them to the grave. Now Aquagirl, Hawk, and Dove must seek the aid of Kit Freeman to temporarily resurrect the pair in order to avenge themselves. Instead, the group pays a visit to Wendy & Eugene di Bella, the forms possessed by Eric and Linda Strauss upon their retirement as agents of Order. Their adoptive daughter Raina is coming of age, in ways no one could have foreseen!
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
ARAK #12
cover by ZBONEZ
CRISIS ACROSS INFINITE TIME TIE-IN! Arak and Wind-Walker seek refuge with a local native tribe, who themselves are caught between the white man and a strange rival clan of seeming cavemen. Led by Trog the One-Eyed, these savages threaten all in their path. However, the tribesmen have allied with others like Trog who oppose the chieftain, and the trio have a pterodactyl at their disposal. Cro-Magnon Gurat and the “lanktor commander” Errus aid the young golden-haired Kong in his quest to slay his own father. However, Arak is soon met by Bat Lash, Cinnamon, Augustus Freeman, and his “old friend” Pandora. In tow is a man claiming to be the Biblical Abel, warning that Kong’s patricidal intent may doom all of spacetime!
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by SCOTT SNYDER
card stock foil cover by GREG CAPULLO and JONATHAN GLAPION
1:25 variant cover by GREG CAPULLO
1:100 black and white variant cover by GREG CAPULLO and JONATHAN GLAPION
A DC Comics/Dynamite Entertainment co-production! Captain Comet and Harpis escape Epp aboard the Claw Blaster spaceship as the Yars’ revenge is complete. Adam Blake attended the 1996 Summer Olympics with aging friend Professor Stanley Miles and his charge Mohandas Singh, where they watched a young Martin Champion win three gold medals. Within a few years, The War had begun, with Champion serving in the Marines, and Blake committed to The Atari Institute. Despite this tangle of associations, it took decades for these two cosmic explorers to collide. Upon hearing of the Dark Destroyer’s return, Champion immediately wants to confront the threat, and butts heads with Comet over the next course of action. Decisions will be made alongside Green Lantern Stel, the flamboyant and cantankerous pilot Captain Jedediah Poole, and his fellow Zylon battler, the last Guattian, Skrimsh. Meanwhile, Auron investigates the strange circumstances of Jaxon Rugarth, the former Infinite Man. Hardtack and Rushertom seek allies on Earth, but at the old Justice Society of America Headquarters, Graves begins trapping the surviving heroes of World War II and their legacies alongside Arisia in his accursed urn. Atop Mount Mandragor, the mysterious purpled-robed Mentorr and Mentarra have taken up residence within Darkspire Castle. With the Warlords sorted, Tarra, Torr, Ezekial, Smiley and Leo chart a path toward Gemworld to bestow the Sword of Ultimate Sorcery upon Amethyst, but not if Herminus can steal it first.
ON SALE 05.12.21
$4.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with four covers.
Please see the order form for details.
written by RAVEN GREGORY
In another tale of times past, it’s 1965, and Captain Atom has been missing for over three years. The only likely suspect is Dr. Manhatten, but who’s got the guts to question him? Having finally gotten word to Rip Jagger in Nanda Parbat, Judomaster joins Peacemaker and Thunderbolt to investigate the so-called “Watchmen.” Back in the present, Jaime is shocked to learn from his parents that they are U.S. citizens, but somehow also illegal immigrants? Plus, the Reach are met by Australia’s Sleeping Soldiers (Dreamer, Thunderer, The Argonaut, Dark Ranger, Miss Midnight, Tasmanian Devil, and Umbaluru), who feel compelled to help upon learning they are part of a new Alien Alliance on a humanitarian mission to rescue captive extra-terrestrials. However, Stormwatch Oz may have other ideas…
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
cover by BART SEARS
A lifetime of bad behavior and worse business has dogpiled Jock Verner, who’s added arson, insurance fraud, and attempted murder to a rap sheet liable to see him buried under the prison. Not that it matters much to Jock now, but J. Wilbur Wolfingham managed to swindle Verner’s stake in the Blue Devil film for what amounts to commissary credits, and in conning another crook, finally stands to see a windfall. With Verner Brothers Studio sold to AT&T, Blue Devil is being absorbed into the DC Extended Universe, guaranteeing that at minimum the movie couldn’t be the worst in its class. It’s a funny picture though, so the Snyder stans will still hate it. The social media mea culpa of sex pest Sharon Scott and relapsed junkie Wayne Tarrant seem to have been accepted by the general public. And finally, proud papa Santiago Ramírez will finally see his name under “Directed By” on an IMAX screen as part of a big glitzy Hollywood red carpet premiere. What could go wrong?
