The Wonder Show features its most overbearing guest yet — and that is saying something, because this is a podcast that has Terra-Man as a regular, for crying out loud!
Featuring: Justice League of America v1 #224
Images from this episode:
Music by Hoyt Curtin and the Manic Street Preachers.
With special thanks to Will Rodgers for providing the voice of Green Arrow, and to Rob Kelly for providing the voice of Paragon.
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This is the most anyone ever needs to hear from me.
I doff my hat to you, Xum, for another fine episode. This was my first encounter with this Justice League story, and I loved it. The interactions between the different members of the League were particularly enjoyable. Also, I like that the friendship and camaraderie displayed in the restaurant scene at the start of the story is what leads to Paragon’s defeat in the end. I don’t think you tend to see that quality of teamwork in modern comics, which saddens me.
I also have to congratulate you, Rob, on your portrayal of Paragon. I got a definite Simpson’s Comic Book Guy vibe from him, which was an inspired choice. That alone had me chuckling every time Paragon made an appearance in the episode.
Finally, Xum, I wish you the best as you deal with whatever troubles life may have thrown your way.
And Rob says he can’t act. I now and forevermore call BS!
Great show fellas. I loved this issue of JLA from the moment I got it off the stands. Between the great story and the Chuck Patton art, this was one of the last great hurrahs before Aquaman broke my heart in JLA Annual #2.
I thought Paragon’s look was kind of cool, but his color choices were abysmal. I did love the sound of his puffy satiny sleeves as he walked too and fro!
Well done Professor Xum! Thank you for taking up the call and exploring this issue of JLA which is one of my all time favorite done in one comics. I can certainly hear as Brian said earlier about the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons vibe coming from Rob Kelly in his portrayal of Paragon. I had another initial thought about Rob’s performance and it was that his portrayal reminded me of Steve Martin’s snooty waiter from the Muppet movie. So perfect! A total pretentious ass is what Paragon is and Rob pulled him off beautifully. Well done! As usual the Xum crew was in excellent standing and made for a most enjoyable romp through this classic tale that keep on a very high pedestal. Also, so many bonus points for the effect of the satin costume rubbing together on Paragon as he huffed out of the room repeatedly.
Thank you!
Another highly enjoyable episode! I always appreciate Xum pointing out nuances that I might have overlooked, such as the way Dinah’s face was hidden during her beatdown from Paragon…I suspect that might have been an effort to minimize the brutality of the scene, although leaving her expressions to the reader’s imagination could have the opposite effect!
Great performance by Rob, and I enjoyed the well-thought-out explanation of Paragon’s confinement protocols. Thanks for another great episode!
Thanks for another terrific episode, boys. I remember this issue, I completely missed the cover homage at the time.
Ah Paragon, absorbs the talents of everyone except a decent costume designer. I enjoyed this re-read even more than when I read it contemporaneously, thanks to your insights and commentary.
I didn’t get disturbed at all by Dinah being in a very physical fight, it’s her thing and it didn’t seem any worse than any other fight. I just saw a superheroine doing what she does best, let down by underestimating her foe. It’s not like he was beating her up with the powers of Superman. I do realise that, abilities and experience or not, some people just can bear the idea of women fighting men.
I loved the story, and the art was first rate – Chuck Patton was brilliant, and who doesn’t look better under Dick Giordano? (Sorry, that sounds a bit rude…). If a story features Ollie and Dinah, you want Dick.
I don’t thing you focused on it – apologies if I missed it – but page 22, in which the Leaguers attack Paragon one by one, and the most we see of any of them is Wonder Woman’s fist… brilliant.
I don’t think you missed any examples of Prof Stein having a sense of humour in Firestorm, Xum, he was always crusty/bemused/drunk/asleep. Not a typical sparkling Martin.
Well done Rob, great voice work – I was chuffed to bits when I recognised you.
Whatever is happening to flatten your mood, good luck Xum.
Oh, and was that the first ever ‘numpty’ on the network?
Impressive Podcast. Most impressive. Sounds like an interesting villain. Sadly I don’t think he’s been used since. Was funny hearing Rob voice him. The art work in the comic looked good. And you both did a good job on the pod cast. And many radio show bit ya’ll did before talking about the comic. Can’t wait to hear the next pod cast.
Outstanding job on this podcast! Great work, Rob! I also like the “satin-y” sound effects as Paragon exited and entered the studio.
This issue has always stood out in my memory, and not for the story. It was because of those opening pages, and the subsequent pages, of Ollie, Hal, and Clark at the restaurant. This was what I had always wanted to read, but had seen far too rarely. This is the Justice Leaguers as pals. Super friends, just enjoying each others company. Sure, I read superhero comics for the action and super battles and the like, but my fandom developed as a fondness for these characters. Not the name, or the costume, but who they were. When so much of that was utterly altered, I lost my desire to read about these heroes, because their characters had been so fundamentally changed.
I also particularly liked (going completely on 30+ year old memories now) Clark’s determination to get to Dinah’s aid. Patton conveyed his body language so well. Jaw set, eyes forward, moving as fast as he dared while dressed as Clark. Also, his (Clark’s) physical reaction when he hears Dinah’s cry. Patton also did a great job drawing Hal, trying to smile and leave money for the waitress, while seeming to apologize for the sudden departure of his friends. Great stuff.
To paraphrase Quincy Magoo, “Oh, Xum, you’ve done it again!”
Tim Price enjoyed this Done-In-One story very much. Tim Price hadn’t read this issue before, and was pleasantly surprised to find the DCU app has it. So now Tim Price could see the fantastic artwork and excellent storytelling. Excellent choice for the show, Solomon Grundy.
Tim Price was also chuckling at Solomon Grundy outsmarting Mr Smarty Pants Paragon into doing the chores. Way to go, Grundy! But yes, Paragon was so entertaining to hear. (Great job, Rob!) It would be fun to have him back again sometime.
Best wishes, Little Professor Man. Thanks for helping Grundy on his show.
Sorry for the late response — it seems I’m behind on everything lately, including listening to podcasts. But what a treat to open up my pod feed after too long and see a welcome new episode of Done-In-One Wonders!
I had not read this JLA issue before, but it sounds like a winner (no surprise, coming from Kurt Busiek)! And very densely-packed, even by Bronze Age DC standards. A big concept like this would play out over a year or more in a modern comic.
I continue to be impressed by both your sharp analysis of the comics, as well as the highly entertaining skits you use as a framework for the discussion. Hearing “Paragon” hold forth over the course of the show made it even more satisfying when the JLA gave him his comeuppance in the comic. The Xum Crew never disappoints!