Batman Family Reunion #494 – Pinball, Fraternities, and the Crime Doctor!

Hold on to your shoes, bat-cousins! This month, we have another first-time podcaster (and our Patreon supporter), Brian Ciufo, join us at the Reunion! Dick and Jennifer go for a moonlight swim, Babs stares down a crime boss, and Bruce deals with a new threat to his secret identity! Black Lightning must deal with a troubled family, but we do get the return of Mr. Kool! (ish.)  Have some day-old snacks and enjoy the Reunion!

This month’s Bat Family History links for Charles Nicholas:,1942)

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11 responses to “Batman Family Reunion #494 – Pinball, Fraternities, and the Crime Doctor!

  1. Hey chums this cousin Bucky agin this time brought mushrooms swish black bean Burgers and chicken sandwiches Jeremy is manning the grill with cousin Adam helping also we brought some peanut Ace biscuits for the dogs . Since Scooby has Scooby snacks Ace has ace biscuits. Also bat cow is here (mooo!) does any one know how to milk a cow ?

  2. Great show guys! Brian is a podcasting natural.

    I was introduced to Dr. Dundee early, in one of the first comics I remember owning, Batman #304 (Oct. 1978), but I didn’t realize until today that was his first appearance, created by David V. Reed and Winslow Mortimer ! According to the DC, he made a total of 12 appearances, his last being Batman and the Outsiders #3 (Oct. 1983). So he was only around for five years! But as you guys pointed out, post-Crisis Alfred’s medical training was much more prominent. Plus, we now had Leslie Thompkins as a doctor who knew Bruce’s secret, so no need for Doctor Douglas Dundee!

      1. Another great episode guys (and not just because I got a really nice shout-out)!

        Brian knocked it out of the park with his podcast debut. He was well-versed in the material and came prepared. Brian, I hope you find your way into more podcasts in the future.

        Thank you, Shawn, for the shout-out in the listener feedback segment. I have played that sound clip a few (dozen) times for my family. Having lunch together and hanging out for a while at the Baltimore Comic-Con was a lot of

        I knew the end was coming, but hearing your reminder that this was the penultimate episode
        made me a little sad. I know we are going to
        hear from you guys in future shows, but this
        Bat-Family you’ve built will always hold a special
        place in my heart.

        Paul and Shawn, thanks for making this show such a fun experience and creating a real sense of family amongst the listening audience. I wish you both the best, not just for future podcasts, but in all aspects of your lives. You deserve it.

        1. Okay, this was supposed to be its own comment, not a reply. Oops

          It doesn’t change the sentiments, it just makes them oddly placed.

  3. I am calling it now: Uncle Paul and Uncle Shawn’s next project is WONDER WOMAN FAMILY ALBUM, covering the silver age “impossible” adventures of Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Wonder Tot, and Wonder Queen (Hippolyta), plus their numerous solo adventures!

    Sorry-not-sorry for spoiling next month’s surprise…

    I look forward to their biting commentary on Mer-boy and Bird-boy…

  4. I did not like “Ask the Answer Man” … I *Loved* that feature in the Daily Planet! Probably where I learned a lot about DC’s characters.

    Batman – “Doctor Doctor” by the Thompson Twins

    I also noticed the Thorne name and wondered if the Doc had a fifth cousin twice removed named Rupert.

    The Doctor did make a couple of mistakes in leaving the prescription note. First, he left behind a handwriting sample. Second, he has incredibly legible handwriting for a doctor. A doctor with good penmanship should be very easy to find.

    Tales of Gotham City – “Pinball Wizard” by The Who

    This is a good example of the “slice of life” stories this feature should do, but I agree, it’s missing something. Why did Flip flip out the way he did? Maybe some sort of flashback to when he was Juan’s age and he got his first chance as a runner, or past experience with the West End Gang would fill the blanks.

    Also, this could be a tale in just about any US city in 1980. Are we sure it’s Gotham? Maybe one of those guys that stopped Juan WAS Mr. Kool from last issue!

    Batgirl – “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel

    Her supporting cast is filling out – coworkers, a returning friend, a single dad and his daughter that may be friends… or possibly more?

    Robin – “Shout” by Lloyd Williams from Animal House

    Jennifer thinks Robin is a student, huh? Well, I hope she won’t notice if her boyfriend and Robin both should leave New Carthage for Gotham at the same time. That won’t be at all suspicious, right?

    Black Lightning – “Purple Rain” by Prince

    How sad is it that, even with pages missing on DC Universe Incomplete, this was still a better story than the Robin story?

    I still say next up is Superman Family. My wife asked about it and I swear she’s psychic. And I just realized something – the final episode comes out on my wedding anniversary.

  5. Hello, I’m not bringing anything to the barbecue this time, after all these picnics I think we need to diet.

    Excellent guest hosting spot from Brian!

    So, we’re almost done, but at least the show won’t be ending, just going in a Bold New Direction Because You Demanded It!

    The Crime Doctor story wasn’t bad, and it provided us with a fine main cover image… shame about the floating heads, Babs, especially, looked ghastly, a scratchy little thing. As regards the story, I know Batman was deputised in the Bronze Age, but going to meetings of the Police Department? Was he also a union man? And did Don Newton ever draw a Batman story in which Bruce kept his shirt on?

    I actually do like the way the Tales of Gotham City title is behind buildings, it’s neat.

    That Batgirl story has three exclamation marks – in my industry we call them dogs’ cocks – in the title. If I’d been Paul Levitz I’d have ripped it up on seeing that. Actually, I’m glad he didn’t because it’s so refreshing to see a comic book story that isn’t glorifying guns. Yes, firearms are scary, and Batgirl is right to remind us of that.

    Robin and Black Lightning were also in this comic book.

    Excellent Creator Focus on Charleses Nicholas!

    As regards the bonus strip with the Flash, Medusa is a great design. I expect turning a Hostess ‘food’ product to stone would likely improve the taste.

    Paul said he thought the first time DC gave us the Direct Current previews feature was in Amazing World of DC Comics – actually, it was in the April 1966 issues.

    In the comments, what was that John Hamm joke about? Is he going to be a guest on Superman Family Feud?

  6. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I’m happy to have the opportunity to contribute to one of my favorite shows on the network. Paul and Shawn are gracious hosts and I look forward to whatever they have up their sleeves – under their tunics? behind their capes? – next!


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