ON SALE 05.19.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by BRYAN HILL
Following his near-death experience while securing and distributing the Vertisol cure, Ben Turner’s mind is fixed on unfinished business. Despite the best efforts of their former sparring partner Lady Shiva and her League of Assassins, Richard Dragon was ultimately murdered by one of his own students. Today, Ricardo Diaz Jr. remains active in criminal circles under an alias taken from Dragon along with his life. Bronze Tiger will avenge his brother of the fist, but first he must get the the Longbow Hunters: Brick, Red Dart, and Killer Moth…
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
Just a great episode and great ideas. As crazy as it sounds, I want to read both your Kalista books!! Words I never thought I’d say … ever. Honestly, I think this might be the toughest issue to date.
My one pitch. (I’m starting to think I basically have one pitch as many of my pitches have similar themes.)
Written by James Tynion
Art by David Marquez
Variant covers Bill Sienkiewicz
Katana was always told her sword was a soul stealer, that the souls of those slain were imprisoned in the blade. But that was wrong. The sword did rip souls out of the slain. But it was actually a transfer device, shoving the souls into Katana herself, keeping her young, vital, and imbuing her with some healing and strength. As. As her soul remained pure, the trapped souls would have no other influence.
But as the years go on and Katana becomes more bitter and jaded, the voices of the souls within her, evil twisted psyches, begin whispering to her. Can she ignore them? Will she succumb to them? Or will her outlook on the world change back to a pure view so she can continue her heroics undaunted.
I’d read that. She’d be a better soul sucker for the Outsiders than Looker.
(And lovely Lia turns up in the very next episode… I cannot wait!)
art and cover by DAVID FINCH
card stock variant cover by DAVID FINCH
1942: Knowing that he’s living on borrowed time, Terrence Kurtzberger takes on the adolescent Thomas “Tommy” Tomorrow Sr. as a helper in creating the programming for what will eventually become the automaton Cyclotron. Kurtzberger is soon killed in battle with the Ultra-Humanite.
1962: Hollis Mason retires, as Dan Dreiberg becomes Nite Owl II. His mysteryman tell-all biography Under The Hood is published late that year, not long before Byron Lewis is committed to an asylum.
1968: Nathaniel Adam, framed for murder, agrees to serve as a test subject for the Captain Atom Project. He is thrust nearly 20 years into the future.
On February 29th, 1976, the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. rush through international waters in the North Pacific in a contest to be first to reach a U.F.O. making splashdown, to be won by Navy Lieutenant Thomas Clark.
1990: Skyboy saves the world from a nuclear exchange, but loses a father in General Kent Garrett.
2094: The Functionary is still a brutal fascist state barely governing “third” worlds. Mekt Ranzz is accosted while traveling the Backlands by the murderous, godless bullyboys known as the Purifiers. Making short work of them, Lightning Lord impresses the hybrids Schiz, Volt, and Lodestone. The famed rebel leader Bar Torr and his lover Kiran Singh are still scraping by on the hellhole planetoid Takron-Galtos, and Ranzz is seeking empowered volunteers to help break him out. Brain 3, Field Commander of Echo, would see otherwise.
In the year 2900, Professor Vorko convinces Merlin to send Gala half-a-millennium into the past to protect their Knights from the Time Trapper.
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 11 OF 25 |32 PAGES
written by N.K. JEMISIN
art & cover by JOEL GOMEZ
In a flashback tale set during The Flashpoint Preemption, Rip Hunter sends Booster Gold back to the future that spawned him, in the latter half of the 25th Century. On the planetoid Gala stand the famous space commandos The Galaxy Knights, and “the greatest hero who never was” is a celebrated guest at the wedding of Ora to Lyle. It’s not all fun and games though, as Commander Artho requested Booster’s presence as a safety measure to protect the bride, aware that his daughter has been targeted by the Reverse Flash. Rip has his own reasons for lending Booster to the Knights, who were recently possessed by the spirits of 6th Century Camelot, and the fingerprints of the wizard Merlin continue to be traced throughout the fracturing timeline. A last minute objection is voiced by wedding crasher Knodar, who tells Booster his and Landor’s stories, which combined with Lyle’s last encounter with the Master of Doom bodes ill for the 21st Century.
