This is the Batman. The following are selected excerpts from LANOS’ holographic digital files of BATMAN v1 issue 336. Or as I refer to it: “Monarch of Menace Case File 3.” For a closer look, move your cursor over any image and the main button on your pointer device will make it bigger. And don’t forget to follow proper etiquette and leave commentary on the “show page,” which you can access here.
The Bouncer was indeed a powerful adversary — despite his ridiculous pose…
The main villain was revealed… and yet not.
The Professor was correct — artist José Luis García-Lόpez (praised be his name), did brilliantly depict Alfred’s “air of British dignity.
I am sure Alfred’s circulatory system will thank me later…
The Professor called this a “POW-SOCK-ZOWIE” fist fight. I am not sure why…
That would be another crime for which the Monarch would pay.
Another dramatic sequence by the cinematic José Luis García-Lόpez (praised be his name). And now I understand the “Tom and Jerry” reference.
It was interesting to see how that fight looked from the Spellbinder’s point of view.
My adventures tend to degenerate to fist-fights, don’t they?
Always take advantage of your opponents whenever possible.