Cheers Cast 4.25: Strange Bedfellows Part 2

CHEERS Season 4, episode 25: “Strange Bedfellows Part 2”

Hosted by Ryan Daly with special guests J. David Weter.

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2 responses to “Cheers Cast 4.25: Strange Bedfellows Part 2

  1. The whole “Diane leaving bit” happened to me.

    When I was a teenager, I worked at a Roy Rogers restaurant for a few years. One day, in a fit of pique, I quit and walked out. I couldn’t drive then, so I had my Dad come pick me up. After I got in the car, he asked me where the lunch that my Mom packed me was. I told him that since I essentially stormed out, I had forgotten to grab it. For whatever reason, my Dad insisted I go get it. We argued because, who cares, it was a damn sandwich or something! But he was a total jerk about it, and drove me back to the restaurant.

    Mortified, I snuck back in through the back entrance, desperately hoping no one would see me after I had made such a scene. I sprinted to the walk in fridge where I had left the brown bag, grabbed it, and ran out. No one saw me. Luckily there was no Carla there to taunt me.

  2. The quitting/firing scene is an all-time classic. Smart, silly and dramatic all at once. “My reasons are enumerated here, below the graph.” is a line I can only aspire to writing.

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