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC
GEN⁵² #6
written by FRANK J. BARBIERE
art & cover by BEN CALDWELL
variant cover by JOLLY JACK
Thanks to alterations in the timeline, Jocelyn Lure’s relatively utopian universe has been overwritten by The Functionary. It’s now a light-handed corporatocracy that only strip mines whole civilization outside the eyes of the media, because bad optics are a recipe for bad morale. While Jacques, Jonni, Andrew, Rose, and Kono aren’t the top priority of High Functionary Commander H’yo X, just being warrants on his radar will rott. Fairchild, Burnout, and Skitter have a chance encounter with the automaton Chip, and a ride in his Free Bird space craft won’t endear them any further. In researching the changes from her memories of this time, Lure has located another anomaly: the aged Val Armorr, who had attempted to protect the tempus fugitive Enemy Ace sixty years earlier. Now Jocelyn will owe Captain Adym and Grimbor another favor, in order to visit him on the hi-tech prison planet Takron-Galtos. Meanwhile, Kon-El and Roxy try to adjust to their duties with the greatly diminished Science Police, limited as they are by the biggest of businesses. Speaking of the bizness, they’ve discovered a great way to pass their free time that doesn’t involve stuffy SP uniforms.
ON SALE 05.05.20
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by JOHN RIDLEY
To save his only son, Jor-El of the doomed planet Krypton used an experimental teleportation ray modeled after an Almeracian device to send the toddler Kal-El to Earth. Raised in New England by the childless middle-class couple Jerry & Naomi Kent, “Clark” was unaware of his extraterrestrial origins. Prince Ultraa of Almerac had similarly fled to Earth years earlier, raised in the Australian Outback by Aborigines as Jack Grey, before developing superhuman powers. The same teleportation theories that had shifted the alien boys across worlds also allowed one to traverse parallel dimensions, so Ultraa chose to move to a reality more resembling something out of comic books than the grounded existence that he had left behind. Keenly aware of the damage superpowers could have on an otherwise simple Earth, Ultraa continued to monitor his adoptive home, and investigated once Kal-El of Krypton-Prime exhibited his special abilities as a teenager. A “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was taking place, and when a wave of anti-matter energy wiped out their old universe, Ultraa helped Kal-El escape to his “New Earth.” While Ultraa tried to train the lad in the use of his Kryptonian abilities, it swiftly became apparent that this superboy was simply too reckless and too powerful, even within this heightened reality. For the safety of all, Kal-El was consigned to a tiny pocket “Paradise Dimension” with Alexander Luthor Junior of Earth-3 and the aging Kal-L and Lois Lane of Earth-Two. Over time, Kal-El-Prime fixated on somehow rescuing his former girlfriend Laurie Lemmon, and generally became deranged because of his losses. Frustrated and unrestrained with singular strength, Superboy-Prime began throttling reality itself with his incomparable might, fracturing the remaining multiverse into hairline tangents. Like Krona before him, Superboy-Prime was causing a crisis of infinite threat and proportion, leading to multiple engagements with the Lantern Corps. Now, though incarcerated in the Monsterlands, Superboy-Prime is stirring again, and only his new friend Volthoom can truly relate to his predicament…
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
cover by BRETT BOOTH
THE LORDS OF ORDER & CHAOS TIE-IN! As part of the Infinite Crisis, Harbinger was able to see one of the fondest wishes of her adoptive father, the Monitor, to fruition. From out of the debris of lost universes, Lyla helped craft a new Earth-2, within which the original Superman and Lois Lane could be released to relive their lives. Likewise, the Atlantean Kara joined them in the revised universe, becoming Kal-L’s long lost cousin, Supergirl. While going through Lana Lang’s effects in search of clues to her killer, Lyla and Kara are stunned to find among them artifacts of the Jor-L from the first incarnation of Earth-Two. Meanwhile, Val-Zod clashes with Xenon the Imprisoned, but the true threat is Lana’s killer looking on from the shadows. Featuring guest art from classic Harbinger penciler Ian Churchill, who launched the 2005 series!
