Mountain Comics #28 – Marvel Super-Heroes #67


Rob welcomes fellow Poconos vacationer Keith Bowman to the cabin to discuss Marvel Superheroes #67, starring The Incredible Hulk!

Check out images from this comic by clicking here!

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12 responses to “Mountain Comics #28 – Marvel Super-Heroes #67

  1. As I said in a previous comment, it’s the reminiscing about comics that is the real charm of this show. The specific comic is far less important. I also have a collection of comics in a binder that contains comics that have strong sentimental value. Among them are the first comics that I decided to keep and build a collection around, the first two comics I bought with my own money, earned from a paper route, and a comic that was given to me as a gift from my first girlfriend. Most of these books are in poor condition, but they mean a lot to me And are more valuable than gold.
    There are two places I remember getting comics from as a child that kept books in the racks indefinitely. One was a corner drugstore In the town my dad lived in, and the other was a local magazine shop in my hometown. It was great because I knew I could go there and find issues from the previous months I might have missed. I know as far as the magazine shop was concerned, as long as there was room on the racks for the new books, he saw no reason to pull the old books. “Kids will buy em eventually.”
    Thanks for anther great trip down memory lane.

  2. Great discussion guys! I have a great understanding of the geography of the Poconos now. It’s a pleasure to hear Keith after following his posts on Plaid Stallions.

    I believe the Sandman outfit was designed by Jack Kirby for the Fantastic Four title when he became a semi-regular foe of theirs via his membership in the Frightful Four. I never liked the look either. You can’t beat that “thug” look, as Rob put it.

    I dug the Marvel Super Heroes comic as a kid, and actually liked Trimpe’s art over what was in the current Hulk comic, which I think was Sal Buscema. Trimpe’s Hulk had more of a strangely monstrous look to me, whereas Buscema looked like a big angry guy. Neither is wrong, I just prefer Trimpe.


  3. In fairness to the Marvel Subscription department. Shogun Warriors and Moon Knight were both written by Doug Moench so they’re not that different.

  4. Thanks for an enjoyable trip down memory lane, gentlemen. I loved those reprint titles. Getting all those great old stories — experiencing Marvel’s history at current cover prices, not back issue premiums — felt almost like a gift.

  5. Coincidentally, there was an issue of Marvel Super-Heroes in my own Summer Comics (Texas Comics, I guess). it’s the one with the Hulk fighting Rhino (#105). It came in a double back at the small Wal-Mart in town, with Uncanny X-Men #153 (which I did a Find Your Joy about).

    The X-Men issue led me to collecting X-Men, but I never saw another issue of MSH on the stands. #105 was, in fact, the last issue.

  6. Impressive podcast. Most Impressive. Ah cool to hear ya’ll were at the same lodge thing. Homes didn’t get to read many comics because of religion …oy. Sorry to hear that. So seems like a cool comic. I wasn’t a bog fan of Herbs art style. This one or the Rob Lefield type style he changed to in the 90s. But, he got the Job done. “A villain talks in third person.” Don’t let Prof Al hear that. Since his fav character is Doom.

    Or The Rock. I think Sand Man first used that costume in the FF. When he joined the Frightful Four. Dale Keown or Big John was my fav Hulk artist. Still was a cool pod cast. Though ya’ll did spend more time talking about the Lodge than the comic…just saying. Still sounds like ya’ll had fun at the lodge. And collecting comics from that time. I remember the 3 comics in one they were great. I got Supes John Bryne rune.

    And the Simonson Thor run. And a few X-Men comics.

  7. Super show, guys! I love to hear stories of the spinner racks. I used to dream of the access we enjoy today, yet still I look back fondly on how it was back then- the uncertainty of whether or not you would find your favorite title, the excitement of trying something new when your favorites weren’t in stock. Thanks for the trip to the mountains!

  8. Yeah, this was a really enjoyable conversation to listen to – I loved all of your reminiscences about common childhood vacation stomping grounds.
    And yeah, I can totally relate to Keith’s insistence on flipping to the back page of a comic to see if it has the caption box with the dreaded words “to be continued” or “continued next ish!” or something similar. I was that way for quite a while, as spotty spinner rack distribution where I lived meant I would likely never get the complete story. That was one of the factors that led me to actually drop most superhero titles for about a year and a half (from the summer after third grade until the summer before fifth) in favor of Archie and funny animal (mainly Disney duck) comics.

  9. Matt Sirois wrote what I would have written, were I as timely and eloquent as he! That’s why I love this show. It always takes me back to those halcyon days, even if the comic under discussion is not one I’ve read.

  10. Thanks for a wonderful episode, it was a real treat hearing you ‘brothers from another cabin’ reminise. Maybe Keith will make it back to Rob’s personal mountain next year…

    I’m so sorry to hear about the five-year falling out with your parents, Keith – that must have been so rough, and how awful to lose your possessions.

    I’m amazed to hear that there was apparently nothing for kids to do in the mountains – no organised programme to keep the bairns busy at all? Why did the parents inflict this on the children? Surely it would mean weeks of moaning… ah yes, that’s where the comics came in. If I could hop a ride in Rob’s time machine, I’d set up a newsstand at the camp, selling comics and – what were they called? – Slurpees. I would make a mint!

    DC has in fact recently brought back word balloons on the covers, they haven’t quite got the knack of the super grabby dialogue yet, but they might get there

    I liked the Sandman‘s second costume, but not for the Sandman – I prefer him in his original stripey look too (good on him, wish I could get away with Pugsley hoops). So far as Hulk artists go, I like Herb’s Hulk best in Incredible Hulk, and Sal’s best in Defenders. Which makes no sense, as both talented fellas drew both books, but there you go!

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