TreasuryCast 87 – Rudolph!

Rob welcomes Bully the Little Stuffed Bull and his pal John to discuss DC Comics' Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer treasuries!

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Opening theme by Luke Daab:

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18 responses to “TreasuryCast 87 – Rudolph!

  1. I got a chuckle out of a mis-name that I do *all the time* about the actor who was in classic movies such as Dr. Strangelove, Blazing Saddles and nearly every TV show in the 60s and 70s including the MASH spinoff BJ and the Bear:

    Slim Whitman? The iconic singer we all know from the best selling K-Tel record commercials in the early 80s?

    Oops, I mean Walt Whitman?

    Oops, I mean those Whitman Samplers?

    It took me years to realize these were three different people and also had no connection to a box of chocolates.

    But seriously, Slim Pickins is one of those iconic actors who you immediately recognize with his distinct look and voice even if it’s hard to match his name to his face.

  2. Now I am wanting a special treasury edition featuring the further adventures of Rudolph & co. in the Archipelago of Last Years from the Rankin-Bass New Year’s special.

    And thank you for the dedication to Mike of Mike’s Amazing World. Sad to hear of his passing, but glad that his work will continue.

  3. A Christmas Treasury Cast without Chris Franklin? Isn’t that against the law or something?
    Even so, I liked your guests Bully and John – although I think you grown-ups are kind of mean, sending Bully to bed right away. I’m sure he would have had some wonderful insights into Rudolf,.. 😛

    By the way, the page in your gallery page showing the map of Rudolf and Grover’s search for the missing reindeer reminds me of one of those Family Circus dotted line comics…

  4. John and Bully basically came up with us in the blogging world, and the site was one of my daily pleasures (as was the Aquaman Shrine), so it was a real treat to hear him on a podcast!

  5. Rob,
    Of course Superman Tresury outsold Batman Batman’s uber popularity comes from the direct market in 1980s a lot of kids that would have only known Batman from Superfriends “im powerless without my Belt! Nobody liked THAT guy

    1. You forget the mega success of Batmania 1966, only rivaled by Beatlemania, and Bondmania in that decade, just a few years before this. Plus the perpetual reruns of the show that spawned it. Batman was still selling tons of merch off the gas in that Batmobile.

      1. yeah but a LOT OF kids thought that Batman was silly kids stuff (i KNOW i did Whereas SUPERMAN had a cool black and white tv show that looked like an old movie.
        I did’nt think much about Batman one way or the other untill BATMAN/HULK blew my flipping mind!

    2. I think a large reason the Superman Ross/Dini treasury outsold their Batman treasury was the fact that the Superman one came out first, and had the advantage of exciting readers with the “new” large format. I remember DC’s marketing push.

  6. Fun episode. Great way to handle these Rudolph books. I don’t think doing full episodes in depth discussion of every single one of these books would have been worth it. But you gotta honour Rudolph on the treasurycast. He was the original star of the DC treasuries, for better or worse. This was a great ep to give the red nosed guy his due.

    I’d also never heard about the cancelled Marvel Godzilla treasury and it hurts to know that could have happened and never did. I always thought the Marvel Godzilla series was underrated. If I were to hazard a guess as to why it didn’t happen, it was likely because Marvel only licensed the big G for Toho and not the other monsters. Fine for the main series, but doing that adaptation would require all of the rights to anll of other classic Toho monsters and I’ll bet the two companies weren’t able to work out a deal. However, I do have some good news for you. There is a Godzilla treasury! IDW published out. It’s a compilation of reprinted issues and art by James Stokoe and his hyper detailed images look incredible in the oversized format. I keep it on my shelf next to the Godzilla treasury. I recommend that you do the same.

    Also, if you were serious about soliciting guests for the 2001: A Space Odyssey treasurycast and don’t mind bringing someone radically unqualified, please consider me as at least an emergency back up option. I am a former professional film critic, which might help with this particular subject matter. I don’t have a podcast or anything to promote. I won’t bring in an existing fanbase to add to your listenership. But I do adore that book and your show and think I could easily chat about it for an hour with factoids and insights and joke em ups. Consider me your last resort.

    1. We’re all equals here, Rob, good luck!

      In other news, count me as another thrilled by the surprise appearance of John and Bully. I love, and now I love John. I do hope Bully slept well.

      It’s interesting that Rob mentions that both Rudolf and Superman headlined seven treasuries each… But did Rudolf ever Tomahawk his loyal readers?

      I agree that a story going round and round on the page is one of the wonderful things comic books can do that other medium can’t… how I hate it, having to turn the pages round and round. It’s even more annoying on digital if you forget to engage the rotation lock.

      It was fun to hear the Rudolf song on the outro, but have you ever noticed that the opening lyrics make no sense?

      You know Dasher, and Dancer, and
      Prancer, and Vixen,
      Comet, and Cupid, and
      Donder and Blitzen
      But do you recall
      The most famous reindeer of all

      If you ‘know’ the others, of course you’ll have heard of ‘The most famous reindeer of all’!

      Anyway, great show, I loved the discussion, you have me wanting to read the issues.

      Happy Holidays everyone, and if you don’t celebrate anything, an otherwise ‘all the best’ to you!

  7. Great show . I was listing to some of your back catalog of this show . And I especially enjoyed the dick Tracy episode. And I wanted to if ever watched the movie dick Tracy meets cue ball and dick Tracy meets gruesome ? Maybe you cover those on you move podcast with zooms son . Just A thought .

  8. Glad to hear Rudolph get his due. As someone who guested on most of the previous Christmas episodes of this show, I too apologize for taking any potshots at Rudolph. As John and Bully pointed out, comics should be fun, and these are. I’m a big fan of the song and ostensibly the Rankin/Bass special, although Santa is a real SOB in that one, and the other reindeer (minus Clarise) suck. I have never had much opportunity to read the DC Rudolph material, but I do have a strange little Rudolph ornament that looks like a micro children’s storybook, and reprints some material from the DC Rudolph series, giving DC full credit! Rudolph mastered many formats in his time at DC!

  9. I know I had a couple of these when I was single digit years old. I hadn’t given them a single thought since the seventies but once you started talking about them, I remembered the stories in detail. Many episodes of “Treasurycast” and “Batman Family Reunion” function like a time machine, taking me back decades and unearthing memories I didn’t even know I had. Thanks!

  10. Great show, guys. I was an early fan of Rudolph ever since it occurred to me what a dick Santa was to him in the animated special. I never read the treasuries or digests, but I wish they’d kept going. Considering the treasury trends at the time, I’m sure Rudolph vs. Superman was right around the corner. Then maybe a dark story called “Rudy” in the 80’s. Rudolph with a small head and large guns in the 90’s. Then topped off with Brad Meltzer’s “Rudolph meets Dr. Light.”

    Okay, maybe it’s better they ended when they did.

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