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by DAVID BARNETT
CONQUEST OF THE BARON EARTH TIE-IN! Azrael agonizes over Zandia’s lack of a role in the European crisis, but his attempt at late intervention may make matters worse. Mother Mayhem orders an inquisition of Ryak, and what Confessor learns fuels Church of Blood prophesy. While Ulu Vakk confronts Lady Zand with the liberated Lonna Leing, Dawnstar and Jan Arrah reenter H.I.V.E. in search of further prisoners from their time. Meanwhile, it seems Tommy Jagger offered less a cure than a disease, and Infectious Lass may be the only person who can save the people of Zandia from his sickness. Worse, the Order of the Cross strike against the followers of St. Dumas, clearing a path for the Centurions to seize the false messiah Azrael.
ON SALE 05.19.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by G. WILLOW WILSON
art & cover by PAUL SMITH
Spinning out of the pages of DOOMSDAY CLOCK & ATOMIC! The Shadow Lords’ trap has been sprung, bringing about a new world order. Their Stormwatch Intercontinental now patrols the globe, capable of putting down any threats to their planetary rule. With the Justice League no more, numerous other challengers neutralized, and even the alien refugees being deported from Earth, their control appears complete.
Despite faltering at Shadowspire, there is yet a collective of heroes to fight back against these nihilistic fascists. Aided by Staq Mavlen before his demise, Ray Palmer located the 30th Century telepath Imra Ardeen within a dank prison, the captive of Adrian Veidt. Her own mission to save Superman, Johnny Thunder, and the new Rorschach Reggie Long has failed, but Veidt himself offered a path to redemption. The son of Erika Manson and Marcos Maez held special meaning to Doctor Manhattan, who left the boy to be raised by the former Silk Spectre and Nite-Owl in 1992. That boy, now adult, is somewhere on Earth with the full inheritance of power from his “foster father,” capable of correcting the time stream to save… everyone?
Dr. Osterman had prophesied before his disappearance, “In the year 2020, Superman’s timeline is bombarded by the reckless energies of the Old Gods, once again warping the Metaverse.” Instead, the New Gods brought about his end in that year, or have they? So many threads to pull on this harrowing new reality, and who better than the survivors of the classic Justice League, joined by their proud legacy from 1,000 years in the future? The Atom and Saturn Girl escape with Elongated Man, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, herself drawn to reunite her cohorts in serving The Life Entity during Brightest Day. But first, they need allies and a base to plan their next moves, and after a quick stop for Sue Dibny, they are directed to Monument Point, Virginia. Former mayor Jay Garrick is also under fire from the government after aiding XS & Kid Flash against A.C.E., and is ready to get back into the race as The Flash. Hot in pursuit is the Shadow Cabinet, led by the aged Veidt’s heir apparent, Cleopatra Pak… the villainess Nostalgia.
ON SALE 5.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by ALYSSA WONG
With the Baronry Conflict escalated to the nth degree and the action moving eastward, Sarge Steel determines that a second regional branch of Task Force X would be necessary. Guilt-ridden over her failure to act on concerns about Markovia, the former Outsider swordwoman Katana has agreed to lead this suicide squad. Her first mission is simply to establish a base of operations in the region, except the Sarge insists upon the lawless nation of New Gamorra. Merely reaching the island and navigating its underworld promises to be a lethal proposition. Assisting Katana will be her second in command, Munira “Muni” Khairuddin, also known as Obscura. Those conscripted into this grinding initial mission include the nanite-enabled unkillable Xombi; the vampire biker Screech; Kwai, the last incarnation of an ancient Chinese mythological being (and former gang member;) the power-armored Khmer Rako, with his X-Ionizer sword capable of splitting Captain Atom; Tats and the supernatural constructs manifested from her illustrated body; the cyborg Server Aja; and the Syrian terrorist Darkwolf. Can this “hari-kari clan” pass through the gauntlet to reach Nanto City, and what will be left of them if they do?
ON SALE 05.19.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by PETER J. TOMASI
Tempest’s Squadron follows the Overmaster’s ship as it hovers above the Republic of Tynanda. Once Overmaster disembarks in Gamin City, the heroes prepare to confront the menacing giant. However, Overmaster insists that he’s only arrived to watch the show in Europe, and points out the role Deathstorm will play in his nuclear fusion with the reserve A.L.L.S.T.A.R. Ronnie Raymond! Well out of his depths, the submarine cyborg General Haifisch attempts to recruit Overmaster for the cause of the Final Reich, and the spectacle has drawn the attention of the Ravagers, but is this all just a distraction from the true threat?
