Tough Like a Girl #58 – Anya’s Ghost

It’s the Halloween season, so Lis and Vera decide to take a look at a good old fashioned ghost story.

The TOUGH LIKE A GIRL Podcast is a Council of Geeks Production!

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One response to “Tough Like a Girl #58 – Anya’s Ghost

  1. Hi Lis and Vera.
    Impressive podcast most impresses. This seems like a decent enough story. I like the artwork will enough. I like the cover and the way it uses the art to highlight the typography. And also showing the two characters interacting with each other. Almost using the unit yang symbol for them and the dead space. I.e. the area that has nothing there but well space. Judging from this the art style is definitely a choice. Obviously the artist of this book has had some training. I have seen some underground orders that use a similar like style. But they clearly do not have training. Even the onomatopoeia seems to work in a way to help the story. Particular the way Anna yells help. And it stretches across the image. Helping with the storytelling. Some indie comic book artists don’t have this. Though this artist clearly knows how to storytelling. And they’re good at expressions as well. So the cartooning is definitely a choice. Even when images have dead space it seems to be for a storytelling reason. And not just rated wants to drop something. Which is impressive. The story itself is fine. The characters are decent.

    I’m guessing at some point she realizes the bone is with her and she gets rid of it. Since that would be the simplest way to get the ghost off on Anya’s back. I’m not that big a fan of ghost stories but this seems to work well enough. I was always more into vampires and whatnot. We would play Wrath of oblivion and I just couldn’t get into it. I always had more fun playing vampire the masquerade/world of darkness. The werewolves were decent enough that was also kind of okay. Mage surprise surprise was the game I was the worst at. Still having these characters interact minus one of them being ghost works well enough. Weirdly enough so when I worked at a different store. I knew a woman named Anya. She was from Russia as well.

    She did the cleaning. While she was part of the cleaning team. But she was kind of racist so I didn’t hang out with her. She had a dislike of African-American people. I just thought that was stupid. So I didn’t talk to her much. Currently widely Dave Chapelle so much. Since you seem to have a thin skin about certain things at him. But had no problem with going into a trans-phobic tirade. A few jokes are fine but after a while it’s like really? I personally have no time to hate someone because of their race, their creed, their sexual orientation their gender identity or any other century. I find human beings annoying enough to hate them for who they are as an individual person. Because I’m just a lovable person like that. At any rate the book you mentioned seems decent. I probably won’t pick it up. Because I’m lazy like that. Still, it seems that it’s a well produced comic. Oh getting back to my other joke from the last podcast. I had called the girl Colleen since when I heard Morgan. My mind went to the Irish myth of the Morrígan. So calling another girl Colleen to add to it. Was a play on Cú Chulainn. Hence giving her the dog. That’s just for my mind went where the name Morgan.

    That and Dragon age. Any rate can’t wait Podcast

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