ON SALE 05.05.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
art by DAN MORA
cover by PHIL CHO
Insect Queen variant cover by JAMES SHERMAN
With a homicidal Superboy on the loose, the Contessa directs the Agenda to ready another Kon-El clone. Using remains retrieved from Doctor Calligan, she wishes to insure her Strikeforce will be enough to take down Jonathan Lane Kent. At LexCorp, Luthor welcomes J.L.K. and his adoptive father Harvest’s “final solution” to the metahuman problem, offering the resources of himself and like-minded individuals to their ends. Abandoned by his co-creation Reignman, John Henry Irons tries to exploit his temporary access to Cadmus’ systems, but runs afoul of Maribel and Little Knipper. Lana Lang, Chris Kent, Natasha Irons, and Andrew Pulaski attend the funeral of Michael Henderson, the last Guardian. Also in attendance is Jamie Harper, and her daughter by Mon-El. Lee, the former Linda Danvers, is headed to Bete Noire to check on Kandor when she finds herself seated next to a talkative Wally Johnson. Thanks to the information provided by Hector Hammond on the Earth-0 Superman, the Contessa confronts Lana about her long and secret past history with Cadmus, or more rather, her literal future with the entity.
ON SALE 05.19.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
At the one year mark, it’s proper to start a few new series. One point you evoke is that DC never did anything with its version of the Silver Samurai from Captain Atom. Thanks for bringing him back.
It’s that unlucky thirteenth month that you really have to watch out for…
written by JON RIVERA
Cave Carson variant cover by GUSTAVO DUARTE
Thanks to the Purple Healing Ray, the Challengers and their associates in the Forgotten Heroes are back in action, but still dodging authorities in Morocco. When the modern Killer Shark enlists with the N.E.M.O. (Nautical Enforcement of Macrocosmic Order,) Dane Dorrance and Dolphin lead Jimmy Olsen, Renee Montoya, Buddy Baker, and Maxwell Williams against their campaign of coastal piracy. Meanwhile, Cave Carson and Christopher Chance try to give Checkmate the slip. Plus, Congorilla, Rex the Wonder Dog, Angel & the Ape seek out the former denizens of Gorilla City in the Ravagers-induced diaspora.
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
cover by BRETT BOOTH
Doom Patrol card stock variant cover by CLIFF CHIANG
Having escaped Africa with the help of Stormwatch Central, Beast Boy and his friends seek out the Chief in India, exiting the frying pan into the fire. Decades ago, Jur-Il was shrunk by Brainiac in the final moments of Krypton-3, and spent the intervening years becoming the Crime-Lord of Kandor III. During the Convergence, it was this evil mirror universe bottle city that was presented to the Man of Steel, and which Strikeforce Superman rescued at the Fortress of Solitide from Rogol Zaar. Escaping Kandor³ and arranging to be restored to normal height by Thomas Dinawa, Jur-Il then took advantage of the concept of “Earth-0” to mascaraed as the Joe-El of that world to torture Superman and his family. Now he’s directing the Crime Syndicate in an invasion, and only the combined efforts of the “Beast Buddies,” the Doom Patrols, the Insiders, the New Brotherhood of Evil, and the army of Baron von Chaos to save our Earth!
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
written by JORDAN CLARK
cover by ANDY SMITH
In the howling silence of departed deities like the Erdammeru and the New Gods, emerging religious extremism has taken hold, with Deron Ved forced to quell interstellar holy war between followers of the Hawkgod and the Lord Beyond the Void on Thanagar, while Lydea Mallor addresses worshipers of Sena the Wanderer and the N’Odens near the Citadel of Eternity. Meanwhile, Darkstar Synn investigates the destructive beam that ripped through the Sol System, streaking ever outward. Lord Defile discovers Rami’s assault on Darkstar Ultraa, but is it in the Daemonites’ interest to dig deeper? The D’amsi attempt to bring Darkstar Kanjar Ro up on charges regarding the disappearances of Kromm of Mosteel and Sayyar of Llarr, only to put The Cooperative in the crosshairs of the Controllers who authorized their arrests. At the request of the Director of Galactic Affairs, Darkstar Waller is dispatched to Earth in pursuit of the Metan fugitive Loma Shade. Tracing the Avian to the body of a young woman named Megan Boyer, Amanda gets more than she bargained for from Shade’s stolen Madness Vest.
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by IVÁN BRANDON
Bushmaster cover A by PLANET AMS
Extraño cover B by PHIL JIMENEZ
Fire cover C by ROMEO TANGHAL
Mujer Maravilla cover D by JIM LEE
Nautika cover E by ANDY BENNETT
Union cover F by BRETT BOOTH
Ya’Wara cover G by IVAN REIS
CROSSOVER WITH DART & THE GRIFTER! The Cult of the Kobra God has already struggled under the rival leadership of Regulus, but now Dean Higgins has become the human host of Eclipso! The Basilisk faction’s black diamond has led to the “eclipsing” of Grifter’s Covert Action Team 7 in Paraguay, made up of Deathstroke, Kurt Lance, Deathblow, John Diggle, CyberJack, & the Pirate King. Basilisk has begun to cut a bloody swath through South America, attracting the attention of Stormwatch South. While Maria Mendoza, the “Wonder Woman of Peru,” battles the Dragoneer with her golden Tapac-Yauri staff, the Brazilian amazon Ya’Wara and Venezuela’s premier superhero Bushmaster contend with the resurrected bounty huntress Lady Hex astride Grokk the Living Gargoyle. Further, the InterSect corporation has leveraged Sarge Steel to deploy a Task Force X operation involving Goldface and Killer Frost, adding yet another faction to a conflict already involving International Operations’ Black Razors, the revived Mercs, and Bloodmoon’s Kindred. Meanwhile, Dart, Spy Smasher, Agent Orange, and Agent Wax pursue the Daemonite Voodoo, but her ties to Helspont’s new Cabal triggers a conflict between the Protectorate and the Shadow Cabinet, catching Ohmen in the middle. A DC Comics/Dynamite Entertainment co-production!
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with seven covers.
Please see the order form for details.
written by AMRUTA PATIL
card stock variant cover by DUSTIN NGUYEN
CROSSOVER WITH STORMWATCH INTERCONTINENTAL! Grifter and the crew of the Haunted S.T.A.R. Cyber-Tank were barely surviving the onslaught of various forces before a Lord of Chaos turned up, and their time is running out. A terrifying vision of the future helps Dart escape the influence of the Council of Homeworld Security and give their agents the slip, aided by ex-senator Lorraine Reilly’s undercover helper, Caitlin Snow. Seeking out Grifter’s patron Gnome, a favor from his “friend” Professor Ivo allows Erin to add the power of the automaton Tomorrow Woman to her burgeoning Wild Covert Action Team. Joining the towering superstrong Eggite Babe, the energy being Firehawk, the Durlan shapeshifter Chameleon, and the cat-lady Felicity, the group must rescue Erin’s lover and finally secure a vessel to escape the imperiled Earth! But first they’ll have to get through a squad of Alien Containment Enforcement Officers in LEX-0-Suits, as well as Stormwatch’s Green Flame, Nautika, & Extraño. A DC Comics/Dynamite Entertainment co-production!
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
I once stayed at the Stormwatch Intercontinental overnight, all I got were these lousy towels.
“I don’t mean to brag; I don’t mean to boast. But I’m intercontinental when I eat French toast.”
Tapestry variant cover by TOM RANEY
“ALL GODS CHILDREN” CONTINUES! Familiar with the circumstance, Jennifer Morgan comforts Donna Troy as she reels from the revelation of her son’s survival. The life of an Amazon can be unforgiving however, as yet another complainant arrives on the shore of Themyscira. Queen Kalista of Euphorix is searching for Blackfire, and has exploited Okaara’s ties to the Coda Sisterhood for passage to Skartaris via Doom’s Doorway. Kalista’s Kherubim associate Mythos had tracked the Tamaranean to the Lost World, and the Coda have their own stake, as their oracle Delphae has foreseen that she has taken up company with the enemy sorceress Tapestry. For reasons unknown, demigods and mystically sensative beings have begun a pilgrimage into the Hollow Earth, and Lord Chaos is chief among them! With Grail having somehow escaped Reformation Island, the demigoddesses Circe and her daughter Lyta prepare to join their party…
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
Apokolips is abandoned by its rulers! The cultist Aagog has been dispatch, his odyssey to restore the Yuga Khan and claim the Torment Sanction ending in ruin. Zonuz, the last Old God, remained imprisoned by the wizard Shazam. The Overslaver was cowed, and Captain Vyle himself lay broken at Bear’s feet in the Slave Pits. A hard fought route to the Mass-Director Unit revealed at its end a cold object, covered in soot, sitting in disuse. Then– there was new light! Who is more fit to rule in Darkseid’s absence than Lord Kalibak, long the Scourge of Apokolips? Chronically disregarded, the forgotten son’s secret pact with his uncle Izaya had finally broken the interminable cycle of favored child Orion versus their manipulative, absent parent. Without even the memory of his long murdered mother Suli, neglected in his father’s pursuit of the throne, discounted as a viable heir by Darkseid’s Elite, Kalibak didn’t need to foster his own brilliance when he could be lifted up by the Highfather’s. How many times must Kalibak wrestle with the now deceased Man of Steel, after repeatedly thwarting the Black Racer himself, before his proper respect could be claimed? Kalibak’s simple, predictable cruelty made him a far more desirable overseer of Apokolips to its populace than haughty Himon or the rest of his own family, and Bear’s small rebellion finds little purchase on a world that longs for barbarism, leaving him a prime specimen for Kalibak’s Torment Chambers…
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
variant cover by NEAL ADAMS
The Atomic Age has dawned, and with it rapidly advancing technology and extraordinarily powerful new strains of humanity that threaten the suddenly precarious existence of Earth civilization. Hank Heywood is one of the superhumans, but relishes the opportunity to brutally police his own, after they rejected his extreme ideology and uncouth manner. The rest of “The Club” are mostly aging dilettantes whose turn as minor “mystery men” came too late in life to be enjoyed for long, and were themselves eclipsed by the likes of the seething former “Commander Steel.” They all fear being displaced, whereas for Thomas “King” Faraday, the motivation was “noblesse oblige”– the aristocrat’s sense of duty to their society. King doesn’t feel the same sense of inferiority as his fellows, and recognizes the need to harness these emerging resources against sometimes ancient threats. Still, Faraday has been active since the war, and even accounting for premature graying, years chain smoking on the danger trail have taken their toll. Contemporaries like Matty Raven and Cliff Hoyt had already been walked off the world stage, and his associate Elijah Snow has kept him apprised of developments like the international Daemonite insertions via his annual Planetary Guide. Faraday may not have a role to play in this new era, or at least not one to be desired, for much longer. Shaken by his meeting in Japan with Bert Brandon, agent of Interplanetary Insurance Incorporated, King catches a ride home with Blackhawk while planning to investigate an intriguing phenomena. Not quite a “super-hero,” so as not to alarm H.U.A.C., but this “Captain Comet” has certainly piqued Faraday’s interest…
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.
written by TIM SHERIDAN
CROSSOVER WITH NIGHTWING OVER METROPOLIS! Roy Harper has fallen to Talal Joudeh, whose blood lust is out of control, thanks to the manipulations of his mentor Dagon the Nightrider. That leaves Hawkfire to the nonexistent mercies of Promise, while Mirage attempts to confront Jason Todd. However, Red Hood’s debt to Talia al Ghul is called in by Honor Guest and the White Ghost, who demand the services of the Dark Outlaws in Khadym. Leviathan has been compromised by the Lu’un Darga, with Suren believed to be the mastermind behind the rampage of the League of Assassins and other recent catastrophic events. However, Miri and their daughter are a living reminder of Jason’s time as Deathwing, Dick Grayson’s stand-in from Monarch’s alternate version of the year 2001, and the time lord isn’t himself finished with Todd. Five years from now, Terry McGinnis will be killed by an abominable hybrid of a Batman and the Joker created by Brother Eye, while Tim Drake will be exiled another quarter-century in time beyond to serve as a new Batman. At least, that’s how Monarch’s ally the Key tells it, from one of the futures Red Hood is expected to end before it begins. Plus, fearing Promise and her new allies, the Calculator has dispatched the child assassin Cricket…
ON SALE 05.26.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
Putting a new City in Montana seems pretty problematic on Yellowstone!
Okay hear me out: It’s a big city because Yellowstone is its Central Park. But Yellowstone has been shrunk to fit with Brainiac technology.
written by CHUCK DIXON
cover by NEIL VOKES
The surviving leadership of the Vampire Nation recover their symbiotic armor from safehouses and the corpses of Mother One, Jester, and Grail. Maritza Blackbird is also forced to surrender her symbiote due to questions about her loyalties, thanks to her werewolf heritage. With Were Nation aligned with The Final Reich, it’s all out war within S.H.A.D.E., especially among the Creature Commandos. The twins Wayne & Hollis Hobbard are forced to take sides by their former comrade Albert Michaels, but what if SKULL doesn’t like their answer? Douglas Herald, still wrestling with guilt over the murder of his sister Marene, is manipulated by Monarch into spilling the secrets of Command-D. Why would Buddy Blank and his grandson Tommy be of interest to the temporal tyrant?
ON SALE 05.26.20
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by ALEX de CAMPI
art by PHIL CHO
cover by JIM LEE
Jason Bard has finally returned to Gotham City, allowing him to release Deadman with the supernatural cure to Vertisol. However, Sonia Sato is waiting for him, with questions about Tommy Jagger and Ben Turner. The second Judomaster has been murdered, and the evidence points to the League of Assassins. Given that evidence suggests both of Bard’s recent associates have been brainwashed into murder by the League, either could be suspects or leads. As it happens, Sara Lance has also arrived at the airport from Johnny Thunder’s funeral, with her own concerns about Bard’s relationship to Hawkfire and Jason Todd…
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
written by PETER J. TOMASI
cover by NARATANI
The national intelligence community has been gutted by the Rigor virus, with the C.B.I., S.P.I.D.E.R., Scorpio, S.C.Y.T.H.E., and C.O.B.A.L.T. effectively eradicated.
All is not going as Brion Markov and Dr. Jace had planned, when Leviathan shifts support to villainous factions once believed to be Markovian dupes, which were essential to the King’s alliance with the Night Tribes. Despite being short the ailing Jack O’ Lantern, Beaumont, Looking Glass, and The Knight, the Markovian Insiders are apprehended by the standing Knights Inc. members Canterbury Cricket, Crusader, Godiva, Golden Pharaoh, The Hood, Lionheart, and Mrs. Hyde.
Predictably, ex-Checkmate Rook Cinnamon’s deal with Neron has come back to see to her end, caught conspiring with Baron Winters’ betrayer, Red Devil. Less foreseeable was that her dealings with Infernal and Brimstone would lead to Deathstorm.
Intolerant of Zandia’s neutrality, and the free movement of enemy elements within, Baron Blitzkrieg demands fealty to the Final Reich from Lady Zand. Instead, she manipulates Azrael into a three-way conflict between the Baron and the forces of S.H.A.D.E.
In Japan, Baron Katana is murdered by Lord Death Man, on orders from the League of Assassins.
Thanks to the sacrifice of Tommy Monaghan, Jackson Hyde reaches safety in Sub Diego, fully aware that the alliance between Onyx and the Shadow Cabinet allows only the briefest of respites.
Colonel Steve Trevor and Baronesses Paula Von Gunther have their final battle, as no one gets out alive!
Rejected by his daughter upon his return to the United States, Black Lightning seeks redemption through an offer made by Victor Stone.
The underground kingdom of Abyssia selects a new Looker to avenge the murder of their queen.
The Final Reich loses a key operative when The Spectre sends the Mawzir back to Hell.
ON SALE 05.12.21
$3.99 US | 11 OF 12 | 32 PAGES
This did not help me figure out what to do with Looker in the next episode.
That’s easy. Entirely new character with vision powers. A super-voyeur whose knowledge of the heroes’ most intimate secrets makes them their greatest threat and the most sought after prize of the villain community.
I’m stealing that notion if not that idea.
Cover by ALEX ROSS
The world’s first super-heroes return in this volume, written by Alex Ross (JUSTICE, KINGDOM COME) and Geoff Johns (GREEN LANTERN, ACTION COMICS) with stunning art by Dale Eaglesham (VILLAINS UNITED) & Art Thibert (OUTSIDERS)! In the aftermath of INFINITE CRISIS, the multiverse has been restored, and with it the “Golden Age” heroes of Earth-2. With the Infinitors disbanded and the continuing legacy of the Justice Society in doubt, founding members Dr. Fate, Flash, and Wildcat initiate an unprecedented recruitment program, tracking the bloodlines of heroes across the world! Their search leads them to a dark secret kept since the closing of the Second World War, when the majority of the mystery men seemed to vanish! Fearing a world dominated by the super-powered, one of their own wielded an accursed urn to trap most of their generation for over half a century. But now, the former members of the JSA and their new charges Starman, Damage, and Liberty Belle will uncover the Fighting Yank’s betrayal, unleashing lost legions that includes the original Daredevil, Black Terror, The Flame, and Blue Beetle! This hardcover collects the first story arc (issues #0-7) of The Super Powers, featuring behind the scenes sketches, character designs, and a complete cover gallery by Alex Ross, Michael Turner, and more!
ON SALE 05.12.21
$39.99 US | 200 PAGES